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Unpopular opinion debate thread,

Last posted Dec 06, 2017 at 07:11PM EST. Added Nov 22, 2017 at 10:58PM EST
236 posts from 32 users

Talking about controversial topics, in words of worst girl Monika, "I guess you could say that I had some kind of epiphany recently".

You know how you basically can't be a patriot in Western Europe? Even adopting ideology as cucked as "civic nationalism" already makes you a Neo-Nazi and can seriously endanger your social standing. Well, no one seems to care about rampant nationalistic feelings in Eastern Europe. In fact, sometimes it gets extreme. In my country, we have literal Waffen SS veteran marches, and recently there was a short film glorying "forest brothers" (former Nazi collaborators fighting guerrilla warfare against commies after the war) made with NATO support. Can you imagine something like that happening in Western Europe? How strange, given that we have the same overlords, isn't it? Well, things like that don't happen randomly.

I used my limited brain power and realized, that literally all of this supported nationalism is targeted against Russia. We all love America and hate Russia (hence why this is an unpopular opinion").

Could it be that same people who cuck Western Europeans to death with far leftism, cuck Eastern Europeans by using our nationalist sentiment to further their goals? And the second our nationalism becomes unneeded after Russia's demise (or whatever happens next), our overlords will make us experience the full power of the Dark Side? In words of late Sheev Palpatine, will we pay for our lack of vision? You can already see dangerous signs, such as autistic screeching in the Western media against the recent Polish patriot march (they're usually quiet about things like that).

What does KYM think about this?

Edit: I guess calling Monika "worst girl" is also controversial.

Last edited Nov 23, 2017 at 04:02PM EST

The existence of neo-nazi movements in slavic countries is always endlessly amusing to me. What kind of cognitive dissonance must those people have to support a country that saw them as subhumans to be exterminated?

Could it be that same people who cuck Western Europeans to death with far leftism…

Literally who is doing this, or ever did this? Or are you one of those people who thinks SJWs are some inherent aspect of the left, or that identity politics is even something that can meaningfully connected to the definition of an ideology in a proper sense?

YNG, The Sabbo-Tabby wrote:

The existence of neo-nazi movements in slavic countries is always endlessly amusing to me. What kind of cognitive dissonance must those people have to support a country that saw them as subhumans to be exterminated?

Could it be that same people who cuck Western Europeans to death with far leftism…

Literally who is doing this, or ever did this? Or are you one of those people who thinks SJWs are some inherent aspect of the left, or that identity politics is even something that can meaningfully connected to the definition of an ideology in a proper sense?

My country's not Slavic. I don't only mean Neo-Nazism, I just brought my country as an example of how extreme it gets. By cucking Western Europeans to death I mean White genocide. You know, indigenous people becoming minorities in many Western countries within our lifetimes, thirdworldization, etc. I'm far less interested in bathrooms and pronouns.

But that's not the point I'm making, I'm talking about the stark difference between what indigenous people of Europe are allowed to do in the West and in the East. The politics of it, you know. Pls focus on that. You know how Eastern Europeans now pride themselves on being "Europe's last defense" and stuff like that. How is it possible? Why was there almost no pressure on us? Was it a ruse all along? Are we being used?

Last edited Nov 23, 2017 at 04:10PM EST


My country's not Slavic. I don't only mean Neo-Nazism, I just brought my country as an example of how extreme it gets. By cucking Western Europeans to death I mean White genocide. You know, indigenous people becoming minorities in many Western countries within our lifetimes, thirdworldization, etc. I'm far less interested in bathrooms and pronouns.

But that's not the point I'm making, I'm talking about the stark difference between what indigenous people of Europe are allowed to do in the West and in the East. The politics of it, you know. Pls focus on that. You know how Eastern Europeans now pride themselves on being "Europe's last defense" and stuff like that. How is it possible? Why was there almost no pressure on us? Was it a ruse all along? Are we being used?

You'd definitely be naive to think that anything which keeps Russia from expanding any sphere of its influence isn't supported by western powers, especially the CIA. Hell, fascists were supported by the CIA in Western Europe during the cold war, Operation GLADIO, if you've ever heard of it.

Unpopular opinion: anyone that thinks the world is going to be some utopian civilization in which nobody has to work, unless they want, a world without war and stuff like that is hilariously naive.

In order for such a utopian civilization to happen you would have to become a post scarcity civilization, but in order to do that you would have to mine asteroids and such for rare earth elements in order to create a lot of important shit. Like if Neodynium was common on Earth we would have shifted to electric cars probably fifty years ago and avoided almost all of global warming.

The problem with believing that would still happen is try explaining to a space miner why he has to work in the background radiation of space spiraling throughout the cosmos on a highly unstable piece of rock for free.

That cool scifi future where there's no scarcity would be built on slave labor.
"Well people might choose to do so for the betterment of mankind"
Bitch would you want to work in the Chernobyl reactor for free?

Last edited Nov 23, 2017 at 06:26PM EST

I like small.

Relatively small governments, small taxes, small companies instead of multinationals, small communities, I find a certain charm in small countries, etc.

This doesn't sound controversial but unlike the left I don't trust a government with a big budget and big taxes nor would I want a world government/collision, even if it is a left leaning idealistic government I think it would get inefficient and bureaucratic because of all the money they would have to spare, and I trust multinational corporations that have power over multiple countries even less because corporations are inherently selfish (at least as far as it has been seen) and well when you give a selfish person or group endless and excessive power well…corruption is bound to happen and globally which is worse. So I am actually not for borders very much but I am never excited about globalization either.

