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What's on the menu for Thanksgiving?

Last posted Nov 26, 2020 at 08:34PM EST. Added Nov 26, 2020 at 05:14PM EST
3 posts from 3 users

Had proper Thanksgiving last week when I flew out to see my fam, but today I'm back home. Was hoping to get some BBQ but all those places are closed here. Instead I went with some Korean fried wings and waffle fries. To mix things up though I also ordered a side of Takoyaki which they apparently had.

Takoyaki is way chewier than I thought it would be

A thanksgiving alone in college.
Didn't have a turkey – this college town also has a lot of permanent resident families who know to buy the bird in advance. Still, gotta do the best with what you have. Made some chicken adobo for myself. Turned out pretty nicely too. Chicken, potatoes, carrots and onions with rice can go a long way.


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