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Nations RP: Further Beyond

Last posted Feb 21, 2019 at 05:24PM EST. Added Aug 18, 2017 at 08:07PM EDT
481 posts from 20 users

Alright, gonna fill this out to get a new page for the next turn.
Here's my thoughts on what type of car the teams on Redline will drive when cars are invented in this game.
Redline – Custom cars built specifically for racing, such as a BMW M3 GTR.

Al Amarja – Classic exotics, such as a Lamborghini Countach.

Aoxia – Modern, sleek cars such as an Aston Martin DB11.

Die Blitze – Seeing as "Die Blitze" is german for "the flashes" according to Google Translate, I imagine they would drive "flashy" cars like a Porsche 911 GT3.

Die Stürme – German for "the storms" so they seem like the type to drive strong muscle cars like a Plymouth Road Runner.

Imperialrennfahrer – Translates to "Imperial Racers". With that name, they seem like the sort of team that goes for the professional brackets, and the sort to put their life into their car. They would drive special, track-only cars like the BMW Z3 GT3.

McDonalds – Sleeper cars that will take racers by surprise. "It's only good for delivering Big Macs" they'll say, right before being overtaken and left in the dust.

Last edited Sep 03, 2017 at 06:23PM EDT

Turn 3

Map Link

Map Legend

Age of Exploration (1/4)

A NEW ERA has begun, the Age of Exploration. Sailing the open seas is no longer an impossible feat, and the naval range of each of player’s fleets has increased dramatically. Most of individual technologies became obsolete or became common knowledge. Some units and doctrines were updated. This era represents the times of 1480-1780.
Now you can assume that your country has or KNOWS ABOUT EVERY COUNTRY on the map, and long-distance trading finally becomes a viable option.
Additionally, you can assume your country possesses medieval-level TECHNOLOGIES unless they are specified as individual technologies in the turns of other players.
There are changes to TRADE. Due to the abundance of trading agreements, I am removing them from the game, assuming your country opens its ports to foreign traders. I also assume mercantilist policies, standard by the time. If you wish to decrease or increase mercantilism, do so in your turns by decreasing/increasing tariffs. You can always close your ports to foreign traders. Now trading is done through trade routes and is organic, meaning that your traders will go wherever they want (read: wherever is profitable for them).

World events

- Due to the start and boom of intercontinental trade, two trading behemoths emerge: Switzerland III and Simmer Isles. About half of global trade is split between these two nations. Al Amarja and Redline Islands serve as popular stops along the way, also benefitting greatly from it.
- Aftermath of past naval wars and modernization of fleets leaves sailors looking for new profitable professions, some of whom take up the mantle of pirates attacking exposed trading ships. Piracy is minor, still not widespread and is limited to sea around some unclaimed islands.

Mir (Taryn)

Government Type: Elective Monarchy
Economy: Moderate
Military: Strong
Navy: Moderate
Units: Arquebusiers, Men-at-Arms, Bombards, Galleasses
Doctrines: Mercenary Employment, Banking, Military Academies, Forced Labor
Culture: Militarists
Individual Technology:
Alliance: Birgerelm, McDonalds™, Switzerland III
War exhaustion (Low)

- Large, iron cast cannons known as the bombards are created and added into the army, drastically improving their siege ability. Dubbed Tsar Cannons, they deliver projectiles with enough force to crush enemy castle’s walls, rendering most of medieval defenses ineffective.
- The naft, a variation of Whiteshack Fire is made from crude oil, resins and limestone, improving on the original recipe. While finding limited application on land, usually in the form of traps, it proves to be indispensable on sea, serving as a potent weapon when conditions are right.
- First military-exclusive academy is established in the capital, serving as a training grounds for officers and future strategists and improving their performance across the board. Many great future naval and land commanders will attend it.
- Criminals are given life sentences in the mines rather than an execution by hanging or firing squad, which used to be the standard. Their forced labor contributes to the Mir economy.
- An offensive is launched upon the city-states, and through a series of wars their armies are obliterated and fortifications successfully sieged, leading to full annexations and integration of territory. Enemy officers and leaders are sent for a lifetime in the mines, while their lesser vassals and soldiers are pardoned and titles held by them remain in their hands.

Birgerelm (Stoffe)

Government Type: Tribal Federation
Economy: Moderate, Growing
Military: Decent
Navy: Decent
Units: Skirmishers, Arquebusiers, Men-at-Arms, Caravels, Star Forts
Doctrines: Harma Copper Mines, Slavery, Art Academy
Culture: Seafarers, Naval Raids
Individual Technology:
Alliance: Mir, McDonalds™, Switzerland III, Rexania
Vassals: Quijogiro
Defensive Pact: Whiteshack, Kainereka
War Exhaustion (Very Low)

- Slavery becomes a bit more civilized as sets of laws are put into effect, enforcing limits on punishments, minimums of comfort and various sets of laws about breeding slaves. Additionally, slaves can now be freed from their masters and act as regular citizens of Birgerelm, which causes an influx of ex-slave teachers and higher skilled servants.
- With old castles crumbling under cannon fire, Birgerelmian engineers propose a new type of fortification, partially resistant to cannon bombardment – the star forts.
- An offer of vasalization is sent to Quijogiro, which is rejected. A week after the rejection Birgerelm’s army lands on the nation’s shores, conquering it and replacing the kingdom’s leader with a more favorable candidate.
- Styrke Academy of Arts opens itself up to students from Indalen and Asby, under the obligation of aiding Birgerelm in its wars. Some clan leaders accept and send their children to the art and military schools.
- Setting their sights on foreign lands past the vast ocean, Birgerelmian shipwrights come up with a new ship design, suitable for inter-continental voyages.

