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[General] Former KYM neo-nazi (& brony) plans mass Columbine-style shooting, gets arrested

Last posted Mar 06, 2015 at 01:45PM EST. Added Feb 20, 2015 at 08:15AM EST
114 posts from 82 users

Sigh, it's sad that I have to read about this user. I wish we could get happier threads about the KYM user base like the one in which two KYM users got engaged.

chowzburgerz wrote:

Sigh, it's sad that I have to read about this user. I wish we could get happier threads about the KYM user base like the one in which two KYM users got engaged.

I'm in agreement. I'd like to see stories of KYM Users going off and doing amazing things with their life, and having something to show off when they get back. Not us hearing that our users are going off to get 15 minutes of fame trying to murder hundreds of people.

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its fine that shes a neo nazi but a fucking brony? thats obviously what made her snap, we gotta do something about these horse fuckers soon

give her the death penalty

babaGAReeb wrote:

its fine that shes a neo nazi but a fucking brony? thats obviously what made her snap, we gotta do something about these horse fuckers soon

give her the death penalty

I mean it. Don't post in this thread again. You're not funny at all.

Last edited Feb 25, 2015 at 10:24PM EST

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

Doh-ho-ho! This is rich!

>sees this isn't posted in /riff-raff/

Wow. I can't even. HOH was seriously planning this?

Her website is still showing new updates. Police said that she had pre-programmed online messages before she was due to carry out the attacks and ultimately kill herself.

Lindsay had several accomplices, one of whom committed suicide before he could be taken into police custody.

Holy shit. I wonder if there were more of them among us. o.O

I doubt it. She's been gone for a long while, and there hardly seems to be a nazi subculture around here.

Wow, coming in late on this, but I have to comment. Like Jostin, I considered HoH to be a friend (and I'm half Jewish). I always figured she was just trolling, but I guess it was another case of Poe's Law.

I really wonder how it ended up how it did, I mean, she was actually a likable person back when she used to hang out in the forums, so almost nobody took the Nazi stuff seriously.

I'm sure there's a lesson to be learned here, but I'm just not sure what it is.

I take frequent fucking breaks from this goddamn website and this is what you guys fucking do within 15 days?

Actually I'm well goddamn surprised. Never expected the Third Reich to take a stand on the glorious podium of KYM Jong Un.

No I'm kidding this is fucking terrible who the hell is HOH?

She's not a Neo-Nazi
She's a complete and utter failure on every level. A stressed, angsty 23yo.
On the other forums I am active you see these posing "wannabe" Neo-Nazis often, each and every one of them have their own backward understanding of the Nazi ideology and the Peoples Community (Volksgemeinschaft), they all interpret it differently, some grasp the traditional view and approach, others modernize it and adopt it into their own nationality, they digest bits and pieces and leave what they don't agree with or the parts that are just plain too much for them to handle. None of them have the integrity required to go "full Nazi" so they take a back seat and settle for righteous patriotism instead. It's just all apart of testing your limits.

However I've never come across such a deluded view of Nazism, as a matter of fact I don't take it seriously, it is joke and the people of KYM should see it as such too.

The Empire does not refer to Nazi Germany, but rather to the unified Earth under the mighty Emperor Svastikron. Two completely different eggs.
Because I have actually begun writing a series of short stories about the Emperor Svastikron and his glorious Empire.

Excerpt from Thank you, KYM,

I did some searching on Google to, my term was "Svastikron"
Finished a first draft of another Emperor Svastikron story
It looks like she went by the name of SnoopyFemme

This one takes place after Svastikron and his men have reclaimed the lands of their ancestors, and now we have one of his comrades making a speech about what is to be done with the subhumans still lurking about.

Like some over-excited child she is simply writing a story.

She played the tongue-in-cheek Nazi card with you all and kept it running with her enthusiasm to write utter shit. She was a edgy edgy atheist who collected Nazi memorabilia to boost her already special snowflake ego.

A pretentious cunt who lose attachment with Nazism is nothing short of patronizing and served only to pander to her gothic and edgy view on life.

It's laughable that the fact that she brought up Hitler on a regular basis and wrote fanfictions about "The Swastrikronian Emperor" was enough for this community to actual become convinced that she was, in fact, a Nazi.

We can thank God that she and the others were caught before anything happened.

Maybe in prison she will be given an opportunity to see true white supremacists.

You know… the ones who aren't bronies and don't write fanfics about the "Swastikrons". The sort of people who would stab you for being mixed race, which Lindsay Kantha evidently is.

Upvote me, downvote me, slander me. I really don't care.

Last edited Mar 04, 2015 at 11:44PM EST

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