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Nations RP: Further Beyond

Last posted Feb 21, 2019 at 05:24PM EST. Added Aug 18, 2017 at 08:07PM EDT
481 posts from 20 users

Grimmoria wishes to start a trade agreement with the following kingdoms:

Free Kingdoms

Redline Isles

Simmer Isles


We're about ready to bring a new age to our economy, care to join?

People need to pay attention to Triangle's posts. It's really not that much reading.

There are changes to TRADE. Due to the abundance of trading agreements, I am removing them from the game, assuming your country opens its ports to foreign traders. I also assume mercantilist policies, standard by the time. If you wish to decrease or increase mercantilism, do so in your turns by decreasing/increasing tariffs. You can always close your ports to foreign traders. Now trading is done through trade routes and is organic, meaning that your traders will go wherever they want (read: wherever is profitable for them).

This was stated 3 pages back. You don't make trade agreements anymore because you automatically trade with them.

If you want a new age of economy, you're going to have to do something about your embargoes, not ask for trade from nations that are already trading with you. And you know, address Switzerland, but technically he's helping you. And to be perfectly honest, you are in no position to start a new age of economy. That's in the power of Simmer and Swizz.

Let it be known, such as the League is protective of their main continent so are we, we won't tolerate the central nations colonizing in any of the main continents of the rim.

land in red is exclusively for nations inside the region of the rim-

Last edited Sep 16, 2017 at 04:21AM EDT

James Blunt wrote:

Let it be known, such as the League is protective of their main continent so are we, we won't tolerate the central nations colonizing in any of the main continents of the rim.

land in red is exclusively for nations inside the region of the rim-

At first I thought you just claimed this entire area

Okay, so. Sorry for the /apparent/ inactivity, college trip has come out of the blue and will last until 22nd. Thankfully I have stable internet now so I will be able to write in what little time I have left between integration, parties and trips.

Diplomatic turn is coming tomorrow, and I will start writing up the turn shortly afterwards.

To make up for it, I am announcing that this turn will have a special guest writer, Elreigh (Syndic) to help me with the workload and get through everything faster. So, big applause for him.

Last edited Sep 17, 2017 at 08:40PM EDT

The Al Amarjian Commonwealth has decide to show compassion and concern to our New World brethren and trading partners by allowing the tribal nations of Tlanoche, Tepeco, and Chuexoche the offer of being a protectorate of the Commonwealth.

McDonalds roundly condemns the naked power grabbing of the ex-Mir confederacies. We refuse to recognize their claimed sovereignty and declare an embargo on them, and encourage others to do so as well.

a full Embargo is placed

The Commonwealth has finally decided to place an embargo on the break away colonies known as the Ex-Mir Confederacy.

Harena embargoes Ex Mir Confederacy.

Due to the increased prevalence of slavery, Kainereka agrees to join the embargo on the ex-Mir Confederacy.

On another note, Whiteshack will join in on the Embargo against Ex-Mir states.

Kuzunoha joins in the embargo of the the Ex-Mir states

McDonalds, Simmer Isles, Al Amarjan Commonwealth, Harena, Kainereka, Whiteshack and Kuzunoha embargo the Tuar Confederation. Their exports suffer a crushing blow at first, but trade normalizes after a while as the connection with their primary and biggest trading partner, Switzerland III, remains unsewered.

The Commonwealth has decided after many meetings in parliament has decided to imposes an embargo on Vesperia

the switzerland empire has decided to participate in the embargo against the nation of vesperia and closes all diplomatic talks with the country.

Vesperia is now embargoed by Al Amarja and Switzerland III, which were the nation's biggest trading partners. Vesperian economy was never oriented towards trade and exports, but what little sector of trading remained in the country has crashed almost completely.


Birgerelm publicly denounce the colonization efforts of Rexania. They ask that they cease their expansion into Imouto, and that they do the natives no more harm. The king warns that, should Rexania expand on their tyrranical deeds, the alliance is to be ended.

Rexania agrees to pass on laws protecting the natives, as it has become increasingly popular among other nations and due to the political pressure from Birgerelm. They will continue to expand their colonies, though.

Protection is continued to be sworn to the natives of Imouto, and perhaps this time the protection will actually be given the option of taking place if they were to be attacked.

Birgerelm pledges to protect Clani, Nisha, Pisuco, Cuzco, Caraqcha and Azcajac.

Birgerelm sends an offer to Rassvet-Tselinoyarsk, asking them to enter an alliance.

Rassvet-Tselinoyarsk agrees to an alliance with Birgerelm, given how they were given land in the previous war against Epsilon Federation.

Dean Blunt

seeing as the natives of imouto are being destroyed by foreign presence we want to offer nisha and the southern tribes a protectorate offer

Nisha agrees to becoming a protectorate of Switzerland III, but the southern nations and tribes are too far away to even consider such an offer.

We are willing to protect the independence of our new Epsilon state friend as it would be a negative for us if it got fully annex.

A pledge of protection is placed upon Epsilon Federation, where Switzerland III will join defensive wars with that country.

we would like to invite the quijogiro city-state to go under the protection wing of the switzerland kingdom by accepting our vassalization offer.

Quijogiro agrees to become a vassal under Switzerland III.


trade with Switzerland III is restricted.

Revenues from international trade suffer greatly, but the nation's economy goes to semi-self sufficiency again.


Aoxia and the rest of the League is also interested in renewing the non-aggression pacts made with Sikong and Kun-De-Lain. We may lower tariffs for both if they are interested in renewal.

The Sikong-Kun-de-Lain alliance accept to renew the Non-Aggression pact for three more turns.


The Al Amarjian Commonwealth has decide to show compassion and concern to our New World brethren and trading partners by allowing the tribal nations of Tlanoche, Tepeco, and Chuexoche the offer of being a protectorate of the Commonwealth.

Those three countries do not feel threatened nor believe they need protection of a faraway country.

No more edits are to be accepted as I am starting work on the turn right now.

Last edited Sep 18, 2017 at 05:17AM EDT

For the record, the turn will come on the 22nd, a day after the camp ends, because of the time constraints. Syndic's writing helped a lot, and this turn will be pretty beefy when it comes to volume and quality of content.