Vesperia (Deblod100)

Government Type: Psychotic Despotism
Economy: Poor
Military: Decent
Navy: Moderate
Units: Arquebusiers, Mortars, Bombard Galleon
Doctrines: War-Time Conscription, Spies, Canal Building, Observatory, History Revisionisme
Culture: The Pit (Religion), The Pit (Culture), Blissful Ignorance
Individual Technology:
Early Modern Astronomy

- An expedition aiming to settle a nearby island was launched.
- Canals linking near-shore towns to the ocean are built, and thus improve the flow of goods between the cities close to the sea.
- Government-commissioned observatory is built near the capital and multiple astronomical breakthroughs are made in the nation of Vesperia, including the heliocentric theory.
- A heavy warship, the galleon, has been introduced to the navy. Loaded with cannons for naval warfare and mortars for land bombardment up to one kilometer, it proves to be versatile but lacking firepower in naval battles the all-cannon warships have.
- The Pit caused the insanity of a miner. Claiming he was envious on the depth of the pit, he started to make his own pit. By the end of the day, the miner managed to create a hole deep enough for the miner to be digging in shadows. The next day, the hole the miner was digging and even the miner himself looked as if ceased to exist from this world. The day after that, no one stated to have any memories of the miner at all or any mention of anyone digging a bigger pit than the original, as everything appeared to be normal as the ground that the miner was digging at was untouched.

Free Kingdoms (Black Graphic T)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Decent
Military: Modest
Navy: Moderate
Units: Arquebusiers, Cuirassiers, Frigates
Doctrines: Cartography, Basic Education
Culture: Innovative, Creative, Renaissance
Individual Technology:
Printing Press
Member of the Southwest Oceania League
Member of the High Council

- With the combined invention of the printing press and establishment of basic schooling in towns, literacy soars.
- A museum is constructed in Avarantine, aiming to collect and exhibit pieces related to the history of Free Kingdoms. This results in a resurgence, a resurrection, a rebirth of culture related to the classical part of the region’s history. Every nobleman wishes to have a lifelike marble statue made of them.
- A modernization and expansion of the navy is underway, with many new vessels exiting the docks.
- Taking into concern historic friendship, cultural similarities and bordering empires, the neighboring nations agree to form a High Council, which takes form of an annual meeting between the kings concerning itself with the matters of economy, military and diplomacy. Every year the meeting takes place in a different kingdom.

Al Amarja (CrowTheMagician)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Decent, Flourishing
Military: Moderate
Navy: Robust
Units: Pike-and-Shot, Reiters, Falconets, Caravels, Carracks, Hoys
Doctrines: Legal Code, Meritocracy, Social Welfare, Universities, Naval Academy, Early Stock Exchange
Culture: Xenophiles, Scholars, Cosmicism (Religion)
Individual Technology:
Matchlock Muskets
Member of the Southwest Oceania League
Vassals: Carim, Carcosa
Non-Aggression Pact: Redline Islands

- The Aoxian pike-and-shot formation is adopted and modified upon as matchlock firing mechanism is invented. It allows soldiers to focus on aiming while firing, vastly improving upon accuracy. Plug bayonets are added to the standardized army equipment.
- Al Amarja transitions from a guild-based economy to one based more on companies and individual workshops, with the guilds retaining little economic and political power.
- The first stock exchange is established in Arkham, allowing the division of profits equivalent to the shares held. Bonds, debts, loans become common across the nation and the financial market in Al Amarja booms.
- Inspired by the tales of the faraway lands, a proto-production line known as “The Azif Arsenal” utilizing canals as a means of transportation between workshops is established. In short time, it begins to product naval equipment and cannons needed by the nation’s fleet.
- A colonization effort to settle the nearby islands is underway.

Aoxia (Xia)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Moderate
Military: Robust
Navy: Decent
Units: Pike-and-Shot, Banner Infantry, Banner Cavalry, Treasure Ships
Doctrines: Food Stockpiling, Government Reform, Meritocracy, Grand Library, Universities, Selective livestock breeding
Culture: Militarists, Scholars
Individual Technology:
Early Fertilizers
Member of the Southwest Oceania League
War exhaustion (Low)

- A portion of the nation’s resources is used up to successfully rebuild razed cities.
- Sewerage system is added to major cities. Mostly using the principles of gravity and flowing into nearby river, the sewers nevertheless prevent most of the waste from ending up on the streets, improving sanitary conditions of fast-growing cities.
- Early modern selective breeding is pioneered in cooperation with Simmer Isles, resulting in new types of plants, such as sweet, heart-shaped red berries and improved grains.
- Fertilizers are made from manure, compost and saltpeter salts, seeing profound use in farming and reducing the period for which a land must rest before giving good crops again.
- Colonization combined with the integration of tribals is launched to the southwest, seeing major success. These communities gather around and together with the colonists compose a majority of citizens in the new major city of Shanjing. Isles to the east of Aoxia are also settled.