YourHigherBrainFunctions wrote:

Unpopular opinion: anyone that thinks the world is going to be some utopian civilization in which nobody has to work, unless they want, a world without war and stuff like that is hilariously naive.

In order for such a utopian civilization to happen you would have to become a post scarcity civilization, but in order to do that you would have to mine asteroids and such for rare earth elements in order to create a lot of important shit. Like if Neodynium was common on Earth we would have shifted to electric cars probably fifty years ago and avoided almost all of global warming.

The problem with believing that would still happen is try explaining to a space miner why he has to work in the background radiation of space spiraling throughout the cosmos on a highly unstable piece of rock for free.

That cool scifi future where there's no scarcity would be built on slave labor.
"Well people might choose to do so for the betterment of mankind"
Bitch would you want to work in the Chernobyl reactor for free?

I mean, expecting a world where nobody works is stupid yes, but I don't think society has to make people work in order to get the job done, everyone has their price. At the moment you pretty much have to work to live a stable life.

Also, expecting humans to be the ones mining asteroids is naive in itself tbh. No company would trust humans for such a task, it'd be a robot job for sure.

Unpopular opinion: the usa is going to have to culturally deal with the idea that transgender surgery isn't one size fit all pretty soon.

What I mean by this is one of the things I don't like about liberals is that they're pushing too hard for everyone that is a transwoman to get a vaginoplasty or everyone that is a transmen to get a penis. A very bad situation that is cropping up is that a lot of people are starting to regret the surgery cause they were pressured into getting it.

What I think is probably going to happen in the next few years is culturally the USA is going to just have to deal with that not every transgender person wants all the surgeries and are happy with just getting most of it.

"Oh no we're being a little bit like Thailand in that 'ladyboys' are considered perfectly normal and it's considered normal to be sexually attracted to them"
"What's so bad about that?"
"That might reduce how many people are getting the surgery"
"So? If someone doesn't want it then whatever"
"But that'll make it harder to track the-"
"Again so? What matters is what the person is comfortable with instead of pressuring them to do something"
"If you like penis fine, if you like boobs fine, if you like boobs with your penis that's fine too"
"Oh shut up"

NO! wrote:

I like small.

Relatively small governments, small taxes, small companies instead of multinationals, small communities, I find a certain charm in small countries, etc.

This doesn't sound controversial but unlike the left I don't trust a government with a big budget and big taxes nor would I want a world government/collision, even if it is a left leaning idealistic government I think it would get inefficient and bureaucratic because of all the money they would have to spare, and I trust multinational corporations that have power over multiple countries even less because corporations are inherently selfish (at least as far as it has been seen) and well when you give a selfish person or group endless and excessive power well…corruption is bound to happen and globally which is worse. So I am actually not for borders very much but I am never excited about globalization either.


Sadly a lot of countries think that war is like agari.o

All I ever wanted for Christmas is for U.S. and U.N. to bugger off on how other people run governments and local politics. Not every place is a hotpot, not every place have to be democracy. Countries have their kings who are wise, good, and beloved by his people.

Diversity. Hah! Skin deep diversity only. Not the diversity of thoughts, diversity of cultures and lifestyles, diversity of governing system. Just a huge virtue signaling and moral masturbation on a global scale.

Heck, there was a sociopath in my secondary school whom every one hates. He got a job at U.N.

That blind peer pressure for social justice points is what sickens me about the liberals "encouragement" to transpeople.

All I ever wanted for Christmas is for U.S. and U.N. to bugger off on how other people run governments and local politics. Not every place is a hotpot, not every place have to be democracy.

This is so true omg. Imagine how much better everything would have been, had the US and the UN just listened to Clownfish.

Reality is subjective. What one perceives as truth is only subjective, and only when reality is held to an objective standard may we define the meaning of truth. Since reality as a perceptive experience exists in the mind, it is not controversial to say that morals exist in the mind. What one might sees as morally reprehensible, another might see as good.
What we define as law is our try at applying "objective" moral standards to regular people.
In reality, social constructs such as laws and morals do not exist outside the range of the mind, and are defined in the mind by how one chooses to make them. This is why Hitler did nothing wrong.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 03:30AM EST

I like the old music better than most of the nowadays music. I find the sounds of real instruments soothing; the words woven in were poetic, playful, cheerful, and have no need to weave in broken English, pop culture reference, or profanities; topics being sing about are more various as they could be about nostalgia, nature, travel, not just love; lyrics are more often about feelings and comparing them to nature, miracles, goodness of men, of the noble things, and appeals to our higher nature.

All in all, more fun and heart-warming.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 10:47AM EST

YNG, The Sabbo-Tabby wrote:

The existence of neo-nazi movements in slavic countries is always endlessly amusing to me. What kind of cognitive dissonance must those people have to support a country that saw them as subhumans to be exterminated?

Could it be that same people who cuck Western Europeans to death with far leftism…

Literally who is doing this, or ever did this? Or are you one of those people who thinks SJWs are some inherent aspect of the left, or that identity politics is even something that can meaningfully connected to the definition of an ideology in a proper sense?