Turn 6

Map Link

Map Legend

Age of Exploration (4/4)


- A NEW ERA looms, the AGE OF REVOLUTIONS. Now, when submitting actions you will be allowed to list three inventions per action; yes, this means that if you devote two actions for scientific research, you can get up to six technologies. I want for them to be more specific than just general, since doing so will specialize your country, its military and its economy. Choose wisely.
- A rise of new MOVEMENTS and government types can be expected, and more advanced, modern forms of ruling become unlocked. Many previous-era technologies will become widespread.
- Due to the essay-like structure of some of submitted turns, I will now be LIMITING allowed word count to 500 words. Previous limit of 5 actions still stays; I want for the turns to be precise, but not unnecessarily complex.

World events

- Early fertilizer and drydock technologies become widespread enough to be considered global.
- Due to the combined efforts of Kainereka, Simmer and Al Amarja a considerable amount of natives survive the continuous outbreaks of smallpox and other Old World diseases. That combined with a generally passive attitude of the colonizing nations towards natives results in a quick Westernization and Easternization of the native countries, now no longer technologically inferior. They harbor general resentment towards the colonists, as they have brought plagues, killed brethren and took land from many other native nations. Many find solace in getting closer to Novyy Mir, which shares their anti-colonial sentiments.
- The flow of gold and silver from Simmer, Avalon and Al Amarjan colonies has caused a steady, steep inflation in the entire world. Good prices have risen threefold in the past eighty years, and landowners who rented land at a fixed rate suffered greatly. In many nations the golden age of nobility has ended, their power in decline.
- With the end of golden age of nobility begins a new one, the golden age of piracy in the New World. Remnants from wars of old and discharged privateers turn to a new source of income – attacking ships delivering valuable goods to their homelands. Due to implementation of maritime law and regular patrols piracy is much less prevalent in the Old World, but in the colonies some raiders have amassed wealth and fleets comparable to small city-states. As the problem has worsened, naval thalassocracies like Simmer and Switzerland began to send whole fleets to combat pirates, and over the decades order on the seas is restored. Nevertheless, it has affected income from colonies considerably.
- In the New World a fresh regional power arises, Novyy Mir. Having seceded from Mir, the colonies have formed a constitutional republic and began expanding their influence, conquering and integrating natives. Although their economy is still developing, the nation has undertaken massive steps towards navy construction and modernization, taking after Swizz naval designs. They seek possible allies to guarantee their sovereignty and protect from predicted invasion from their old overlords.
- Rexania faces an internal turmoil in their newly conquered lands, colonies, as well as a rising rebelliousness of the powerful lords. It is put to an end by the new king, Valery IV, who makes the army professional and promptly uses it to suppress rebellions and consolidate all power in the hands of the monarch, thus beginning the era of absolutism in Rexania. Northern provinces are converted culturally and religiously, with brutal methods put into place.
- Golden Empire invades neighboring Grebbin, looting and sacking their cities to pay debts individual princes had for Swizz banks. After seeing a cultural genocide and oppression of Imperial people in Switzerland III, Golden Empire breaks its briefly cordial relations with the country, seeking possible allies who could help curb the growth of the Avalon.
- The Kingdom of Sikong, confident in the non-aggression pact with G.O.A.L.S. and their alliance, invades neighboring countries of Bhainsara and Ket, almost effortlessly annexing them. The older vassals are integrated into the core lands and lose their massive autonomy.

Mir (Taryn)

Government Type: Elective Monarchy
Economy: Moderate
Military: Mighty
Navy: Modest
Units: Pike-and-shot, Musketeers, Cuirassiers, Bombards, Galleasses
Doctrines: Mercenary Employment, Banking, Military Academies, Forced Labor, REP, Slavery Ban, Basic Education, Universities, Tax Reform
Culture: Militarists
Individual Technology:
Atmospheric Engine
Alliance: Birgerelm, McDonalds™, Switzerland III
War Exhaustion (Low)

- An atmospheric engine is devised and adopted in Mir, primarily to aid in pumping water out of mineshafts. Its slow, one-time stokes render it unusable for any means of transport and most machinery.
- With Swiss support the war against the confederates continues. Swiss fleets cut the islands off from outside supply, allowing Mir union armies to sweep into their continental possessions with ease. After a few bloody victories, the people become enthused to pursue the war to its end and a surge of volunteers are sent to the front lines.
- A military plan, Rapidly Liquidate the Confederacy (RLC), is put to work in finishing off the withering rebel state. New ships are commissioned to bolster the fleet, aiding in the blockade and allowing armies to land in isolated enemy territory. The enemy state fractures without communication, and Mir diplomats set to work turning them against one another by offering amnesty to politicians who surrender their provinces without a fight. Taxes are temporarily nullified, helping the captured provinces recover both their economy and their loyalty. After a few short years all resistance crumbles, and the rebellion's major generals surrender honorably.

Birgerelm (Stoffe)

Government Type: Elective Monarchy
Economy: Decent, Growing
Military: Decent
Navy: Strong
Units: Musketeers, Men-at-Arms, Galleons, Flutes, Kochs, Star Forts
Doctrines: Harma Copper Mines, Artes Liberales Academy, Emancipation of Slaves, Fortyteen
Culture: Seafarers, Nationalism
Individual Technology:
Alliance: Mir, McDonalds™, Switzerland III, Rexania, Rassvet-Tselinoyarsk
Pledge of Protection: Clani, Nisha, Pisuco, Cuzco-Quito-Ilecin, Caraqcha, Azcajac
Defensive Pact: Kainereka

- A forty day quarantine is established in the ports to prevent the influx of diseases from foreign lands. The so-called "Fortyteen" system has successfully driven down both the incidence of syphilis and the exchange of perishable goods. Prices have risen by a factor of wages as well due to the ship crews having no work to do while in a Fortyteen.
- The Byrke language has been standardized and codified, with a royal mandate proclaiming official intolerance of any deviation from the newly established norm. As such the capital dialect has been spread to all corners of the nation, and can be heard wherever there is a growing middle class. To bolster this effort, literature has been commissioned and propagated. Especially encouraged are historical works which promote solidarity and pride.
- The University of Ala has produced revolutionary new concepts in the field of anthropology, tracking the history of migration and culture as well as the biology of race. Bodies have been purchased and placed on display in the university museum in the interest of cataloguing the soon to be extinct native races of many colonized regions in the world. Naturally the college's findings have concluded that the Byrke people have many special qualities which set them aside as superior to other nations.
- A naval academy is established for the study of tactics at sea. A combination of second-hand accounts from foreign wars and substance from experienced Byrke captains fill the textbooks.
- The navy has established a state monopoly on the northern passage, guarding its entrances and exits to prevent any foreign ships from passing through without a permit.