Switzerland III (Twisty)

Government Type: Administrative Monarchy
Economy: Wealthy, Booming
Military: Small
Navy: Strong
Units: Arquebusiers, Falconets, Galleasses, Frigates, Carracks
Doctrines: Banking, Universities, Workshop subsidization, Slavery, Spies, Chartered Companies, Maritime Law
Culture: Traders, Seafarers
Individual Technology:
Alliance: Whiteshack, Birgerelm, Mir
Defensive Pact: Avalon Prima
Vassal: Gentoo, Andorra 2
Same Dynasty: Avalon Prima
Royal Marriage: Whiteshack, Birgerelm
Non-Aggression Pact: Kainereka, Rexania

- Colonies in the south are established and start functioning as important trade routes for Avalon merchants.
- A quick war is waged on the city-state of Clasm, resulting in an overwhelming victory.
- Secret Circle, a spy organization, is established within the kingdom and begins operations.
- The government shifts to an administrative monarchy as Carlo Baldio dynasty solidifies in power. In an attempt to partially calm down outraged electors, a special council is established where they can address problems together with the king.
- As intercontinental trade becomes more widespread, bringing Switzerland III massive profits, chartered companies start popping up in major port cities, particularly Bern 3. Books such as “Mare Liberum” and "De Dominio Maris Dissertatio” gain popularity among scholars, merchants and trade-oriented noblemen. Inspired by them, the king takes his stance and implements the world’s first measures qualifying as a full-fledged maritime law.

Harena (Olors64)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Modest, Growing
Military: Moderate
Navy: Modest
Units: Arquebusiers, Reiters, Mortars, Carracks
Doctrines: Univerisites, Mining Effort
Culture: Traders
Individual Technology:
Member of the Southwest Oceania League
Non-Aggression Pact: Blazing Citadel, Bhainsara, Breakspear, Broken Spire, Fellberg
War Exhaustion (Low)

- Eremus is rebuilt in a large reconstruction effort.
- A huge road perpendicular to the Free Kingdoms-Kun-de-Lain tract is build, going through the mountains. Land trade across the mountains becomes much easier, and soon goods from Sikong, Kun-de-Lain and Free Kingdoms start appearing in Harena at much lower prices.
- Mining operations in the mountains next to Harena commence, giving the nation access to many coal and tin deposits.
- Printing press is popularized and spreads through the nation, particularly to universities, which use them as a means to mass-copy popular books.
- Sewerage systems are implemented in Harenian cities, increasing hygiene and greatly decreasing changes of disease outbreaks.

Blazing Citadel (Knife 2.0)

Government Type: Republican Dictatorship
Economy: Modest
Military: Decent
Navy: Moderate
Units: Condottieri, Arquebusiers, Falconets, Carracks
Doctrines: Agriculture and mining subsidies
Culture: Warriors
Individual Technology:
Non-aggression Pact: Redline Islands, Harena, Kuzunoha

- Halberd becomes the standard weapon in the army of the Blazing Citadel, and battle formation is adapted to it, particularly popular among the mercenaries.
- Ships capable of sailing through open ocean are invented.

Grimmoria (Grimmore)

Government Type: Feudal Monarchy
Economy: Poor, Declining
Military: Moderate
Navy: Small
Units: Men-at-Arms, Crossbowmen, Galleys
Doctrines: None
Culture: Warriors
Individual Technology:
Embargoed by: Birgerelm, Whiteshack, Switzerland III, Kainereka

- In an effort to weaponize dirt, the Grimmorians come up with a means of weaponizing lack of it – mainly concealed pits filled with spikes and other traps.

Whiteshack (Jellopy)

Government Type: Monarchy
Economy: Moderate
Military: Moderate
Navy: Modest
Units: Pikemen, Lancers, Galleasses
Doctrines: Culture Investment, Universities, Slavery, Trading Companies
Culture: Bizarre practices
Individual Technology:
Three-Field System, Printing Press
Defensive Pact: Birgerelm, Switzerland III, Tselinoyarsk-Rassvet
Vassals: Gonko-Shoobie Kingdom
Trade Agreement: Switzerland III

- West Oceania Trading Company is established and allowed to operate using the crown’s authority within the region west to Whiteshack.
- Oil painting and spinet gain popularity, quickly entrenching themselves in Whiteshack culture.
- Colonization, overseen by the trading company, of the islands to the west begins.
- A huge market for slaves arises in Whiteshack, and the three-field system is adopted in the nation’s farms.
- The invention of printing press drastically lowers the prices of books, making them available to more people.

Kuzunoha (Anti-Guy)

Government Type: Divine Empire
Economy: Decent, Growing
Military: Modest
Navy: Moderate
Units: Zealot Regiments, Arquebusiers, Culverin, Galleasses
Doctrines: Caste System, Universities, Library construction
Culture: Divine Mandate
Individual Technology:
Printing Press, Drydocks
Non-Aggression Pact: Blazing Citadel

- Water mills are popularized, greatly reducing the need for oxen in regular mills. Farm owners and craftsmen benefit from such development.
- Drydocks and harbor cranes are built in coastal cities, lowering the costs of ship maintenance and making naval vessels easier to build.
- A light cannon, the culverin, is invented by Kuzunohian military engineers and added to the nation’s army. These long-barreled cannons serve as an anti-infantry weapon, being capable of launching projectiles over a large distance.
- Libraries, filled with printed books, are built in major cities and lower classes are allowed to visit them. Due to low initial literacy, hardly anyone from lower and middle ranked citizens but merchants and scholars use them. Universities are established and opened to higher ranked citizens, and therefore future members of administration, church and judicial system are educated adequately to their role.

Redline Islands (Laika)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Decent, Flourishing
Military: Weak
Navy: Decent
Units: Arquebusiers, Men-at-Arms, Fire Arrow Troops, Early Brigs, Early Frigates
Doctrines: Scribe Order, International Racing Championships, Auctions
Culture: Racers, Inventors
Individual Technology:
Non-Agression Pact: Aoxia, Blazing Citadel, Al Amarja

- New ship designs are implemented, focused primarily on speed.
- The islands are surveyed for precious materials, but only a moderate deposit of chromium is found on one of the smaller islands.
- Surplus production, which isn’t much for a small nation like Redline, is actioned off to the highest bidder in order to fill up the treasury.
- Precursors to naval mines are invented, which are nothing more than waterproofed submergible barrels filled with pockets of air and flammable material. They still need to be primed by lighting up the fuse, and therefore find limited application is ambushes.
- The bizarre rotating sphere is further researched, but it yields no fast, race-able vehicles. Even if the primitive engine was strapped to a vessel, its power to weight ratio and the need for constant fuel supply renders it useless. Therefore, it fades into obscurity as nothing more than a collector item.
- The intercontinental trade has brought prosperity to Redline, as the island serves as one of the stopping points on the road between continents.

