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A Farewell For The Banned: What Will Come After KnowYourMeme

Last posted Jun 03, 2021 at 06:29AM EDT. Added May 23, 2021 at 04:46PM EDT
18 posts from 13 users

Consider this my final regards, and what I know will come.

KnowYourMeme as a site tasted a little of the Sun. You all probably don't realize this, but your site is far closer to being a magnum opus website than any site online and I'm not saying that, I know that.

A few more mediums documented. A few more genres covered. A few more categories of uploading. It's but a few lines of easy code away any caveman could tweak the current code into. From there a few different innovations even with the limited servers and hardware this place runs on, and I know it is doable. Beyond there, cryptocurrencies, computer innovations, entire video games and more, I can see grander things still on the horizon merging into one visual encyclopedic wiki game.

Social media and wikis are normally not close, but KnowYourMeme bridges that gap just a little more than Wikia and certainly more than Wikipedia or any other wiki sites. Wikis have fun info, and to build a social media platform on top of that well, you have all the tools. It's just, a certain level of seeing the bigger picture with that was never achieved. KnowYourMeme thinks it is just a wiki, and my God, there is so much more it comes close to being.

I foresee what the next site will be. It won't be about memes, but about everything. The visual editor will be licensed out to other sites, causing a renaissance in entry editing. The mediums documented will cover all current mediums plus games and actual video uploading instead of mere linking of videos -something the people running the servers no doubt fear the size limits of.

The mods and admins and policies of this site, will not exist in this vision I laid out. It is too grand for them. Too ambitious and open-minded. Too lacking in arbitrary censorship, locking, silence, silencing, and all the horrible things we quietly think without saying for fear of points and actions that ultimately mean nothing, and yet we know mean enough to make us feel anxious and alone. Take it personally or don't; the future has no feelings anyway.

You and your mods know what I'm talking about Don, whether you like it or not. A grand shift of online power will come that embroils the Internet, built not just on cryptocurrencies and computer chips, but also on the genius of those documenters and coders who can supplant the current encyclopedic powers that wish to centralize all knowledge. And no admin who sees only beyond the nose of their paycheck, no mod their power and reputation, will be able to stand up to this innovative freedom.

There's every excuse and doubt to be laid out for all the problems and limits every other contender has, and I'm fucking sick of hearing it. There is a grander vision to be had, and this site has tasted a little. I am hopeful some great day soon people will put together these pieces.

I have no interest in the power or acknowledgement myself, that this innovation will no doubt achieve for the ones who follow it. People's hearts fall short of the media they document, so their acknowledgement and empowerment feels shallow.

Every banned user on KnowYourMeme, Calculator Fetishist, Lez Huarez, Epyc Wynn, Emperor Palpitoad, the porn spammers, the ad spammers, Lisa Lombs, Arcanine, and so many more, all had something valuable in common. They all cared about being their self. About having individuality. About speaking freely, having fun, and having a go at the culture of the powers that be who run this site. And why wouldn't they?

The spammers prove KnowYourMeme's coding has a ways to go. The critics prove KnowYourMeme's choices have a ways to go. The jokers make the site unexpected and fun. But the ones who are still here? You'll have to forgive me, if I prefer the company that was removed. They were brave. I'm just the coward who made a little post and then left.

As for the rest of you, quit thinking about KnowYourMeme and how to put more inside it. Think about how to make the next big thing that comes after this Matrix of self-regurgitating power.

After KnowYourMeme, a grand new documenting, searching, and socializing site will come, whether in 50 days or 50 years. When the time comes, and the time will come and be long remembered, do not aid it for me, the mods, the admins, or any other user on here. Aid this coming future for a greater cause. Do it for the banned.

Last edited May 23, 2021 at 04:54PM EDT

Nox Lucis wrote:

Will this new GotFunnyPictures support uncensored furry porn? That seems much more the direction we're headed in than whatever you're on about.

It was 2 letters away from doing so with the "Who's Getting the Best Head" entry and all the proud coverage it got, so you may be onto something here.

pinkiespy - goat spy wrote:

Crispy here got a warning over image tags and decided to martyr themselves over the course of several events where everyone shrugged and let them get on with their day.

I just got my warning from image tagging over "Breaking the Behave rule". I tell you, some mods can be so sensitive up the butt, like they don't like me.

Square Memester wrote:

I just got my warning from image tagging over "Breaking the Behave rule". I tell you, some mods can be so sensitive up the butt, like they don't like me.

I'm inexplicably tolerated by the mods. Should I start emailing Don .wav files of me breathing heavily to change this?


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