Vesperia (Deblod100)

- Various key political figures are assassinated over time, destabilizing the newly conquered regions. Unable to deal with the crisis with the highly weakened military, the Leader has no choice but to comply with their demands of heightened autonomy.
- The nation of Vesperia is no more, as a combined attack of Aoxia, Simmer, Harena, United Federation and Al Amarja annihilates Vesperian fleets and proceeds to invade individual islands, followed by an attack on mainland. Technologically inferior, manpower lacking Vesperian forces scatter almost without a fight.
- As the allied forces investigate The Pit, it appears to be nothing more than a half-kilometer deep hole with a cave system underneath and quicksand near it. All bizarre happenings can be traced back to government or natural occurrences.
- As the allied forces swiftly mass murder the Vesperian nobles, the already-pacified lower classes prove to be loyal to their new overlords, and cultural assimilation, and in some places even conversion, is reached within the next seventy years.

United Federation (Black Graphic T)

Government Type: Federal Republic
Economy: Good, Growing
Military: Robust
Navy: Moderate
Units: Pike-and-Shot, Cuirassiers, Gendarmes, Falconets, Frigates
Doctrines: Cartography, Basic Education, Graffiti, Military Academy, Messenger Pigeons, Military Open to Serfs
Culture: Innovative, Creative, Renaissance, Artistic, National Epics, Nationalism
Individual Technology:
Flare Signals, Flying Shuttle
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.

- United Federation joins their G.O.A.L.S. allies in the war against Vesperia, which is won in a fast fashion. High Council states send just a symbolic amount of forces, seeing no gain in this war and being under no obligation to actually send their whole forces. As the nobility in newly conquered land is purged, the population quickly settled with their new rulers.
- After the war, a proposal to further the power of the High Council is brought once more omitting Broken Spire from the talks. Those countries agree to form a federation and unite as one country. Remaining country breaks diplomatic ties to the rest of the council, outraged by its decision and joins into the Sikong-Kun-de-Lain alliance.
- Due to the growing demand for clothes, a method of waving fabrics called the “flying shuttle” is devised. It proves to be a massive success, greatly reducing labor costs for cheaper fabrics. Nobility and merchants still prefer hand-woven textiles, as they are of much greater quality, but clothes soon become one of the main export products of the United Federation.
- A colonization effort sets off to the West, prioritizing assimilating natives. It achieves a moderate success, but the remaining Hawee tribes show increased signs of hostility towards the traitorous clans from their point of view, raiding and razing villages with settlers nearby.

Al Amarjan Commonwealth (CrowTheMagician)

Government Type: Noble Democracy
Economy: Wealthy, Growing
Military: Strong
Navy: Mighty
Units: Pike-and-Shot, Reiters, Howitzers, Ship of the Line, Frigate, Flutes
Doctrines: Legal Code, Meritocracy, Social Welfare, Universities, Naval Academy, Early Stock Exchange, Basic Education, Modernization of Cities, Religious Freedoms, Ḥashāshīn, Maritime Law, Manufactories
Culture: Xenophiles, Scholars, Cosmicism (Religion), Traders, Gender Equality, Racial Tolerance, Golden Liberty, Weaponsmiths
Individual Technology:
Sawmills, Flintlock
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Vassals: Carim, Carcosa
Non-Aggression Pact: Redline Islands
War Exhaustion (Very Low), Demands of the Nobility

- The Commonwealth goes The nobility in newly conquered land is purged, the population quickly settled with their new rulers, achieving nigh-complete cultural conversion in a matter of a couple decades.
- The nobles start demanding more rights over time, with each subsequent ruler being forced to give them more autonomy and freedoms. Serfdom is strongly reinforced, as peasants are forbidden from even moving from village to village and the amount of ‘free hours’ they have to work for the landlords increases.
- Ḥashāshīn, or the Assassin Order, are founded. Their primary duty is counterintelligence and covert operations in foreign countries.
- The cost of upkeeping colonies and safeguarding them from pirates skyrockets, putting a large strain on the nation’s economy. The Commonwealth holds lands all over the world, and splitting the fleet works poorly against the pirate menace, not to mention unprofitable, undeveloped colonies. New colonization effort goes poorly, with the government simply lacking funds to subsidize them. Moreover, the enforced serfdom largely curbs colonial growth.
- Ship layouts are modernized, taking after Simmer and Avalon designs. Maritime law is put into place and is enforced with the expanded navy, which succeeds in combating piracy in the Old World.
- Manufactories are built and subsidized to produce processed goods from raw materials imported primarily from Aoxia and Harena. They usually are owned by the nobles, and are built to complement the land they own. However, widespread and entrenched serfdom prevents the economy of shifting to a processing focus.

Aoxia (Xia)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Decent, Flourishing
Military: Strong
Navy: Robust
Units: Banner Musketeers, Banner Cuirassiers, Turtle Ships, Treasure Ships, Flute
Doctrines: Food Stockpiling, Meritocracy, Grand Library, Universities, Selective livestock breeding, Jinyiwei, Agricultural Reform, National Census, Basic Education, Non-Continental Visitor Controls, Central Bank, Mining Focus, Religious Freedoms
Culture: Militarists, Scholars, Xenophobia, Enlightenment
Individual Technology:
Four-Field System, Flintlock, Early Modern Medicine
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
War Exhaustion (Very Low), Clamoring for Constitutional Government

- Army equipment and tactics are brought from allied nations and adopted to the banner system, including the heavy cavalry tactics from United Federation and flintlock muskets from Al Amarja. Messenger pigeons from the Federation see common use in the Aoxian military and navy.
- Mining operations are expanded in the mountains, and stream of copper, tin and iron flows into Al Amarja and Simmer, giving them raw resources at a rather low price, which allows their manufactories to produce larger quantities of processed goods.
- Central bank is established in the capital and starts emitting gold-based banknotes, as well as implementing inflation controls. As a result, nation’s landowners suffer less from the Price Revolution. Land trade is opened once again, with the visitor controls lifted and tariffs lowered for nations from the continent.
- The Enlightenment cultural and intellectual movement is born in Aoxia, promoting the separation of church and state, humanist tolerance, scientific progress and liberty. Intelligentsia starts to openly clamor for the limiting the power of the nation’s leader, while lowering the autonomy of the provinces. Chemistry and medicine start to flourish in newly established Hezhou Academy, inviting Simmer scholars to teach and give lectures there. This reinforces the rapidly growing liberal movement.
- Vesperia is conquered with ease, and the local nobility is killed off, being replaced with Aoxian governors. Already-domesticated population quickly adapts to their new rulers.