Kainereka (Chrispy92)

Government Type: Tribal Federation
Economy: Decent
Military: Decent
Navy: Modest
Units: Arquebuses, Galleasses, Forts
Doctrines: Universities, Infrastructure Expansion, Army Reform, Spies
Culture: Industrious, Merchants
Individual Technology:
Medicine (Anatomy), Printing Press, Three-Field System
Pledge of Protection: Dergah, Kuskogee-Sokhan, Radewijk, Hees, Cainthara-Sili-Bertacci, Presilas-Tornero-Cores
Defensive Pact: Birgerelm
Non-Aggression Pact: Switzerland III
War Exhaustion (Low)

- Kainereka sends its missionaries to countries to the west and south of it, including Kuzunoha and Rexania. Both the smaller states and Rexania react violently, often executing them by hanging on the spot. The fact that the religion is also tied exclusively to the nation of Kainereka makes rulers take actions against the spread of the religion, to the point of threatening with war if the missionaries continue to visit their countries. The only country where a new religion gained foothold in is Kuskogee, where older beliefs were merged into the spread religion.
- Printing press is invented, cheapening the price of books and making them available to middle class townsfolk.
- Cartography is subsidized, and Kainerekan explorers precisely map the shores of their continent, aiding in trade and navigation.
- Three-Field System is adopted in Kainerekan farms, increasing the overall crop yield by a fifth.
- An order of spies, the Grey Eyes is founded, taking in not just soldiers but also diplomats, scholars and orphans. They primarily serve as an counterintelligence agency.

Simmer Isles (Pon3)

Government Type: Administrative Republic
Economy: Good, Booming
Military: Weak
Navy: Decent
Units: Arquebusiers, Pikemen, Flute
Doctrines: Census, Basic Education, Woodblock Printing Subsidies, Universities, Agricultural Overhaul
Culture: Seafarers, Pacifists, Egalitarians, Traders
Individual Technology:
Three-Field System, Sawmills, Early Fertilizers
Member of the Southwest Oceania League
War Exhaustion (Very Low)

- After a sending a messenger to Oolong about the wrath of the Gods, the city is sieged and countered in a swift strike.
- A massive agricultural overhaul has been performed, including: introduction of chickens and other natural pest killers, promoting fishing, using fertilizer made from salts and manure, promoting hygiene and killing off rats, distributing moon calendars to help with crops, crop cross-breeding and controlled selection.
- Several trade depots are established, serving as a resupply point to traders willing to pay for accommodation. They also act as a means to spread Simmerian trade power further away.
- The introduction of a Flute, a ship focused solely on trade thus being able to carry twice the amount of goods of other trade ships and being considerably cheaper, has completely changed the global trading landscape. Simmerian spice traders become a common sight in cities across the world, bringing in profits over fifteen times larger than expenses, including ships lost to pirates or storms. The use of sawmills ensures that Simmerian ship construction speed and low costs far surpass any nation on the planet. Insurance companies and central bank also see their rise during this time. Due to the reliability of Simmerian companies, checks for goods spread which are able to be cashed in at any Simmerian city or trade depot.

A diplomat is sent to Al Adeba to propose an agreement where they're provided defense from outside invaders, lower taxes, and food supplies during famine, if they join the Kingdom of Harena.

Another one is sent to Petat, offering to give military support if they're attacked.

Last edited Sep 03, 2017 at 08:30PM EDT

In an effort to defuse tensions and protect Kainerekan Citizens, The Speaker puts an end to missionary funding. Any missionaries aboard must abide by their host country's rules and must leave immediately if told to do so.

The people of Grimmoria would like to start trade negotiations with Kuzunoha. Considering we are literally across from each other, we could benefit each other greatly without having to worry about a trip being too long.

What do you say?

Also, we agreed that Blazing Citadel and Grimmoria will share the technology of the mining machines.

Last edited Sep 03, 2017 at 10:25PM EDT

Switzerland 3: It seems we both had the same idea on which islands to colonize. I haven't forgotten those islands but I don't wish to fight over them. How about instead we split up the islands? I take the parts you have not claim and with the larger one you can take the south and I take the north. I also wish to sign a non-aggression pact.

The Free Kingdoms would like to extend an invitation to the country of Bhainsara, to aid in training it's military and educating its people. The offer is for a jolly cooperation for future success, and a chance of modernization should it desire such things.

CrowTheMagician wrote:

This map shows what I want from the island change.

We need to negotiate who having parts of the islands though. Vesperia wants to invade the two independent cities in the purple and takes interest in the unexplored also.