They didn't see all slavs as subhuman retard. Germans loved Croats and Slovenes

Clownfish wrote:

I like the old music better than most of the nowadays music. I find the sounds of real instruments soothing; the words woven in were poetic, playful, cheerful, and have no need to weave in broken English, pop culture reference, or profanities; topics being sing about are more various as they could be about nostalgia, nature, travel, not just love; lyrics are more often about feelings and comparing them to nature, miracles, goodness of men, of the noble things, and appeals to our higher nature.

All in all, more fun and heart-warming.

Good songs are subjective, but:

I'm sure you can find songs for your liking if you will search hard enough. What I agree with that mainstream songs mostly suck.

I hate nazis and I could care less about changing their minds as they are usually far too gone. So while I am against punching nazis censoring nazis and I tend to just ignore them, they could all be hunted by the goverment and I could care less except for my loss of freedom so I would naturally stand against it. I protect freedom of speech for my (our?) sake, I refuse to actually care or answer to their wellbeing of Neo Nazis, it's their fucking problem.

NO! wrote:

I hate nazis and I could care less about changing their minds as they are usually far too gone. So while I am against punching nazis censoring nazis and I tend to just ignore them, they could all be hunted by the goverment and I could care less except for my loss of freedom so I would naturally stand against it. I protect freedom of speech for my (our?) sake, I refuse to actually care or answer to their wellbeing of Neo Nazis, it's their fucking problem.

Wow, so controversial, what an unpopular opinion, people are sure gonna hate you now.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 12:04PM EST


Wow, so controversial, what an unpopular opinion, people are sure gonna hate you now.

Bitch everyone here goes on and on about not punching nazis I'm saying I could care less until it starts to affect me.


Wow, so controversial, what an unpopular opinion, people are sure gonna hate you now.

honest it kinda is on this website. it's typically a tad more right-leaning, which is why topics that interest right-wing folks more stay on the trending bar longer, while left-wing interests like russiagate lay dead.

@clownfish @memosiki Your optimism about other state's governments confuses me, though perhaps I'm misguided. It's mostly that your assumption is that the current government is something they chose, which doesn't quite make sense because unless it is a democracy or a revolution just happened, they didn't choose anything. In addition, numerous governments leave no option for the public to change the way they're governed, and censor the media so they don't even know when their government isn't being so kind. It's like, how can a people decide they prefer a given government if the government keeps them uninformed and unable to change anything. Governments have too much control for you to give them full reign and expect it only to stay because people like it.

I do understand your core point, like if 75% of people in a state want communism or a benevolent dictator, whatever, hope it doesn't go wrong, but I typically dun see that. That said, the US has had some bad cases of trying to stop a popular revolution when it's not for democracy, like the Iranian Revolution, so I understand your anti-US point.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 12:20PM EST

I am not really averse to new songs nor new digital instruments. Like this for example:

And newer pop music like this (2008, but you get the point. Also just want to share my favourite song from my favourite artist):

In addition to what I have said earlier. The soul of most music nowadays is not really there. The nurture, care, and love of the music feels absent. Older Japanese bands still exist and carry on their style, while the west mostly have to move on with the trend. Part of the reason why I love them. By the way, Alestorm and Caravan Palace eh? Patrician taste confirmed.

Actually I just listen songs if I like them. I know some people obsessed with listening just some particular artist or some particular musical genre, but I just listen them if melody+voice is pleasant. I also don't really share obsession with artist life and finding facts about him. I listen funk, pop, rap, rock, metal, eurobeat, classical orchestral music, country… Sometimes I like only one song from some band, sometimes I like majority of the songs. I can get equal enjoyment from Spice Girls, Falco, Oingo Boingo, Lordi, Fatboy Slim, DMX and Inner Circle. Probably not "the greatest musical taste", but as long as it pleases me it's ok.

documents1 wrote:

honest it kinda is on this website. it's typically a tad more right-leaning, which is why topics that interest right-wing folks more stay on the trending bar longer, while left-wing interests like russiagate lay dead.

@clownfish @memosiki Your optimism about other state's governments confuses me, though perhaps I'm misguided. It's mostly that your assumption is that the current government is something they chose, which doesn't quite make sense because unless it is a democracy or a revolution just happened, they didn't choose anything. In addition, numerous governments leave no option for the public to change the way they're governed, and censor the media so they don't even know when their government isn't being so kind. It's like, how can a people decide they prefer a given government if the government keeps them uninformed and unable to change anything. Governments have too much control for you to give them full reign and expect it only to stay because people like it.

I do understand your core point, like if 75% of people in a state want communism or a benevolent dictator, whatever, hope it doesn't go wrong, but I typically dun see that. That said, the US has had some bad cases of trying to stop a popular revolution when it's not for democracy, like the Iranian Revolution, so I understand your anti-US point.

My country was forced to democracy at gunpoint and by some of its people who pathologically wanted democracy being influenced (or bought by) foreign agents (not even a percentage of population, just a group of "scholar"), members of the dynasty who are beloved by the people were assassinated. And that was before WW2. During cold war, we got assassination and sabotage plots from both NATO and USSR as if it is a piece in the game of chess, it was known as the Country of Spies in some circle and sayings.

Recently (not really, a year ago), an upstart local NGO was caught red-handed for conspiring with foreign entity to cause division amongst the people, namely receiving some millions from the devil itself George Soros through its OSF and spreading fake news. And liberals caused a scene because "government tyranny", yeah. Let the punishment fits the crime, namely treason. Thankfully, their numbers are very small in this country, almost minuscule. Most are… for the lack of word. Westaboos who blindly think the west is the best.

