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Is it ok to make memes that make fun of other KYM users?

Last posted Sep 03, 2020 at 07:12PM EDT. Added Aug 30, 2020 at 07:52PM EDT
14 posts from 13 users

I mean, memes making fun of any presidents around the world are OK here and it does not get much more important than "president" at a personal level, so why would KYM users have more protection or preference than presidents..? It should be OK as long as no personal information such as real names or addresses are involved.

Whether or not each particular instance is well received or not on a case-to-case basis is a different topic, of course.

Well, if you want to, you can make fun of me. I usually have really long, overly informative posts whenever I have something to say, so you could probably make a decent joke out of that. I'm not sure if anyone would get it, though, because I am relatively unknown and have only ever been a commentator/forum poster.

Ryguy987 wrote:

Well, if you want to, you can make fun of me. I usually have really long, overly informative posts whenever I have something to say, so you could probably make a decent joke out of that. I'm not sure if anyone would get it, though, because I am relatively unknown and have only ever been a commentator/forum poster.

fishing for attention like this isn’t an attractive personality trait tbh

As long as it's a) reasonably humorous and b) in the proper gallery, I don't really see a problem with it. I've seen plenty of good user-bashing posts here and there. Even Pooch, in a rare moment of self-awareness, uploaded an image bashing himself.

digital_m3m3 wrote:

I uploaded an image here purely to be posted in the KYM out of context thread and it got hidden by moderators, so…

Hiding posts is an automated process. On the KYM forums, if your post has a net karma of -5 or less, it's automatically hidden, much like how comments are hidden if they have a rating of -10 or less. The post you're referring to has a karma score (as of time of writing) of -6.

Last edited Aug 31, 2020 at 02:00PM EDT

Talkie Toaster wrote:

As long as it's a) reasonably humorous and b) in the proper gallery, I don't really see a problem with it. I've seen plenty of good user-bashing posts here and there. Even Pooch, in a rare moment of self-awareness, uploaded an image bashing himself.

digital_m3m3 wrote:

I uploaded an image here purely to be posted in the KYM out of context thread and it got hidden by moderators, so…

Hiding posts is an automated process. On the KYM forums, if your post has a net karma of -5 or less, it's automatically hidden, much like how comments are hidden if they have a rating of -10 or less. The post you're referring to has a karma score (as of time of writing) of -6.

I was referring to the image itself, not the forum post including it.

As stated in the rules page:

Be Friendly. We ask that you please maintain a friendly atmosphere within the media galleries. Content posted with the aim to slander other posters or the entry poster (such as OP is a Faggot) is disallowed. Content posted with ulterior motives or for public shaming will be dealt with severely, and will lead to suspensions and eventually bans.

Posting an image, even in the meta gallery, with the clear intent of bringing hate to another user for whatever reason will get you into trouble.
Now, that doesn't mean you should get into trouble systematically for posting something about a renowned user, but you have to make the distinction between bullying and poking fun in a friendly fashion clear. Fun story, long before I became a mod I uploaded this post concerning Artichoke, and a mod hid it on suspicion that it was meant to humiliate him before the others told him that Artichoke and I are actually on friendly terms on Discord.
What point I'm trying to make is, be sure whatever meta poke you post isn't gonna possibly get you into trouble.

I love meta posts, I think they are hilarious and bring a sense of capability to make fun of ourselves within the KYM community. Hell I even paid Tomboy-sama to draw staff members as Mount Rushmore. But it's paramount to keep things fundamentally respectful. If you want to make a mock post about a user yet you feel they could interpret it as an attack to their person, then don't take the risk. Not only it could have that result, but also some people will always take an opportunity to openly insult someone regardless of rules, and you don't want to risk being associated with them just because your intentions are unclear.


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