Perhaps a deal can be worked out.

king charles I rejects al marja's diplomats proposal as it treats the islands as unclaimed by the avalon trade company and recommends al marja doesnt cause border tensions with the empire but its free to try on uncolonized islands or the biggest island

edit: this same treatment will extend to vesperia

Last edited Sep 04, 2017 at 03:29AM EDT

Dear World Nations,
The Simmer Isles would like to form a Non-Aggression Pact with every Nation, consider this an open letter. We hope you all agree that non-conflict will be the most mutually beneficial route for us all. Let your decision, or lack thereof, speak volumes.
Happily, and Sincerely,
The Simmer Isles

Last edited Sep 04, 2017 at 03:51AM EDT

~ ??? ??? ???? ~
A union for the benefit of economic prosperity, military defense,
scientific pursuit, technological research, and cultural exchange

Free Kingdoms, Al Amarja, Aoxia Dominion, Kingdom of Harena, Simmer Isles
Black Graphic T, CrowTheMagician, Xia, Olors64, Pon3

Purely meant for me and the League to organize ideas and not have to go up and down pages to look at important info. Otherwise, ignore this if you wish. Added spoilers to not clutter page.

Growth and Power

Free Kingdoms

  • Economy – Decent
  • Navy – Moderate
  • Military – Modest

Al Amarja

  • Economy – Decent, Flourishing
  • Navy – Robust
  • Military – Moderate

Aoxia Dominion

  • Economy – Moderate
  • Navy – Decent
  • Military – Robust


  • Economy – Modest, Growing
  • Navy – Modest
  • Military – Moderate

Simmer Isles

  • Economy – Good, Booming
  • Navy – Decent
  • Military – Weak


Free Kingdoms – Arquebusiers, Cuirassiers, Frigates
Al Amarja – Pike-and-Shot, Reiters, Falconets, Caravels, Carracks, Hoys
Aoxia Dominion – Pike-and-Shot, Banner Infantry, Banner Cavalry, Treasure Ships
Harena – Arquebusiers, Reiters, Mortars, Carracks
Simmer Isles – Arquebusiers, Pikemen, Flute


Free Kingdoms – Printing Press
Al Amarja – Matchlock Muskets
Aoxia Dominion – Early Fertilizers
Harena – None
Simmer Isles – Three-Field System, Sawmills, Early Fertilizers

Issues, Objectives, and Focus Points

  • Buying and exchanging, explained on discord.
  • Piracy has now become a looming threat.
  • Medicine and sanitation.
  • Agriculture and farmers still taking up 75-85 percent of population.
  • Literacy on the common folk.
  • Colonization and player nations as newfound neighbors.
  • Artistic movements and renaissance. May be further developed with music, painting, sculptures, architecture, as well as math and science.
  • Kun-De-Lain and Sikong, with powerful armies and units such as War Elephants and Hussars.
  • High Council founded by the Free Kingdoms and establishing relations with its immediate neighbors.
  • Other npcs, nations, and tribal lands.
  • The remnants of the Horde on the steppe.
Last edited Sep 04, 2017 at 08:17AM EDT

Pon3 wrote:

Dear World Nations,
The Simmer Isles would like to form a Non-Aggression Pact with every Nation, consider this an open letter. We hope you all agree that non-conflict will be the most mutually beneficial route for us all. Let your decision, or lack thereof, speak volumes.
Happily, and Sincerely,
The Simmer Isles

Kuzunoha Agrees to this Non-aggression Pact

Pon3 wrote:

Dear World Nations,
The Simmer Isles would like to form a Non-Aggression Pact with every Nation, consider this an open letter. We hope you all agree that non-conflict will be the most mutually beneficial route for us all. Let your decision, or lack thereof, speak volumes.
Happily, and Sincerely,
The Simmer Isles

Yeah ok

@The Necromancer Of Memes,

I like that, pretty accurate selection of rides for each nation, especially the Countach for Al Amarja, spot on.

I agree to all non aggression pacts

With the new age comes new faces, new people, refined cultures and ways of thought….but not with Redline, the only thing to change in this nation is the king and the ever increasing speed of the races.

Unfortunately however King Nismo has passed away, his personal riches and golden plated corpse were loaded into an enormous cannon and fired directly upward into the troposphere as with Redline tradition, it is firmly believed that the Speed God itself catches them as they enter the clouds and escorts their soul to the intergalactic speedways to race for eternity.

Toyota, the eldest and fairest son is the next in line, his coronation is an epic event, attended by all citizens. All hail King Toyota.

With this grand new age comes yet another demand from the God of Speed! King Toyota heeds the call and announces an international championship, the biggest and grandest yet. With the new age of ship building the scale of the races can be expanded multiple times over covering huge distances. The tracks will skirt all around the coasts of the neighboring nations, dodging dangers and pirates alike.

Applications are always open, all current teams will be taking places in the greatest naval races the world has ever seen

The kingdom of switzerland won't stand for the subjugation for any of our cousins, the kingdom of quijogiro will be released from vassalization with the old monarch being reinstated and we offer a defense alliance with the kingdom as well as a royal marriage to solidify relations.

We also seek an alliance with the kingdom of sikong in order to open relations with the southwest continent and hopefully a royal marriage if they are a monarchy.

Dear Sikong,
We at Simmer Isles, as long standing business partners, and long time friends, would like to advise you against forming an Alliance with Switzerland III, as they aggressively covet lands both under S.W.O.L. and Sikong rightful property, and have been stressing our borders with Colonies that appear to be purely for military operation on the Southwest Continent. We have united as a continent before, for without S.W.O.L., the Horde would have terrorized our nations for Centuries, and that alone is a testament to our bond and loyalty to the greater good. As a sign of good will, we have shipped many of our finest art and Luxury Goods. Members of S.W.O.L. have sent a wide variety of Noble Bloodlines to choose from, including the very first Simmer Royal Bachelorettes, gathered from willing volunteers of high class. In addition S.W.O.L. offers exclusive Tariffs, Technology, and a Defensive Pact. We hope that our cultural similarities, familiarity, and reliability have been nothing short of valuable to your nation, as opposed to trusting this stranger from far away. We thank you for your time.
The Simmer Isles and S.W.O.L.