We may not agree with each other all the time, there will always be some irreconcilable differences between people of each cultures and races. Can you imagine what it is like to live without greed as if it is the norm, it is the norm for people here. Mastering our crafts, roof over our heads, warm family are all we ever wanted. Not swimming pool and limousine or multi-million dollar business or franchise. Most do not understand your western "ambition" or "good greed" either. Yeah, we are simple like that.

I believe in the Divine Right to rule and/or the Heavens Mandate. And the kings or emperors destiny is tied to his land. I do not know much of western history, but our history has the line of good head of dynasties who does not only governed the state, but also invents and innovates our land for the people since ancient times. Not every kings or emperors is a tyrant like what your history books tell you to believe. Imagine how it is like to be able to put faith into a person who wrote an incredible destiny for both himself and his people, almost impossible with todays politicians.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 02:46PM EST

@clownfish that does sound pretty bad if it's true, but I have some doubts your side is the whole story. But as long as you're protecting your location with a vague "your country", i'm not gonna try to figure out what ya referring to, so this will just be a standstill.

Western history has a series of dynasties as well, well in Europe at least, US is more of a rebel state. However, the West had developed frustration with governments being selfish and enriching themselves, and protecting their position in government over being kind to the people, or just defying public sentiment. Eventually a concept emerged that without limits to the absolute power of monarchs, particular limits designed to favor the public, selfish monarchs would appear who would act in ways that were destructive to the state. There is no belief that a royal lineage could successfully pass on the trait of being a good leader eternally, there will be bad people in every family.

A western interpretation of your heads of dynasties would emphasize the checks on their rule like a parliament of some sort, or how they are chosen. It would be viewed as laughable that your heads were good because they were a good family, as it simply isn't a thing to believe that in the West. Maybe they can teach their successors good values, and then the next line, but we would interpret it as a game of telephone where the goodness will be lost eventually, or eventually someone will emerge who doesn't care about being good and will abuse their power.

documents1 wrote:

honest it kinda is on this website. it's typically a tad more right-leaning, which is why topics that interest right-wing folks more stay on the trending bar longer, while left-wing interests like russiagate lay dead.

@clownfish @memosiki Your optimism about other state's governments confuses me, though perhaps I'm misguided. It's mostly that your assumption is that the current government is something they chose, which doesn't quite make sense because unless it is a democracy or a revolution just happened, they didn't choose anything. In addition, numerous governments leave no option for the public to change the way they're governed, and censor the media so they don't even know when their government isn't being so kind. It's like, how can a people decide they prefer a given government if the government keeps them uninformed and unable to change anything. Governments have too much control for you to give them full reign and expect it only to stay because people like it.

I do understand your core point, like if 75% of people in a state want communism or a benevolent dictator, whatever, hope it doesn't go wrong, but I typically dun see that. That said, the US has had some bad cases of trying to stop a popular revolution when it's not for democracy, like the Iranian Revolution, so I understand your anti-US point.

It's not about optimism about other states' governments. There are horrible dysfunctional governments everywhere. It's the fact that some other state's government in non of your or my business as long as it doesn't attack you or me.

No one ever gets involved in other country's politics "just because", or out of "humanitarianism". In fact, nothing in politics is ever done "just because" or out of "humanitarianism". Then why would you want some other government to intervene into your country's affairs to further their own goals, even if you do dislike your government? They're not doing it for you, and you may just become the next Iraq. Moreover, I'm convinced it's not possible to keep ruling people who universally hate you (unless you have foreign support of course), which is another reason why trying to topple foreign dictators is immoral.

Democracy is a meme. Sure, there are successful states that are democracies, but I can't think of a single case where democracy achieved something that any other type of government couldn't. On the contrary. And if tomorrow all the world's democracies turned into authoritarian states literally nothing would change. We'd still be ruled by the same people, except we'd be able to do something more productive than argue about politics in our spare time. Democracy literally exists so you could feel a bit better about yourself and feel a bit more in control. And to give people in power some legitimacy. To expect or even demand some sort of sacrifice to achieve it is incredibly heartless.

And the last point, something I cannot shut my mouth about here or irl, the USA. Boy, oh boy, it really does feel like we live in some sort of dystopian novel. To have such an enormous, bizarre, simply unfathomable legacy of bringing chaos, destruction, and misery, and to manage to escape any responsibility whatsoever. Wait, not just escape responsibility, but still claim some sort of leadership, and have the nerve to call some other governments "threats to the world". So do I wish for the US to "bugger off"? Oh yes.
Once again, a little disclaimer, I don't have anything against Americans, it's not their fault. We're all in the same boat, they just happen to be lucky to be born there.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 04:49PM EST

"My country was forced to democracy at gunpoint and by some of its people who pathologically wanted democracy being influenced"
Didn't you say that you live in Japan though?… You shouldn't have bombed Pearl Harbor. I remember this from history class, but a Japanese general said beforehand that if Japan attacked the USA Japan would have won every battle in the first six months then lost almost all of the battles after… And that's pretty much what happened; the USA started rolling out a battleship every two weeks and for every ten fighter pilots Japan turned out the USA turned out one hundred.

There was also the battle of Midway; Midway had no tactical benefit for Japan but Japan decided that would be their metaphorical hill to die on. The island was too far from Japan for planes to fly to so the forces there had to rely on carriers to transport them. Once the carriers were out of the question the forces couldn't receive anymore air support.