Switzerland III (Dean Blunt)

Government Type: Admiralty Dictatorship
Economy: Spectacular, Flourishing
Military: Decent
Navy: Terrifying
Units: Tercio, Falconets, Flutes, Frigates, Ship of the Line
Doctrines: Banking, Universities, Workshop subsidization, Slavery, Spies, Chartered Companies, Maritime Law, Processing Focus, Banknotes, “Avalonia Rules the Waves”, Agricultural Reform
Culture: Traders, Seafarers, Craftsmen, Inventors, Nationalism
Individual Technology:
Early Modern Mechanical Engineering, Sawmills, Four-Field System
Alliance: Whiteshack, Birgerelm, Mir, Rexania
Defensive Pact: Pashimi, Oshire
Pledge of Protection: Epsilon Federation
Protectorate: Nisha
Vassal: Malu, Quijogiro
Royal Marriage: Whiteshack, Birgerelm, Quijogiro, Rexania
Non-Aggression Pact: Rexania, G.O.A.L.S.
Embargoed by: Redline Islands
War Exhaustion (Medium)

- The Kingdom of Malu has advanced enough to serve as a very autonomous vassal rather than a protectorate.
- A new colony is established near Lesalian territory, which has temporarily been declared a tax haven to encourage migration. Business headquarters are established there and a few small corporations make it big by moving their entire operations into rapidly growing harbor towns. The larger trading companies feel betrayed by their government, and lobby to have the colony shut down, or at the very least seized and handed over to become part of existing monopolies.
- The admiralty has launched a soft coup behind closed doors, informally telling the nation's governors that they have no more power in Switzerland, and levying threats toward anyone who wishes to break ranks. The country has become a military dictatorship by proxy, with the government now catering almost exclusively toward the navy's requirements and, by extension, the requirements of seaborn trade. As a means to this end, public education has been geared toward patriotic endeavors, with schoolchildren being indoctrinated into the assumption that "Avalonia Rules the Waves."
- Newly established government pours funds into agricultural research and land reforms, adopting four-field system alongside selective livestock breeding. Seed drills, improved plough and convertible husbandry are also implemented, further setting the stage for what will be known as the agricultural revolution.
- A quick campaign is launched against Gas, Diesel and Exhaust city-states, taking them over one-by-one. These small nations prove to be no match against the terrifying Avalon war machine, and are fully annexed in a matter of months. Cultural conversion proceeds at an acceptable rate in the conquered GE provinces, as well as the Redlinian cultured cities. Several major revolts happen, especially in the ex-GE provinces, but are quickly quelled by the military and population is subjected to harsher treatment. This enrages the previously cordial Golden Empire, which starts seeking allies to curb Avalon growth.
- Tensions in Grimmoria take another leap closer to the flame after locals in the city of Hamtarion joined a boycott against Swiss imports. Some overly enthusiastic housewives went down to the docks to prevent the unloading of Swiss cargo by blocking the way with their bodies, which somehow escalated to violence and ultimately resulted in a Swiss cargo ship going up in flames. The skirmish has given Swiss officials in the city an excuse to expand the scope of their legation area, and for a brief period the entire city was under Swiss martial law. To prevent future incidents, Swiss ambassadors are consolidating control over port cities throughout Grimmoria and Epsilon, forcing local governors to sign over legal control of their dockyards and harbors to the Swiss government.

McDonalds™ (Particle Mare)
Government Type: Noble Republic
Economy: Moderate, Growing
Military: Robust
Navy: Moderate
Units: McMusketeers™, McJunglers™, McFrigates™, McLineship™
Doctrines: Primitive assembly line, Banking
Culture: Meat and Two Loaves
Individual Technology:
Alliance: Mir, Birgerelm
War Exhaustion (Medium)

- The wooden hand-crafts industry is expanded as an export focused plan is put into action by the government. This segues naturally into a larger scale lumbering industry, much of which is now servicing the expansion of Swiss fleets. Having observed the cohesiveness of the Swiss navy in action against pirates, the McDonalds™ admiralty has gotten the idea of reorganizing the McNavy™ to be more Swiss in its structure and scope. Retired Swiss admirals and shipwrights are enticed to McDonalds™ to help in the modernization project.
- Bacon Gouda is coerced into surrendering its last crumb of autonomy, and is now a fully integrated McDonalds™ menu item. Waves of settlers from the north flood into the now politically-defenseless state, colonizing the land and expanding far into the savage southern lands as well. Frontier wars with the natives quickly ensue, and the chaos is brought as far north as the Bacon City itself.
- A series of wars with Burger Kingdom as the target are started, each one resulting in a gradual annexation of its territories. McDonalds™ army size proves to be the deciding factor, since the freshly formed McNavy™ fares poorly against experienced Burger ships. Burgers had technological advantage in terms of military science and equipment, and their doctrine of skirmishing tactics have tired cost the McNation many good men.

Harena (Olors64)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Moderate
Military: Robust
Navy: Moderate
Units: Musketeers, Reiters, Mortars, Galleons
Doctrines: Universities, Mining Effort, Census, Food stockpiling, Basic Education, Religious Tolerance, Selective breeding
Culture: Traders
Individual Technology:
Four-Field System, Gene Theory
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Non-Aggression Pact: Epsilon Federation
Pledge of Protection: Petat

- War with Vesperia is short and successful, and conquered lands are quickly converted culturally after a purge of the old nobility.
- Tariffs are lowered on other GOALS partners, and an extensive road network is connected with Harena's direct neighbors, drawing in large imports of finished products and driving small local producers in Harena out of business. As manufacturing moves abroad or dies altogether, Harena gradually shifts more toward rural land development with grain, wool, and lumber production rising at the expense of craft works and engineering.
- Gene theory is pioneered in livestock after a particularly astute herdsman realized that there was a correlation between the traits of parents and offspring in his flock. Selective breeding is in vogue now among the nation's ranchers, who have begun holding competitions for the production of new breeds of cattle and sheep. Some of these theories are being taught at newly established agriculture colleges, which are making an attempt to turn farming and ranching from a traditional art into a modern science.