Last edited Sep 04, 2017 at 04:07PM EDT

To the Esteemed Magnates and Princes of the Merchant Republic of Kun-De-Lain,

The Aoxian Dominion would like to offer a royal marriage between our two great nations. In turbulent times, powers must band together for the sake of defense and security. Aoxia recognizes that Sikong is allied to the Merchant Republic of Kun-De-Lain, and has already sent diplomats to Sikong seeking equal friendship and prosperity.

We offer to Kun-De-Lain not only the hand of marriage, but also significantly better trade rates, favorable tariffs, the full pledge and commitment of our elite defensive forces, exchanging of technology and inventions, access to our Grand Library, a copy of our finest historical books and manuals, as well as 5 thoroughbred warhorses, a chest of firearms and muskets, and a chest full of the finest tiger, fox, and wolf pelts/furs from Aoxia. Lastly, if Kun-De-Lain suffers from any famines and food shortages, Aoxia is more than willing to send grain reserves as aid.

We would also like to remember and commemorate that Aoxia and Kun-De-Lain fought together valiantly against the Khalkhans and the menace of the Horde. It was our combined strength that helped put an end to their incursions and ravaging in the southland. If we were to unite our nations oncemore, then surely the results would be even more impressive, with new technology and armies. To this, we offer 3 barrels of the finest XaoShing fire liquor, as a toast to health and prosperity.

We ask you to consider this pact, to further elevate our friendship from trade-agreements and non-aggression to fully fledged alliance and marriage.

Royal Emissaries of the Aoxian Dominion

To the Grand and Venerable King of Sikong,

Aoxia would like to offer a non-aggression pact to your fine nation, better trade rates, favorable tariffs, some historical and cultural books from our libraries, as well as gifts of thoroughbred horse and a chest of pelts and firearms. Our friends in the League would like to extend our friendship, to not only you but your ally Kun-De-Lain as well.

We further advise against dealings with foreign nations such as Switzerland. They are from a distant land with foreign traditions, meanwhile we have spent years sharing the same continent and cultivating our relations between our fine nations.

Not only are they far-flung from the happenings of the Southwestern realm, but they are untrustworthy and lacking tact in diplomacy. They are not guaranteed to aid you in times of war, being situated in such a remote land. More surprisingly, they are not even clear if your admirable nation is in fact a monarchy, when it has been well established you are a Kingdom led by a magnificent King. "Opening relations" is ambiguous, we offer actual beneficial relations. We share a continent, we share values, we share a sense of consideration and commitment Northerners do not.

Royal Emissaries of the Aoxian Dominion

Last edited Sep 04, 2017 at 04:25PM EDT

Al Amarjan envoys visit the great throne room of the king of Sikong. The envoys give the king spices, dyes, and cocca beans from Al Amarja along with muskets with bayonets along with books and ships along with manuals that contain the instructions of how to build said ships.

The envoys also bring with them news of wanting to establish favorable trade with the kingdom and to lower tariffs for Sikong.

Some other envoys arrive to Kun De Lain, as they enter the meeting hall that the merchants of the republic gather to discuss on how to run their nation they would be greeted by Al Amarjan envoys who also bear the same gifts to the the merchants of the republic and make the same trade treaty with lower tariff for them.

The envoys also bring with them several seeds, crops,and fishes for both the merchants and people of the republic.

Last edited Sep 04, 2017 at 04:05PM EDT

The Simmer Isles relaxes its hold on the "East Simmer Isles", opening it up to Mir and Birgerelm for Colonization. Kahunas from each city send Koki’o
Kokai cookei Flowers to the Leaders of the two Nations, and Swiss III. Debate continues amongst Kahunas over recent events, but all is silenced as the current Head Kahuna, Earl Grey, stands to address the conflict.
"While we may have claimed those lands for many years, we have neglected efforts to introduce the population to our Governing Body, and thus it is unfair to each of us, and Nations far and wide, to deny these lands a Governing Body whom shares core beliefs with ourselves. If we are to truly become a Great Nation, we must learn to get along with our fellow man." The Kahunas each shout their voice of respect, as they are dismissed from Council. The many crowds of Simmer, and various S.W.O.L. nationalities surrounding the discussion begin a mixture of applauding, and growing rumbles of Debate about the hearing as the Decision is finalized.


A diplomat is sent to Al Adeba to propose an agreement where they’re provided defense from outside invaders, lower taxes, and food supplies during famine, if they join the Kingdom of Harena.

Another one is sent to Petat, offering to give military support if they’re attacked.

Al Adeba agrees to become a part of Harena under a huge autonomy.


Any missionaries aboard must abide by their host country’s rules and must leave immediately if told to do so.

Countries to the west of Kainereka are pleased with this decision, although some nations keep the strict laws in place, for this not to repeat in the future.


the great nation of switzerland 3 decides to show its compassion for more backward nations by offering the King of Malu to be our protectorate

Several Malu tribes agree to become protectorates of Switzerland – they act as primitive allies which help in local wars, but they will gradually civilize to the point of becoming a vassal. Right now, they enjoy immense autonomy, protection from harm and technology import from Switzerland III.

Additionally, the nation of Avalon Prima is inheirited as Swizz King's relative on the throne dies without an heir.

defense alliance with the kingdom as well as a royal marriage to solidify relations.

Quijogiro, immensely grateful for Swizz intervention, agrees to both of those propositions.

Black Graphic T

The Free Kingdoms would like to extend an invitation to the country of Bhainsara

Bhainsara partially agrees to military training help, but not help in education. They do agree for scholars exchange.