Three universal rules of modern war:
Don't invade Russia during winter.
Don't start a land war in China.
Don't attack the USA on it's own it's own soil.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 05:50PM EST


It's not about optimism about other states' governments. There are horrible dysfunctional governments everywhere. It's the fact that some other state's government in non of your or my business as long as it doesn't attack you or me.

No one ever gets involved in other country's politics "just because", or out of "humanitarianism". In fact, nothing in politics is ever done "just because" or out of "humanitarianism". Then why would you want some other government to intervene into your country's affairs to further their own goals, even if you do dislike your government? They're not doing it for you, and you may just become the next Iraq. Moreover, I'm convinced it's not possible to keep ruling people who universally hate you (unless you have foreign support of course), which is another reason why trying to topple foreign dictators is immoral.

Democracy is a meme. Sure, there are successful states that are democracies, but I can't think of a single case where democracy achieved something that any other type of government couldn't. On the contrary. And if tomorrow all the world's democracies turned into authoritarian states literally nothing would change. We'd still be ruled by the same people, except we'd be able to do something more productive than argue about politics in our spare time. Democracy literally exists so you could feel a bit better about yourself and feel a bit more in control. And to give people in power some legitimacy. To expect or even demand some sort of sacrifice to achieve it is incredibly heartless.

And the last point, something I cannot shut my mouth about here or irl, the USA. Boy, oh boy, it really does feel like we live in some sort of dystopian novel. To have such an enormous, bizarre, simply unfathomable legacy of bringing chaos, destruction, and misery, and to manage to escape any responsibility whatsoever. Wait, not just escape responsibility, but still claim some sort of leadership, and have the nerve to call some other governments "threats to the world". So do I wish for the US to "bugger off"? Oh yes.
Once again, a little disclaimer, I don't have anything against Americans, it's not their fault. We're all in the same boat, they just happen to be lucky to be born there.

I can generally agree with the idea of not intervening in other states, I'm not a warmonger. I hardly agree with the Iraq War and related things, hell, I'm often the guy who points out that the bad blood between Iran and the US was caused by the US opposing the people's desires for their government, not because Iran was some big bad evil.

That said, don't agree with you on democracy. Most improvements in the way people are treated by governments in the last century started in democratic states. The only reason other states have followed along with human rights isn't because it suddenly became useful to world rulers to give those out, but because the populace would get inspired by other countries and revolt if they didn't concede the point. A dictatorship or oligarchy doesn't have any reason to give a shit about you unless there is a threat to rule if they don't, or if it's profitable to help you somewhat. See: North Korea. For an example of that effect of democracy inspiring similar revolts without any evidence of democracies puppeting it, check out how the french revolution directly lead to the revolutions of 1848 in other european countries. Since the rest of Europe put down the French Revolution and its leaders, you'd think it would be contained, but it wasn't.

Now ofc, democracy can only work when the population is profitable and you need to keep their allegiance to keep making money, and thus voting makes sense. For an example of a state that doesn't have any reason to care about that, look at saudi arabia. Fully admits to being undemocratic, and yet it still makes a lot of money through oil instead of its own population. Their people and the land they live on just aren't profitable compared to the oil beneath. Which is kinda why automation really freaks me out, as that is another method of making human worth less profitable.

If you're suggesting that democracies don't really count your votes and just make up the tally, and it's just the same as undemocratic states, then you're delving deep into conspiracy theories. It would also leave the many "losers" in political party debates that don't get power or money again unexplained, as hypothetically they should be rewarded for keeping up the mirage.

I strongly believe that traps are an immoral thing to exist in media, because it feels like it enforces the idea that only females are allowed to be gay. Which is already kind of true, since at the same time, I feel that homophobia is truly a one-sided thing, since lesbians don't get nearly as much flak as two regular homosexual males being together.

YourHigherBrainFunctions wrote:

"My country was forced to democracy at gunpoint and by some of its people who pathologically wanted democracy being influenced"
Didn't you say that you live in Japan though?… You shouldn't have bombed Pearl Harbor. I remember this from history class, but a Japanese general said beforehand that if Japan attacked the USA Japan would have won every battle in the first six months then lost almost all of the battles after… And that's pretty much what happened; the USA started rolling out a battleship every two weeks and for every ten fighter pilots Japan turned out the USA turned out one hundred.

There was also the battle of Midway; Midway had no tactical benefit for Japan but Japan decided that would be their metaphorical hill to die on. The island was too far from Japan for planes to fly to so the forces there had to rely on carriers to transport them. Once the carriers were out of the question the forces couldn't receive anymore air support.

Three universal rules of modern war:
Don't invade Russia during winter.
Don't start a land war in China.
Don't attack the USA on it's own it's own soil.

Both Napoleon and Hitler invaded Russia in early summer :^)

The rule should read "Don't underestimate Russia".

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 07:33PM EST

A Wolf wrote:

I strongly believe that traps are an immoral thing to exist in media, because it feels like it enforces the idea that only females are allowed to be gay. Which is already kind of true, since at the same time, I feel that homophobia is truly a one-sided thing, since lesbians don't get nearly as much flak as two regular homosexual males being together.