Epsilon Federation (Knife 2.0)

Government Type: Oligarchical Republic
Economy: Moderate
Military: Feeble, Force-Demilitarized
Navy: Feeble, Force-Demilitarized
Units: Condottieri, Musketeers, Falconets, Frigates
Doctrines: Agriculture and mining subsidies
Culture: Warriors
Individual Technology:
Paper Cartridges
Non-aggression Pact: Redline Islands, Harena, Kuzunoha, Simmer Isles
Embargoed by: Aoxia
Forceful Demilitarization, Economic Dependency (Switzerland III), Looming Political Dependency (Switzerland III)

- Swizz ambassadors are consolidating control over port cities throughout Epsilon, forcing local governors to sign over legal control of their dockyards and harbors to the Swiss government.

Grimmoria (Grimmore)

Government Type: Feudal Monarchy
Economy: Meagre
Military: Modest
Navy: Small
Units: Pikemen, Caracole Cavalry, Falconets, Galleys
Doctrines: Salt Extraction, Inhuman Working Hours
Culture: Warriors, Rabbit Lovers
Individual Technology:
Vegetable Peelers
Embargoed by: Birgerelm, Whiteshack, Kainereka
Economic Dependency (Switzerland III), Street Unrest, Looming Political Dependency (Switzerland III)

- In order to counteract the Swiss domination of the Grimmorian economy, the king has demanded that all laborers free of the Swiss yoke double their work hours and improve the quality of their finished products. Magistrates responsible for enforcing this ordinance have become known as cruel taskmasters, who do not allow the laborers any time for themselves except the necessary hours of sleep. Workers have taken to living at their workplaces during the work week, rather than waste time going home, and family life has suffered as a result. Traditional values disintegrate rapidly and street violence is on the rise. Those workers who can manage to do so are flocking into legation areas to work for the Swiss, who have more lenient hours and better pay.
- The state has funded the creation of new economic schools, although due to harsh treatment within the Grimmorian economy few are willing to put their new skills to use at home, and instead employ their knowledge and skills at Swiss companies. Swissification is rampant, and knowledge of the Swiss language has become an accepted prerequisite for moving up in the world.
- The king's personal vacation resort, Sandytown, has been transformed for the purposes of "the revolution" into a manufactory and fishing pier. The king's yacht has been turned into a fishing barge, pools have been drained and reconstructed into furnaces, and the ballroom is now cordoned into cubicles for clerks to work at. Royal luxury is sacrificed at the altar of progress, and the people have seen this as a symbol of solidarity, quelling some of their unrest and directing hatred away from the monarchy.
- In major urban centers, several sanctuaries are built for rabbits, which are decreed to be off limits for consumption, in order to prevent malnourished townsfolk from turning the shrines into slaughter houses. Hunters and farmers alike are punished, removing humans from the list of natural predators and causing a notable spike in the population of wolves and foxes in the countryside.
- World’s first crank-powered vegetable peeler is invented in Grimmoria. This amazingly useful technology allows for faster vegetable peeling. It has truly revitalized the Grimmorian vegetable-peeling industry, and now housewives can peel Swizz-imported Rexanian potatoes four times as fast to feed their overworked husbands.
- In the wake of the Hamtarion incident, where housewives went down to the docks to prevent the unloading of Swiss cargo by blocking the way with their bodies, which escalated and resulted in a Swiss cargo ship going up in flames, Swizz ambassadors are consolidating control over port cities throughout Grimmoria. They are forcing local governors to sign over legal control of their dockyards and harbors to the Swiss government.

Whiteshack (Jellopy)

Government Type: Monarchy
Economy: Decent, Growing
Military: Robust
Navy: Moderate
Units: Pike-and-Shot, Lancers, Caravels
Doctrines: Culture Investment, Universities, Slavery, Trading Companies, Basic Education
Culture: Bizarre practices, National Epics, Music Lovers, Nationalism
Individual Technology:
Early Modern Astronomy, Atmospheric Engine
Defensive Pact: Switzerland III, Tselinoyarsk-Rassvet
Trade Agreement: Switzerland III
War Exhaustion (Low)

- Piano is invented. Very important step forward for the musical arts. Make no mistake, yooge developments here. Believe me. You know what pianos are right? Things called musical arts, and other things, like… lots of things are done, with pianos, including some musical things. Tremendous stuff.
- A Grand Theatre is built in Gonko, specially designed to enhance acoustics for a large orchestra, choir, or performing actor.
- Slash and burn methods are employed and promoted among the colonists in Imouto, rapidly cutting into the jungles and creating vast new stretches of farmland. Initial harvests are significantly larger than later returns, forcing farmers to expand their territory even faster to keep up with land degradation. This has had the adverse effect of disturbing the natives, who are now engaged in a frontier war against the settlers.
- Suppression of Epsilon culture is being enforced through public education, where children are taught to break with the customs of their ancestors and swear loyalty to Whiteshack. Language and customs of the locals are replaced with those of the invader, and students are encouraged to report their parents for treason. Those found guilty of "conspiracy" have their children placed in imperial foster care; those who continue in their errancy are shipped off to the colonies as slaves. A series of terror attacks have occurred, undoubtedly as a result of these oppressive measures, and imperial settlers are loath to even travel through the occupied lands lest they risk being violently accosted by the locals.
- Atmospheric engine is invented, promptly finding use in the nation’s mines to pump out water. Doing so increases mining efficiency, and lowers the prices of both Whiteshack marble and ores, former of which becomes one of the nation’s forefront trading goods.