Kun-de-Lain and Sikong response to both alliance offers:

Due to the distance and belief that Swizz would benefit more from an alliance than them, Sikong refuses the offer. Doesn't mean that they would refuse one-time ventures or proposed moves.

Both countries agree to nothing more than a non-aggression pact with the League as a whole, signed for two turns (timed due to the volatile state of intercontinental politics).

"But they are untrustworthy and lacking tact in diplomacy"

Our diplomats are renowned worldwide and we always provide for our allies, we see no reason in recurring to violence when things can be solved with words.

"They are not guaranteed to aid you in times of war, being situated in such a remote land"

There is not a place on earth the swizz navy cannot reach and. A defense alliance with the great swizz empire always means we will be there to protect

We would also like to ensure S.W.O.L members our current ports were created with the whole purpose of increasing trade reach and safeguard routes from pirates and privateers, our empire transports many exotic and rare goods that must reach safely to our clients and offers many benefits to nations under our treaties and sphere of influence, Loyalty is the biggest virtue of the avalonian people

King charles I cant accept the invitation personally due to many attempts on his life, but he ensures to send the most exotic gifts to the empress on her glorious coronation to hopefully a long royal life and precious ships fit to carry a ruler and its court.

Blazing Citidel is no more, and is replaced by the
Epsilon Federation
Flag w.i.p
Election system
The new leader of the nation is the Hero-King. Hero-kings, the son of the last Heroking, must be elected by the leaders of the towns and cities, known as Grand Poobahs, by a majority vote. If they are not elected, a high ranking commander in the army m
ay replace the current Hero-King.
@Anti-Guy the current hero-king, Hero-King Sergei I, will attend the celebration and bring gifts, if he is allowed to bring his bodyguards. ''Tis a dangerous world.
@bolshaya and tselinoyarsk
We demand you join the Epsilon Federation or face conquering.
We also we colonize the unclaimed parts of the island tselinoyarsk is on, and the small islands west of bolshaya.

Last edited Sep 05, 2017 at 07:35AM EDT

Anti-Guy wrote:

Kuzunoha invites dignitaries from all nations to celebrate the ascendancy of the new God-Empress Inari Kuzunoha III. My all be blessed by her holiness!

Harenan officials attend the party

Knife 2.0 (リラックス) wrote:

Blazing Citidel is no more, and is replaced by the
Epsilon Federation
Flag w.i.p
Election system
The new leader of the nation is the Hero-King. Hero-kings, the son of the last Heroking, must be elected by the leaders of the towns and cities, known as Grand Poobahs, by a majority vote. If they are not elected, a high ranking commander in the army m
ay replace the current Hero-King.
@Anti-Guy the current hero-king, Hero-King Sergei I, will attend the celebration and bring gifts, if he is allowed to bring his bodyguards. ''Tis a dangerous world.
@bolshaya and tselinoyarsk
We demand you join the Epsilon Federation or face conquering.
We also we colonize the unclaimed parts of the island tselinoyarsk is on, and the small islands west of bolshaya.

Natrually Bodyguards would be allowed

Knife 2.0 (リラックス) wrote:

Blazing Citidel is no more, and is replaced by the
Epsilon Federation
Flag w.i.p
Election system
The new leader of the nation is the Hero-King. Hero-kings, the son of the last Heroking, must be elected by the leaders of the towns and cities, known as Grand Poobahs, by a majority vote. If they are not elected, a high ranking commander in the army m
ay replace the current Hero-King.
@Anti-Guy the current hero-king, Hero-King Sergei I, will attend the celebration and bring gifts, if he is allowed to bring his bodyguards. ''Tis a dangerous world.
@bolshaya and tselinoyarsk
We demand you join the Epsilon Federation or face conquering.
We also we colonize the unclaimed parts of the island tselinoyarsk is on, and the small islands west of bolshaya.

Whiteshack re-affirms their old claim being the protector of Tselinoyarsk, mentioning that they'd rather not have to go to war. They also mention that the avalonians have their interests and might be angered by Federational advances

The High-Prince of Whiteshack, Timmobert Wenkley, comes to the Kuzunohan coronation. They also bring some artists to make paintings of the (hopefully) beautiful God-Empress

Jellopy wrote:

Whiteshack re-affirms their old claim being the protector of Tselinoyarsk, mentioning that they'd rather not have to go to war. They also mention that the avalonians have their interests and might be angered by Federational advances

The High-Prince of Whiteshack, Timmobert Wenkley, comes to the Kuzunohan coronation. They also bring some artists to make paintings of the (hopefully) beautiful God-Empress

Really? Was this in the discord or something? When did Switzerland 3 claim that?
Any ways, I'm taking as much as that little island as possible. And to Sir Prince Timmobert Wenkley, could you please persuade tselinoyarsk to join the EF? We will continue the alliance you have set up and I'm sure The Grand Poobah of Tselinoyarsk will agree.

Disgusted at the rapid expansion and hostile threats against Tselinoyarsk, Birgerelm imposes an embargo upon the Epislon Federation until they leave a sincere apology to the city states.

Delighted at the championships in Redline, Birgerelm decides to send a team of their own. Due to a mixture of miscommunication and gross misunderstanding however, the team consists of two strong men in a rowboat, roughly three fathoms long. While the two men stand little chance against their competitors, they are nevertheless proud, tenacious, and a little dumb, and decide to compete anyway. Having come to the championships without a name predetermined, they register themselves with the first name they can think of when asked: "Boat"

Whiteshack: Simmer already Patrols those Seas, and those islands have already been divided. Simmer has already put effort into colonizing the bottom three Islands. Your men will be asked to turn back from reserved seas.