What you wrote makes literally no sense. If ur a guy who dresses like a girl and wants to get fucked in his boipucci that's gay. If ur a guy who want to fuck some girly guy's boipucci that's also gay. Wtf does this have to do with females. If anything traps make homos more visible than ever before.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 08:10PM EST

A Wolf wrote:

I strongly believe that traps are an immoral thing to exist in media, because it feels like it enforces the idea that only females are allowed to be gay. Which is already kind of true, since at the same time, I feel that homophobia is truly a one-sided thing, since lesbians don't get nearly as much flak as two regular homosexual males being together.

And here is a example of the sort of mentality that is causing transgender to explode in the west.

I'm going to say something that may upset a lot of people's sensibilities here and will probably make them cry and eat icecream to drown away their tears: as a post-op transwoman what is happening with the "traps are gay" mentality is that you're effectively repeating what caused so many "ladyboys" to happen in Thailand.

Basically what happened in Thailand was that culturally it was originally:
"Traps are okay" → it moved to "traps are not okay, but transgender are" → all of a sudden all those people that liked living as the opposite sex started taking hormones and well you know where that went.

"How do we stop this?"
Stop it? Fuck I want it to happen, cause if this does happen we'll see 3% to 5% of the USA go intersex.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 08:05PM EST


What you wrote makes literally no sense. If ur a guy who dresses like a girl and wants to get fucked in his boipucci that's gay. If ur a guy who want to fuck some girly guy's boipucci that's also gay. Wtf does this have to do with females. If anything traps make homos more visible than ever before.

Again I'm going to be a dick here, but given how we've seen this sort of mentality massively backfire four times now:

If you go "people who live their entire lives as women aren't women, but people who take hormones are women" then it's pretty fucking obvious what is going to happen.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 08:02PM EST

A Wolf wrote:

I strongly believe that traps are an immoral thing to exist in media, because it feels like it enforces the idea that only females are allowed to be gay. Which is already kind of true, since at the same time, I feel that homophobia is truly a one-sided thing, since lesbians don't get nearly as much flak as two regular homosexual males being together.

That doesn't make any sense. Traps aren't necessarily homossexual.

1. If you don't like how bad the conditions are and how unfairly they treat you in prison, then don't break the law and go to prison.

I mean no one should want to break the law in the first place. When I see someone complain about the prison system and what not I'm always curious what they would say if I said, "I agree the system is very flawed, but would not breaking the law and not going to prison be a decent repellent?"

2. If pedophilia was was truly a mental illness then the person with it should still be responsible for their actions.

I only have this opinion due to hearing them in court saying shit like "Oh, I should've gotten the help I needed." "Oh, I had these problems since I was a kid." Oh, I only did it because someone did it to me and it messed me up." "I should've done more to stop myself."

So you knew you were dangerous and made the conscious choice not to seek any help? Nuh uh, none of that not guilty by reason of insanity.

"What about people so messed up they can't comprehend getting helped?"

I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about people who can get help but are too ashamed of their illness so they try and ignore it and sure enough they do something that fucks up someone and their family. That's who I mean.

3. Subjects about guns, weed, philosophy, capitalism, sex, popculture, basic rights, basic laws, taxes etc should be taught at schools even in early grades.

To put it simply, these are real things in the real world, and we should learn about real things in the real world.
Instead what do we get? Coloring in smiling cartoon animals, playing bingo for candy, and asking permission to use the bathroom while still in High School.

and like 5x more physical education while were at it.

EDIT: Re-reading this I realized this came off more as venting than sharing an unpopular opinion. My bad.

Last edited Nov 24, 2017 at 09:08PM EST

Really unpopular opinion: I don't think cultural imperialism is bad.

If people don't want to learn your language and there's no reason to why should your own people bother with it?


What you wrote makes literally no sense. If ur a guy who dresses like a girl and wants to get fucked in his boipucci that's gay. If ur a guy who want to fuck some girly guy's boipucci that's also gay. Wtf does this have to do with females. If anything traps make homos more visible than ever before.

what about traps that have sex with female traps

Speaking of cultural imperialism, a lot of the times it can be a good thing.
"How can a handful of countries calling the shots culturally be a good thing?"
Well…. For starters pressuring theocracies to stop chopping people's heads off and pressuring countries to stop killing people people for being atheist.

Those countries still do that shit, they just don't do it as much and most of the time it's not public. Back even fifty years ago public executions in a lot of countries were considered the neighborhood get together with the kids. In the USA we had baseball, in South America you had soccer; in Pakistan you had the weekly execution of lgbt, jews, divorced women and such where the neighbor watched and enjoyed it and taught their children to cheer at watching innocent people get their heads chopped off.

The thing people forget is that how ISIS acts is how a lot of countries used to act fifty years ago.

Last edited Nov 25, 2017 at 12:12AM EST

YourHigherBrainFunctions wrote:

"My country was forced to democracy at gunpoint and by some of its people who pathologically wanted democracy being influenced"
Didn't you say that you live in Japan though?… You shouldn't have bombed Pearl Harbor. I remember this from history class, but a Japanese general said beforehand that if Japan attacked the USA Japan would have won every battle in the first six months then lost almost all of the battles after… And that's pretty much what happened; the USA started rolling out a battleship every two weeks and for every ten fighter pilots Japan turned out the USA turned out one hundred.

There was also the battle of Midway; Midway had no tactical benefit for Japan but Japan decided that would be their metaphorical hill to die on. The island was too far from Japan for planes to fly to so the forces there had to rely on carriers to transport them. Once the carriers were out of the question the forces couldn't receive anymore air support.