Kuzunoha (Anti-Guy)

Government Type: Divine Empire
Economy: Decent
Military: Moderate
Navy: Robust
Units: Zealot Regiments, Musketeers, Culverin, Galleons, Galiots, Frigates
Doctrines: Caste System, Universities, Library construction, Grand Temple, Psychological Warfare, Spies, Banks, Art Subsidies
Culture: Divine Mandate, Seafarers
Individual Technology:
Defensive Pact: Golden Empire
Non-Aggression Pact: Epsilon Federation, Simmer Isles

- Tariffs are put in place over imports from Switzerland III, eliciting a natural response of the same from the Swiss. As a result trade in both directions has been curbed significantly. Some merchants consider this to be a soft embargo, and have further cut back on trade as they speculate the hostility will only grow even worse with time.
- A new naval academy is opened and significant investments are made to the fleet itself in a modernization effort to keep up with the neighbors. In particular the admirals are concerned about Swiss naval power, and exercises revolve mostly around a potential trade war. Navy size is also increased, with the gold from tariffs going directly into ship construction.
- A sizable donation is made to the performing arts theater in Tomoraki, where the wartime drama Gone with the Waves is competing with the musical Dogs for a best stage play performance award.

Redline Islands (Laika)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Decent, Stagnating
Military: Weak
Navy: Moderate
Units: Arquebusiers, Light Hussars, Culverin, Early Brigs, Frigates
Doctrines: Scribe Order, International Racing Championships, Auctions, Universities, Selective Horse Breeding
Culture: Racers, Inventors, Innovators, Seafarers, Drop Games, Glider Cult (Religion)
Individual Technology:
Non-Agression Pact: Aoxia, Epsilon Federation, Al Amarja, Simmer Isles

- Turbo Tower has become a major tourist attraction after the installation of a safety net and continued on-site glider development has led to competition freefalling, essentially transforming the national landmark into a sports arena. The eccentric and highly dangerous "Drop Games" have become an annual spectacle, where suicidal thrill-seekers from throughout the kingdom compete to hit the net faster than their opponents for the mutual benefit of gamblers and bookies alike.
- A state-sponsored "Glider Cult" has been pushed by the monarchy, causing Turbo Tower to evolve yet again from a gambling event into a pseudo-religious experience. Mystics gather at gaming events, casting dies to determine victors and spinning grand prophecies out of thin air. What was once a secular pilgrimage has now become a religious one.
- Redline has begun producing some of the world’s most powerful thoroughbred steeds, and what the nation lacks in roaming space it has made up for with thrilling racing events. The superior livestock is also exported abroad as war horses, although quite logically they are sterilized beforehand to maintain the state monopoly.
- The enigmatic "Project Zap" is pursued without regards to the cost, with the state squandering its treasury on larger static conductors for alchemists to toy with at the newly established College of Electricus. Nobody is quite sure what the purpose of the project is, but some theorize that the elixir of life may not be far off, while others suspect that the investment has already paid for itself by transforming lead into gold. Neither rumor is true.
- A colossal new vessel was put to construction at sea, intended to be a "floating city" capable of navigating the high seas, and slated to become the crown jewel of not just the navy, but the entire empire. The project, however, ends with a disaster as the ship falls apart under its own weight after launching. Engineers determine that there is an upper limit to how much weight can wooden ships take without becoming flotsam almost immediately. The navy has since invested the rest of its budget on smaller, 100 meter long habitat ships, which have been sold off to the aristocracy as a novelty cruise liners for the people who hate to leave the land but want to see the world.

Kainereka (Chrispy92)

Government Type: Confederation
Economy: Decent
Military: Strong
Navy: Robust
Units: Early Modern Skirmishers, Arquebusiers, Falconets, Frigates, Bastion Forts
Doctrines: Universities, Infrastructure Expansion, Army Reform, Spies, Circle Theater of Manahat, Banks, Basic Education
Culture: Industrious, Merchants, Egalitarians
Individual Technology:
Medicine (Anatomy), Early Modern Medicine, Flintlock
Alliance: Radjewik, Tornero-Cores-Presilias
Pledge of Protection: Kuskogee-Sokhan, Hees, Cainthara-Sili-Bertacci
Defensive Pact: Birgerelm, Golden Empire
Protectorate: Klani
Non-Aggression Pact: Switzerland III
War Exhaustion (Very Low)

- A new constitution is agreed upon at a grand council of all the clans from across the country. The document was hotly debated, and because agreement was necessarily unanimous the final product was only a rather loose confederation. The new government has been granted severely limited abilities to dictate a collective will upon the entire nation, and local autonomy is still relatively high compared to other modern states. Still, the new government is undoubtedly modern and its powers are greatly expanded from its informal predecessor.
- A large bulk of the new republic's funding goes into consolidating the fleets and revitalizing the armies. After a lengthy organizational restructuring the combined navy resembles something more professional than before, and the army has been provided with new supply depots and strict behavioral guidelines, a combination of which has improved adherence to high command and made planning more feasible. However, some particularly militaristic politicians argue that the military still lacks the power that they might otherwise have under a centralized state, and have proposed a strengthening of the constitution, which would provide the federal government with greater funding and, thus, more options in national security.
- Privateers are temporarily hired to attack Swiss and Rexanian merchants, and continue being employed until the general decline of piracy. They considerably heighten the trade losses for the two nations, also heavily limiting colonial growth in the case of Rexania. In response, Rexania has hired privateers of its own, as well as entered a light trade war with the nation, raising tariffs.
- Offers of becoming protectorates are sent to the Imouto nations, of which only Klani accepts. Additionally, neighboring city-states are extended an offer of joining the newly formed confederation. Dergah, due to their position between three powerful nations, cultural exchange with Kainereka over centuries and historical friendship, decides to join in a decision that was highly controversial to the nobility there and caused a revolt. Kainerekan army has intervened and crushed the rebellion, deeming that part of nobility as traitors and sentencing leaders of the revolt for treason.