Initially the two man boat team are hurriedly taken in, considered to be lost at sea they are provided with medical attention. It takes around an hour until it is understood that they are representative racing boat team from Birgerelm.

The same as all the other teams they are provided with resources, a workshop and accommodation for their stay.

How long are these turns again, decades? these guys are gonna be strong as fuck

The International Championship
Redline – “Firebirds”
Al Amarja -“Fighting Cephalopods”
Aoxia – “Scarlet Hares"
Golden Empire – Die Blitze (Meksteinian elector-count’s son on team),
Die Stürme (From Hastin)
and Imperialrennfahrer
Harena – “Soaring Sand Sharks”,
Switzerland 3 – "Afthemhelm"
Birgerelm – "Boat"
McDonalds (when they can get to Redline)

Last edited Sep 05, 2017 at 04:57PM EDT

Also, I guess I need to update my vehicle predictions.
Harena – Seeing as they're the "Soaring" Sand Sharks, I imagine they like to soar.

Alternatively, I can assume they'd drive sports cars, such as a Mazda RX-8.

Birgerelm – I'm sure the proud racers of Birgerelm will come up with a better name later but for now…

Switzerland 3 – According to, the Volkswagen Golf was the #1 Best Selling Car in Switzerland in 2015. So, assuming the racers have Swizz pride, they'd drive a Volkswagen Golf GTI Clubsport S.

Not to sound like an ad, but the GTI Clubsport boasts 306bhp, a 0-60 time of 5.8 seconds AND a top speed of 165 MPH. Your move, gents.

Knife 2.0


Both nations refuse to give into the threat, having confidence in eastern nations which vowed to protect them, or think they would be willing to do so.

Additionally, no more edits are to be accepted, as I am writing the turn.

If you have not submitted the turn yet, now would be a good time to do so. I usually accept them until the turn is posted.

Due to working 9:00-23:00 the turn will take around 2-3 days to complete. After that, I should continue to deliver them on a much quicker note, so please be patient.

Last edited Sep 05, 2017 at 05:42PM EDT

Stoffe wrote:

Disgusted at the rapid expansion and hostile threats against Tselinoyarsk, Birgerelm imposes an embargo upon the Epislon Federation until they leave a sincere apology to the city states.

Delighted at the championships in Redline, Birgerelm decides to send a team of their own. Due to a mixture of miscommunication and gross misunderstanding however, the team consists of two strong men in a rowboat, roughly three fathoms long. While the two men stand little chance against their competitors, they are nevertheless proud, tenacious, and a little dumb, and decide to compete anyway. Having come to the championships without a name predetermined, they register themselves with the first name they can think of when asked: "Boat"

>rapid expansion
What, you mean what everyone else is doing? Look it, if I have to conquer a land to make sure one of these guys doesn't then so be it. Also, that's pretty easy to say when you are like three times the size of me when we started. Also, I'd like to think you would understand an empty threat but apparently I have to explain everything to you. You see I threatened them so they would join me and I could control the area I'm in, making myself safer. And when are you going to wake up and realize the Switzerland 3 is conquering everything? I can let them take whatever Eastern Shithole you guys don't want but I'm not letting them take over my land. So, a message to Switzerland 3:
Back up bruh
So, birgerelm, are you sure trying to stop me from securing my lands and making a staging area against yourself is the best course of action? Also, when I threatened tselinoyarsk to I didn't mean it and just wanted to protect my lands and that's all, so there's your apology. Switzerland 3 can go somewhere else have all the land they want.
Also a message to Redline:
We shall send our fastest ship to compete as the EF Falcons?

Dear Redline,
As Simmer progresses into this new Age, we find that our boats are more than ready to join your race, we have sent one of our Legendary Teams, the "S.I.T. Hotpot", and hope the race goes well.
(P.S. We do hope it isn't too late)

Two new teams make land upon the shores of Turbo. They set up shop next to the rest of the contestants. The workshop district is bustling with life on a daily basis, the sound of woodsaws and clashing metal filling the senses.

Due to the scope of the routes the racers will be taking in this championship the ships required will be unlike the previous smaller and more agile ships of past times. Large but fast sailing ships will be goto design in the workshops. Team Boat however will surely stick to there small two man rowboat, a question on most peoples lips.

The International Championship
Redline – “Firebirds”
Al Amarja -“Fighting Cephalopods”
Aoxia – “Scarlet Hares"
Golden Empire – "Die Blitze", "Die Stürme" and "Imperialrennfahrer"
Harena – “Soaring Sand Sharks”,
Switzerland 3 – “Afthemhelm”
Birgerelm – “Boat”
Simmer Isles – “S.I.T. Hotpot”
Epsilon Federation – "EF Falcons"
McDonalds (when they can get to Redline)

10 national participants, only one team can go forward from the Golden Empire to race.

The Simmer Isles, having relations with the stable City States Bolshaya and Tselinoyarsk, offer them Protection for two turns from the collapsing, and unstable new nation Epsilon Federation, while also offering Loans to those cities.
Dear Epsilon Federation,
We are happy to see another nation forming that includes a system of voting, however we must protect our own interests, and currently we benefit from Trade, as well as our Nation's history together, of the City States Bolshaya and Tselinoyarsk, and regret to inform you that they are under our protection for [Two Turns]. We hope that you use this time to convince your Key Supporters to keep your body in one piece, and quell the inevitable civil unrest amongst the Vast Land Owning Warlords whose family lines are being removed from their seats of power. We wish the Epsilon Federation the best of luck in these times.

10 national participants, only one team can go forward from the Golden Empire to race.

I vote for Die Stürme!

Last edited Sep 05, 2017 at 08:12PM EDT

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