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4chan Now Owned by Hiroyuki Nishimura, Founder of 2channel

Last posted Nov 01, 2015 at 03:25AM EST. Added Sep 21, 2015 at 10:43AM EDT
30 posts from 19 users

4chan confirmed 2chan 2.0.

Seriously though, not a bad thing, if anything they might be able to consolidate hosting and make the services more affordable/profitable so both 2chan and 4chan will live long into the ends of the internets. I doubt this is going to change anything though. Posting will still be shitposting and the rest is history…just like m00tykins. RIP again moot. ;^)

Some data offered by 8chan: <-More compact and tl;dr page

I didn't read them in detail, but apparantly, there was a scandal because he was datamining and selling info to third parties.

>Hiroyuki hasn’t been admin or owner of 2ch for several years now

Oh. Well then. I guess this is just the same either way. I'm not sure if it is possible to drive 4chan into the ground, but if it is, will 8chan rise up and officially take over all 4chan boards.

>inb4 16chan is new overlord

chowzburgerz wrote:

If I made my own "Chan" it would not involve the typical 4chan racism.

And in the process remove any form for free speech that 4chan (and 8chan to a level) stand for.

LNH wrote:

And in the process remove any form for free speech that 4chan (and 8chan to a level) stand for.

Yeah, that's kinda true honestly.

The reason why the "chans" are as vulgar as they are is directly because of the ideals of "free speech" that they uphold.

You can't deny anybody to say what they want to say. No matter how awful. Thats one of the central "experiments" of the site itself.

All I know is I love how ironic (is that the right term to use here?) how -chan as an honorific implies that something is cute and "expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing" while -chan as a suffix to a number implies that the associated website is most likely not cute nor endearing.

chowzburgerz wrote:

If I made my own "Chan" it would not involve the typical 4chan racism.

Your "Chan" would be dead within a month. People go on them to do and say vile shit because that's the only place they can. Taking it away is like offering a prostitute who doesn't do sex of any kind.

Glacier wrote:

Some data offered by 8chan: <-More compact and tl;dr page

I didn't read them in detail, but apparantly, there was a scandal because he was datamining and selling info to third parties.

So it's basically Moot 2.0.

My guess is that Hiroyuki will try and "streamline" 4chan in order to get a larger audience. That would mean reining in the more "wild" boards.

Boards like /b/ would have rules set in place. /pol/ would likely be deleted. So would /r9k/ (and nothing of value would be lost). I don't think boards like /tg/, /lit/, or /tv/ would be affected that much, if at all.

Hiroyuki is having a Q&A at 8:00PM ET. I won't be able to make it. If anyone else is going, make sure to ask him about how he lost 2channel, ask him about the hacking scandal, ask about allegations of selling user data and selling the ability to delete unfavorable posts. Make sure he promises not to delete any currently existing boards, especially not the containment boards. I doubt he will, but…

And KingHarlaus, what would be the point of /b/ if it had rules? Besides, based on how he ran 2channel, he only cares whether or not illegal stuff gets posted and if he's ordered to take it down.

Supreme the Lurking Monitor wrote:

Hiroyuki is having a Q&A at 8:00PM ET. I won't be able to make it. If anyone else is going, make sure to ask him about how he lost 2channel, ask him about the hacking scandal, ask about allegations of selling user data and selling the ability to delete unfavorable posts. Make sure he promises not to delete any currently existing boards, especially not the containment boards. I doubt he will, but…

And KingHarlaus, what would be the point of /b/ if it had rules? Besides, based on how he ran 2channel, he only cares whether or not illegal stuff gets posted and if he's ordered to take it down.

So much cringe. . .
Honestly the best 4chan can hope for at this point is that he doesn't get too involved with the site.

Last edited Sep 23, 2015 at 01:55AM EDT

As long as Hiroyuki Nishimura is not like Moot (sellout, backstabber, SJW, feminazi), I'll be alright with him keeping 4chan alive.

With your permission, I shall necro this thread.

A month has passed. Did anyone notice a change in the site? As in, the userbase seems to act different, changes in the staff, some news of note? Please put as much detail as possible.

Glacier wrote:

With your permission, I shall necro this thread.

A month has passed. Did anyone notice a change in the site? As in, the userbase seems to act different, changes in the staff, some news of note? Please put as much detail as possible.

Creation of /aco/ (adult cartoon), accepting new janitor applications; can't say with confidence anything about the userbase overall, but no changes observed in any of the communities I regularly observe/interact with. Though it should be known, if Hiro does anything undesirable, it will likely be something behind the scenes that we cannot readily observe (how he handles user data, interactions with law enforcement or other businesses, etc.).


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