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Last posted Dec 14, 2015 at 01:00PM EST. Added Nov 26, 2015 at 03:34PM EST
63 posts from 22 users

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Loli wrote:

The fact people can be upvoted so greatly for such hate, appalls me.

You should take acting classes, faking a victim suits you.

I’ll simply say disliking the manner in which someone exists is no basis for censoring and openly directing hate toward them

So it's okay for you to be an asshole but the rest has to simply "deal with it" because "I'm like this and I can't change"?

Well, that's why we have bans and kicks. To force people to change.

That’s why mods and users alike need restrictions to what they can get away with doing in the IRC.

No, you just can't accept the fact that you're wrong. And a big part of the chat thinks otherwise about catering to your own feelings and ego.

We will just not do it. The chat can live without you.

Democracy tells us people like the IRC the way it is.


I'll start by saying I believe ProfessorRivers in his response to my response was overall correct. I have been too emotional in the past.

You are a senior moderator, and it takes a deep amount of commitment to make it to that high of a position, even if it's on a meming site, and I'm sure you have a lot of experience. But I'd still like to disagree with how rules have been enforced within IRC without being punished for it.

I am not faking victim, the IRC has indeed caused my problems as a result of moderators using abilities against me.

You claim they are right in doing so, and I disagree.

That does not mean it is okay to call me a self-victimizing egotistic asshole.

That does not mean it is okay to call me a self-victimizing egotistic asshole.

But you are one :^)

/thread pls – he's stupid literally no point in letting this continue, he's banned from IRC anyways so it can't hurt his poor fragile little ego any longer.

When did this become a wyn thread? Wyn is my bitch leave him alone. Wyn stop being a twat. I know you are smart enough and you're just trolling these guys but if you stopped pretending to be a dumbass you wouldn't get banned.
Back on track.
IRC is fine, stop complaining, put on your big girl panties and have fun.

Nima wrote:

That does not mean it is okay to call me a self-victimizing egotistic asshole.

But you are one :^)

/thread pls – he's stupid literally no point in letting this continue, he's banned from IRC anyways so it can't hurt his poor fragile little ego any longer.

And you aren't?

RandomMan wrote:

And this makes her opinion invalid because…?

It doesn't unless that's the reason why Wyn is banned, because some people shouldn't get an exception when they act in a similar way (I assume it's the flamebaiting, that Wyn got banned on?)

Spider-Byte wrote:

It doesn't unless that's the reason why Wyn is banned, because some people shouldn't get an exception when they act in a similar way (I assume it's the flamebaiting, that Wyn got banned on?)

So you were just posting snark for the sake of posting snark. Dang really shows who's the bigger man here.

It's the flamebaiting.

Although it eventually also was avoiding prior bans through ip changes, feighning innocense, and that questionable comment regarding relatives.

Currently we're back at start again I believe, but he was already flamebaiting again yesterday (but when others joked with him, he cried to me and don to have them stop).

We'll see what he does with his chance, but thus far I've seen little willingness to change. We're not banning him just because it's him, but if history repeats itself then we'll know what's gonna happen.

Last edited Dec 03, 2015 at 03:38PM EST

Sadistic Pillow wrote:

pokes in

Suggestion: Do you think there should be separate tabs for IRC? Like if someone wants to discuss something, and it would be less clustered. Just a suggestion.

pokes out

separate tabs for what? nsfw content?
I don't think we need separate tabs for content, if it is active with nsfw content it usually doesn't last long.

:) wrote:

separate tabs for what? nsfw content?
I don't think we need separate tabs for content, if it is active with nsfw content it usually doesn't last long.

No I mean if some one wants to discuss a different topic, maybe on a serious discussion.Again just a suggestion.

Sadistic Pillow wrote:

No I mean if some one wants to discuss a different topic, maybe on a serious discussion.Again just a suggestion.

We used to have a channel dedicated to shitposting and non-meme related discussion (#omgKYM), but in the end the two channel merged. We tried splitting the channels again but it failed because we are incompetent and gave up.

Well, there is a KYM RP channel. The idea setting another channel for serious discussions is not a impossible dream. It would require effort from us, mods, and the regulars.

Obviously, we can't move everyone to another channel (tried once and it failed) so setting up a new one is more efficient. Unless we go full serious chat mode and we start kicking and banning those who doesn't go to seriously talk about meme research, new potential memes, asking about the site or anything related to the site: moving images, requesting editorships, reporting content, etc, etc.

Although it sucks that the official channel has to be the shitpost cesspool rather than the new channel, in case a new one is made of course.

Last edited Dec 14, 2015 at 11:28AM EST

You don't have to restrict the "serious channel" to just KYM discussion.

Just casual conversations, vidya, social life (Ha!), and the usual should be fine too.

And then have the bullshit channel for image dumps, vertical posting, general dickish behavior, bots, etc.


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