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Once a Month Have The Admins And Mods Discuss The Latest Ideas From 'Suggest Ideas' And Then See If They Can Implement One

Last posted Jan 06, 2016 at 08:20PM EST. Added Jan 06, 2016 at 05:58PM EST
7 posts from 6 users

This ideas board seems fairly barren and I get the impression it's simply here for show. If this board is not simply for show, I suggest the admins and mods once a month get together, go through the 'Suggest Ideas' forum, and discuss a few ideas they believe would be beneficial. Once they discuss them and determine that one of the ideas is a good idea, then the admins would implement that idea as best they can manage.

I recommend doing this in the mod-and-admin-only irc, and perhaps also posting a poll to determine what users believe is the best idea inside a general discussion thread so various ideas can also be tossed around among users.

This implies the admins actually talk to the mods. If I recall correctly, that's one of the big complaints the mods have--a lack of communication and involvement by KYM's paid staff.

xTSGx wrote:

This implies the admins actually talk to the mods. If I recall correctly, that's one of the big complaints the mods have--a lack of communication and involvement by KYM's paid staff.

Perhaps this idea would kill two birds with one stone, if you tried sending it Don's way since he often talks in the IRC.

Nima wrote:


Don't pls.

Tbh I actually would be all up for something like this, a general discussion moment isn't a bad thing. But there are a few issues I'm straight away noticing with your idea that will mostly make it succeed in failure.

Timezones. Mods and admins live globally and we all have lives outside of KYM, so your plan of having all of us (even most of us, or even just the mods) together in the IRC at the same time is simply said impossible. So that leaves you with a place where one can jump into the discussion at any time without time restriction, like (suprise suprise) a forum. The threads are already posted in a forum so there's no need for change there.

Too many bad ideas. Good ones will get the attention, but make them first. There's no discussion if there's nothing worth discussing. Usually a few of us can already see with a glance, through experience, if an idea is worth implanting or worth the time+effort. (This usually means a no.) I can already tell you how a meeting might go:
>going through Suggest Ideas
>"Seeing something worth discussing?"

I'm up for communication, but this ain't working. At most you can request for us to reply more often, which is helpful. Best way to do that is to approach us I guess.

Last edited Jan 06, 2016 at 07:28PM EST

I can count the number of regular forum users who actually have the power to implement site changes on one hand and I lost all my fingers in 'Nam . A good try, but the suggestion forum seems effective enough. Gathering all the important people in one big discussion is what the council is for, no?

RM saved me a lot of time.

He said all that I would and more. But I'll add that the admins don't have to do much with the forums. It's not where the views for the site come from, so there's not much incentive for them to get involved.

That said, if there was something that was am immediate concern on the site, James would probably get around to it pretty quickly.

I get that the ideas aren't usually taken and that can be discouraging, but an idea that isn't likely to work is an idea that isn't likely to work. There shouldn't really be a quota for new ideas to be implemented.


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