Three universal rules of modern war:
Don't invade Russia during winter.
Don't start a land war in China.
Don't attack the USA on it's own it's own soil.

I do not live in Japan (though I spend some time of my life living there) as of current.

Oh, well. The reason I usually get very autistic about nations and culture because I am a mongrel. Not a your norm there, I assure you. See, I know that my mother is Chinese. She and grandma fled China during Cultural Revolution. My father… is a different story. We are on good terms, but he is very secretive about himself and rarely at home. I know that I am half-Chinese, but I do not know what the other half is. Maybe Japanese because I grew up there? Maybe of the mystery nation I live in now because that is where my father wanted to settle down for life. Maybe I am a full Chinese after all? I do not know.

Anyway, the country I referred to is not Japan. I wish to keep my place secret for now. The thing is. I carry three nations and their cultural heritage in my heart, but I can only serve one and pass on one. Ever heard of Teochew Chinese, and its cultures like the Chinese Opera? It is a dying art and language. Though it spirits live on in Hong Kong action films, it is in the hospice. Thanks Mao, thanks Marx, thanks communism. Japan has its own culture and its successor, its government and people has done well to safeguard their identity from American imperialism, but the future is uncertain as long as the dreadful shadow of America looms over it. Their cultural identity is why it is an interesting place to live in. My current place which I have grown to love and learned its history keep its culture and its successors very secretive and sacred. It is there, but not many people are interested in it thanks to Globalisation.

I carry three nations in my heart, yet I cannot properly claim blood tie; I speak five languages, yet I have no mother tongue. I could easily live in those nations; yet I can rarely find a sense of belonging. Discrimination? Haha, nothing literally. The sense of belonging is not there? Yeah. That is a real problem for me. One of the reason why I do not like race mixing and multiculturalism much. Parents may think it is fine and dandy because love wins all, yadda, yadda, especially in the west. I do not think most thought it through properly about their children. If people really want, America is always an open hotpot. Just do not make every place a hotpot.

Well, maybe I would not be sperging out here if I was not a westaboo and did not give too much fuck about America back then. I could have my happily ever after in Japan not knowing of the woes of this world and not poking my head out of its safety.

EDIT: I am going to drop this topic about my life and nations now. I have said too much (I do not put info on the internet or use social media for a reason) and it is getting real painful to speak of.

Last edited Nov 25, 2017 at 12:32AM EST

YourHigherBrainFunctions wrote:

South Korea?

That war was a fucking nightmare.

Nope. I would not touch that hell-hole with a ten kilometre long stick. That place… Sorry, memeski for breaking your dream of it. It is a far leftist Orwellian dystopia now despite what their government says on the camera. They have shit like shutdown law, ministry of women, radical feminists running rampant, and recently the cult revolving its previous prime minister (By the way, previous PM committed suicide, another was assassinated back in the 80s, etc.)

They even call itself themselves Hell Korea. It is an actual term.

Another victim of forced democracy (and partially capitalism and communism). Young people try to soldier for U.S. to fast track their citizenship and whatnot. Even forum and facebook page to help people get the fuck out of there. Every time there is a government scandal, a celebrity scandal is released to cause diversion. "Nation-saving celebrity news" they called it.

Do not ask how I know all this.

Going to drop the guessing game about my whereabouts now.

Very unpopular video game opinion:
We all have been hearing about the shit going on with EA.

What isn't being talked about much though is that what information is slowly seeping out of the woodworks is that a lot of video game companies are currently being extremely financially mismanaged. The problem is that the way video game companies have been breaking even financially in spite of the people in charge of the companies wasting their budgets is through microtransactions and lootboxes. On paper when you write up a budget for a game that doesn't include "miscellaneous spending" and such.

I remember a couple years ago, I don't remember what director it was, but I remember reading a director for a studio getting fired for "creative differences" stating something along the lines of "In the short run extra ways to earn revenue are merely a stop gap and that eventually one of two things will happen: companies will have to charge more than $60 or the law will get involved".

I don't think that companies will start charging more than $60 for the base game, rather what I think will happen is that companies will offer drastically less content, BUT on the other hand in order to entice customers to remain loyal they will reduce the price for the game. This is just a analogy, but what I mean by this is whenever Fallout 5 rolls out it'll probably only be 30 hours long TOTAL but it'll out of the box only be $30.

Last edited Nov 25, 2017 at 01:40AM EST

Clownfish wrote:

Nope. I would not touch that hell-hole with a ten kilometre long stick. That place… Sorry, memeski for breaking your dream of it. It is a far leftist Orwellian dystopia now despite what their government says on the camera. They have shit like shutdown law, ministry of women, radical feminists running rampant, and recently the cult revolving its previous prime minister (By the way, previous PM committed suicide, another was assassinated back in the 80s, etc.)

They even call itself themselves Hell Korea. It is an actual term.

Another victim of forced democracy (and partially capitalism and communism). Young people try to soldier for U.S. to fast track their citizenship and whatnot. Even forum and facebook page to help people get the fuck out of there. Every time there is a government scandal, a celebrity scandal is released to cause diversion. "Nation-saving celebrity news" they called it.

Do not ask how I know all this.

Going to drop the guessing game about my whereabouts now.

Based on my rudimentary research, it sounds like you're really exaggerating the leftism in south korea. Like I keep finding basic gender equality laws that would seem natural here that happened in 2008 in south korea. And notes on how feminism there resembles earlier feminist movements of the west more than the third wave. Hell, the shutdown law is basically the prohibition in the US, where women's issues crossed over into making other issues women have strong opinions on become encoded in law, with varying success.