Simmer Isles (Pon3)

Government Type: Administrative Republic
Economy: Powerhouse
Military: Moderate
Navy: Terrifying
Units: Musketeers, Dragoons, Demi-Cannon, Short Barreled Cannon, Flute, Ship of the Line, Star Forts
Doctrines: Census, Basic Education, Universities, Newspapers, “Sword and Shield”, Colonial Ambitions, Chartered Companies, Military Academy, Central Bank, Grand Creation Fair, Banknotes
Culture: Seafarers, Explorers, Egalitarians, Traders
Individual Technology:
Sawmills, Early Modern Mechanical Engineering, Atmospheric Engine, Early Biology
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Pledge of Protection: Bolshaya, Rassvet-Tselinoyarsk
Non-aggression Pact: Kuzunoha, Redline Islands, Epsilon Federation
Public Unrest, War Exhaustion (Low)

- Evidence of massed election frauds emerge and spread like a wildfire through newspapers. People start doubting the republican traditions of the nation. Many vent their anger in the form of support for more autocratic candidates, promising to reform and centralize the government to cut the corruption in the administration.
- Conquest of Vesperia without much trouble, Simmer navy playing a crucial role in the initial naval victories over the enemy navy. After the war, nobility is purged and replaced with governors sent from the mainland, operating in the same fashion Simmer colonies do.
- Simmer adopts the Atmospheric Engine in their mines, which greatly increases mining productivity in the New World. Additionally, a focus on developing already owned lands is placed, with massive infrastructural and industrial projects underway.
- The theory of evolution is formulated by Darles Charwin, a Simmer explorer and entomologist, through observation of subtle differences in various insects near Matcha. This scientific revelation has kickstarted the study of biology, officially added to the curriculum in agricultural universities.
- A quadrennial event is hosted in Green Leaf, the Grand Creation Fair, where chefs, artists, inventors and musicians can showcase their works and aim to claim the main prizes in those fields. Over time, the importance of the event grows to a national and then international fair, each time hosted in different Simmer city. Foreigners are allowed to both attend as contestants and spectators at a fee, except G.O.A.L.S. scholars, for whom the admission is free.
- “Simoleon”, a partially gold-backed currency enters the market as a central bank is formed. Thanks to this development the government has slight control over inflation and landowners are partially spared the negative effects of the price revolution. Local banks start opening to compete with the already present foreign banks.

>vesperia invasion
>liberate vesperia
>surprising amount of land
>international world doing nothing
>ohana stupid name

Last edited Sep 22, 2017 at 09:10PM EDT

Dear Novyy Mir,
Seeing that Novyy Mir has established itself as its own nation, we would like to offer an alliance and peaceful negotiate regarding your expansion into Native Territory.

grimmore wrote:

Welp, only one thing I can do now.


Can we offer some crackers with the resources you gain from your mines?

Also, RIP Vesperia.

Last edited Sep 22, 2017 at 09:21PM EDT

Kentucky: we have very similar cultures. There is no reason why your people should languish, improverished, in the jungle. Join us as one union or we will annex you.

Lesalians: we consider your land a piece of our manifest destiny. However, we respect the kingdom you have built and believe we have much to gain from working together. We are therefore going to offer you a chance to become our protectorate and, ultimately, our vessel. You will have our protection and a promise of relatively minimal internal interference in exchange for a very modest tribute and military support. This is your only chance to remain a relatively independent state and if you refuse we will take military action.

Last edited Sep 22, 2017 at 11:25PM EDT

Following Simmer's actions, the Jinyiwei Secret Police rush to silence the diplomat and his offer. Actually, there was no offer in the first place. We have never and will never recognize Novyy Mir. Novyy Mir? What's that? It's just Mir.

A new, proper diplomat is sent to Mir, this time offering to Mir a non-aggression pact, and pledging Aoxian forces to aid Mir. In exchange for absolute peace between GOALS-Mir, Aoxia will help take back the rebellious Mir provinces when called upon.

After a round of talks with the esteemed diplomats of Switzerland 3, Aoxia has concluded a land-exchange deal, redrawing the borders to look like this:

On behalf of Al Amarja, Aoxia is giving the GOALS-held territory of the Chengelsk island to Swizz. Al Amarja is busy dealing with their domestic issues and nobility, and thus has sent us to represent GOALS interests. Aoxia also gives its land south of Chengelsk to Swizz, as well as the Harena-held island south of Chengelsk. In turn, Switzerland will give the rest of the island of Jafa to Aoxia.

Aoxia will divide the island of Jafa for other GOALS members in a future agreement, for now, this is how the borders look.

To make it official, Aoxia also establishes an absolute peace with Switzerland III. A more ensured non-aggression pact. Aoxia will offer favorable trade rates to the nation, and encourage GOALS states to do so as well. We expect to see some similar responses from Swizz traders.

To conclude, let it be known, there is a solid, concrete, absolute peace between GOALS-Mir, and GOALS-Switzerland III. We do not attack them whatsoever, we do not attack the north whatsoever. They do not attack the League whatsoever. All matters will be dealt through diplomacy and talks.

Aoxia has made an agreement with Al Amarja, with them gifting us these highlighted islands:

Last edited Sep 22, 2017 at 10:36PM EDT

We at the palace of the avalon have grown tired of unwanted Kuzunohan aggressiveness when we have shown respect for their nation, our rather inconvenient situation was brought upon only by different interests in wars that we both profitted out of.


We will not forget this indirect aggresion towards our nation


We don't know what you're on about. The presence of piracy in the colonies is regrettable, but we can't understand why they would get all rampant over there in particular. Alas, the days of piracy have gone with the waves. It's all water under the bridge now as it were…

Our dispute with our nobles is already known and they shall be disciplined soon for their stubborn ways but we have realize that our colonial empire has become too bloated and as such we need to trim some of the fat from it to make the Commonwealth much healthier and efficient.

As such we are willing to sell this old colony to the Simmer Isles.

We also wish to sell our claims on this island to our neighbor since our venture in that island is a failure and maybe they can make something out of our failure in that island.

Last edited Sep 23, 2017 at 06:31AM EDT

Xia wrote:

Aoxia also gives its land south of Chengelsk to Swizz, as well as the Harena-held island south of Chengelsk.

CrowTheMagician wrote:

We also wish to sell our claims on this island to our neighbor since our venture in that island is a failure and maybe they can make something out of our failure in that island.

Harena agrees to let the parts they own to be sold.

Last edited Sep 23, 2017 at 07:35AM EDT

For their disgusting disregard of human life in Imouto, Birgerelm imposes an embargo on Whiteshack. It encourages any other nations who find the genocide of natives immoral to do the same.

An offer of protection is sent to Indalen.

James Blunt wrote:

We at the palace of the avalon have grown tired of unwanted Kuzunohan aggressiveness when we have shown respect for their nation, our rather inconvenient situation was brought upon only by different interests in wars that we both profitted out of.