It also seems to me that the huge complaint online in south korea is more along the lines that there is a rigid class system, lack of a safety net for the elderly, and housing prices/tuitions being very high. While you probably just meant liberalism, those are things that the far economic left would immediately try to rectify.

Clownfish is actually right, albeit exaggerating to a extent about feminism. They arrest people for wrongthink, drawing porn, watching porn and such with extreme discrimination to the point that often times do sweeps of cities.

Whenever a feminist claims they don't want to throw people in jail for porn they try and hide south korea's situation cause it proves they're a bunch of liars. It'd be like if a bunch of stalinists knocked on your door asking for books saying they don't want to make a book burning and you look out the door and there's a book burning going on.

Feminists, "We don't want to criminalize porn"
"Then why did you arrest these people for porn?"
"Well they were looking at morally wrong material"
"What were they looking at?"
"Married sex between a loving couple for the sake of procreation… But no the person looking at the porn was looking at horribly immoral content"
"Next thing you're going to tell me is that hand holding is immoral"

If you think I'm joking the last time the police did a sweep in Seoul one anime artist who got arrested didn't even draw porn; he just drew romantic stuff.

Last edited Nov 25, 2017 at 02:05AM EST

YourHigherBrainFunctions wrote:

Clownfish is actually right, albeit exaggerating to a extent about feminism. They arrest people for wrongthink, drawing porn, watching porn and such with extreme discrimination to the point that often times do sweeps of cities.

Whenever a feminist claims they don't want to throw people in jail for porn they try and hide south korea's situation cause it proves they're a bunch of liars. It'd be like if a bunch of stalinists knocked on your door asking for books saying they don't want to make a book burning and you look out the door and there's a book burning going on.

Feminists, "We don't want to criminalize porn"
"Then why did you arrest these people for porn?"
"Well they were looking at morally wrong material"
"What were they looking at?"
"Married sex between a loving couple for the sake of procreation… But no the person looking at the porn was looking at horribly immoral content"
"Next thing you're going to tell me is that hand holding is immoral"

If you think I'm joking the last time the police did a sweep in Seoul one anime artist who got arrested didn't even draw porn; he just drew romantic stuff.

From the looks of it, none of this is leftism. A lot of these terrible laws are tied more to "public morals and social ethics", and has a lot of similarities to "family values" in the US, which is more right-wing social conservatism. No porn, until recently extramarital affairs result in jail time, etc.

documents1 wrote:

From the looks of it, none of this is leftism. A lot of these terrible laws are tied more to "public morals and social ethics", and has a lot of similarities to "family values" in the US, which is more right-wing social conservatism. No porn, until recently extramarital affairs result in jail time, etc.

I'm not trying to be rude, but dude: their politicians often identify as being feminist. That'd be like if a Republican tried to make a anti-sodomy law and people said "oh that has nothing to do with conservative beliefs".

We're getting too far into feminism here though, we know they can't take criticism so yeah…

Video games: I stated on the EA thing that apparently 77% of the industry's profits for this year have come from lootboxes and microtransactions. If the EU and such ban it chances are next year we're going to see a fuck ton of half finished multiplayer games that were being worked on, but once that ruling comes down chances are they'll have gone "fuck it just put out what we have".

I wanted the video game industry to return to single player games, but not like this. On the one hand lootboxes are metaphorical cancer, on the other hand this could cause another video game industry crash in the west. I hope Blizzard, Valve and such are prepared for this.

Last edited Nov 25, 2017 at 03:01AM EST

It is a far leftist Orwellian dystopia now

Well shit. Do they at least hate foreigners? I wouldn't feel safe moving into a country that doesn't distrust foreigners.

Tbh I only wrote Seoul so that people wouldn't think I'm a weeb. Spiritually and transracially I identify as Japanese.

2018 is not even near yet, and I look forward to it and the shitstorms it will bring already.

@memčiki memosiki
I do not know about those topics. But my guess is that they are more concerned about your money (being a mega-corporate centric place not unlike Shadowrun to a terrifying degree) and compliance (just do not cause trouble) more than your country of origin. Even being a Japanese or Chinese does not really bother them I think. Things that triggers them are mostly the flag of imperial Japan which caused a shitstorm a while back then (a singer worn the outfit with the small said print).

And about radical feminists element running rampant is not really exaggerated. Daughters of Megalia. Google it. A country which government tracks your movement through internet and arrests you for playing game beyond your bed time turns a blind eye to feminists posting aborted male fetuses, and post it on social network for like and calling them "maggot males".

Last edited Nov 25, 2017 at 12:21PM EST


It is a far leftist Orwellian dystopia now

Well shit. Do they at least hate foreigners? I wouldn't feel safe moving into a country that doesn't distrust foreigners.

Tbh I only wrote Seoul so that people wouldn't think I'm a weeb. Spiritually and transracially I identify as Japanese.

Distrusting foreigners is pretty good for local culture, I suppose. Here in hueland we generally dislike anyone who's from a different region than ours.
Doesn't exactly prevent our country from being awful, but hey.

I hate that cynicism and pessimism is seen as "intelligent" or "mature", whereas preferring positivity is seen as "stupid", "immature", or "gay". I DO get negative at times, but I try to find the good in most things.


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