We will not forget this indirect aggresion towards our nation

Our Apologies we only felt that do to your abundant wealth would it be able to assist us the most we meant no disrespect.

Stoffe wrote:

For their disgusting disregard of human life in Imouto, Birgerelm imposes an embargo on Whiteshack. It encourages any other nations who find the genocide of natives immoral to do the same.

An offer of protection is sent to Indalen.

The Emperor of Whiteshack, distraught that his order to just cut down wood was interpreted as "slaughter natives" decides to crawl over to his desk and write a formal apology.
we in the imperial court of whiteshack are sor ry for accidentaillly committin genocide aogainst the PEOPLE of imoutoa… it was a woodcuttin operation that went way out of ha nd…. we truely condemn the actioons of the few peuople who oversaaw and ac ted oiut this atrocity…… we will make it even by giavin mone y to the natives at our border,,,, offerin them protection….
This letter would probably be debated for many years. While it could be assumed that his grief was too great for him to perform proper spelling. Others would argument that his writing would take MORE effort because of the complex system of misspellings.

In order to show our good will towards the god emperor of Kuzunoha we would like to extend our hand in friendship in exchange for the severing of diplomatic ties with the golden empire, we are willing to prove we can protect our breatheren and have no intention of expanding into their land.

James Blunt wrote:

In order to show our good will towards the god emperor of Kuzunoha we would like to extend our hand in friendship in exchange for the severing of diplomatic ties with the golden empire, we are willing to prove we can protect our breatheren and have no intention of expanding into their land.

Very well the God-Emperor has closed off all diplomatic ties with the Golden Empire and accepts
Switzerland III's offer of friendship.

We shall end our previous embargo and instead begin the embargo Whiteshack both for the actions taken aginst Imouto and for the letter of apology as the poor spelling was taken as a insult to the God-Emperor's intelligence.


Kentucky is given the offer of joining

Individual Kentucky clans accept the offer and join the nation of McDonalds. Many still remain that refuse to give into subjudication.

Offer of becoming a protectorate/vassal is sent to Lesalians

Lesalians are advanced enough and close technologically, so they accept the offer of becoming a tributary.


Land trades and stuff

Exchange of colonies is thus formalized, and a non-aggression pact is made between G.O.A.L.S. and Mir as well as G.O.A.L.S. and Switzerland III.


An offer of protection is sent to Indalen.

Indalen gladly accepts the pledge of protection.


God-Emperor has closed off all diplomatic ties with the Golden Empire and accepts

Golden Empire is enraged at the dissolution of the defensive pact, and forms an alliance with the Sasmenids, who fear growing Rexanian power.

Kainereka wishes to reaffirm ties with both the Golden Empire and Birgelem. We believe our historical friendship should be able to triumph over any hazards in the future. In addition, we seek closer ties with the Sasmenids in order to counter Rexanian aggression.

Only 9 players have sent their turns so far, and we are reaching 48 hours since the turn was posted. Therefore, I am closing off edits and will start writing up the turn when the statistics are posted.

If you still haven't sent in your turn, do so as quickly as possible; otherwise I might not accept it.

Additional Statistics (As of right now)

Hey, I compiled some additional information for your countries. Hope you'll like it.

Development Map

Development map shows the population density, wealth, trade power and recruitable manpower – overall, the "worth" or "development" of the land. Red is basically wasteland, orange shows poor regions, yellow means moderate development, light green indicates wealth and dark green shows most valuable land in the world.

Total land as measured in pixels squared. It does not include your vassals or other dependent states.

Harena – 77 514 (69 020 without colonies)
Aoxia – 62 389 (55 532 without colonies)
Rexania – 61 322 (39 829 without colonies)
Switzerland III – 57 878 (27 643 without colonies)
Al Amarja – 56 553 (27 815 without colonies)
Simmer Isles – 52 664 (21 834 without colonies)
Birgerelm – 46 849 (32 780 without colonies)
Mir – 45 810 (32 548 without colonies)
Whiteshack – 42 858 (23 103 without colonies)
Kingdom of Sikong – 42 688
McDonalds – 39 974
Kun-de-Lain – 34 905
Kainereka – 34 309 (29 341 without colonies)
Sasmenids – 22 319
United Federation – 19 533 (13 023 without colonies)
Golden Empire – 19 051
Novyy Mir – 18 598
Kuzunoha – 8 227
Grimmoria – 7 650 (5 082 without colonies)
Epsilon Federation – 3 816
Redline Islands – 2 684

Total population is pretty self-explanatory. Again, no vassals or dependent states, and the initial value is population in your mainland only. Values in brackets represent the population in overseas provinces.

Whole world: 682.8m
Rexania – 66.1m (3.3m)
Kingdom of Sikong – 63.6m
Simmer Isles – 57.3m (7.6m)
Switzerland III – 54.4m (10.4m)
Golden Empire – 48.6m
Aoxia – 33.7m (7.2m)
Kainereka – 29.8m (1.1m)
Kun-de-Lain – 28.2m
Birgerelm – 27.4m (2.3m)
Al Amarja – 26.9m (3.7m)
United Federation – 26.7m (440.2k)
Whiteshack – 19.1m (2.7m)
Harena – 16.7m (1.2m)
Sasmenids – 16.6m
Mir – 14.2m (2.1m)
Kuzunoha – 10.3m
McDonalds – 8.4m
Redline Islands – 4.1m
Novyy Mir – 3.6m
Epsilon Federation – 1.7m
Grimmoria – 514k (218k)

Last edited Sep 25, 2017 at 05:19PM EDT

>When you're when of the least developed Kingdoms with the lowest overall population, and it's in complete and utter shambles, all because a couple of king-Dumbs couldn't stand the though of us being in our rights to overthrow and hunt down what are essentially this world's equivalent to Nazis.

all because a couple of king-Dumbs couldn’t stand the though of us being in our rights to overthrow and hunt down what are essentially this world’s equivalent to Nazis.

Or you know, because you decide to invest in weaponized dirt and vegetable peelers.

I am starting writing the turn now that everyone's turns finally arrived and statistics are delivered.

Also, Sasmenids agree to an alliance with Kainereka

Last edited Sep 26, 2017 at 05:07AM EDT

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