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KYM Pony General VIII: One Pony Away From a Cease and Desist

Last posted May 19, 2022 at 09:55PM EDT. Added Jul 06, 2014 at 11:32AM EDT
3763 posts from 128 users

When I think about it. Luna has a lot of artsy-fartsy characteristics that fantasy fans would adore

Her moon and space theming, her ethereal glitteriness, being unicorn pegasus princess and her own personality traits, all make her something that would look perfect on a tie dye shirt or a C.S Lewis book cover

No wonder people draw her like an oil painting

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

Since there's nothing else going at the moment. I'm just going to raise a topic

Has anybody noticed that Luna always inspires the most gorgeous artwork?

Like, she's always looking pretty, always looking majestic. Art involving Luna always contains so much detail and love put into it.

I wonder why that is? Why so many good artists are inspired by Luna specifically?

Because moonbutt is best princess, yes? Anyone agrees?

Nah, as of the Season 3 finale, we can now say that Twilight is!

Seriously though, I gotta disagree, while my hate was definitely dying down a while back (then it sprung back up) I really don't like Luna, very overhyped to a disagree that really seems unfair to the other Princesses (Primarily Celestia) and her theme angers me.
I dunno, maybe I'll like her better when I get to "Luna Eclipsed", I'll see then.

Hi everybody, here's a touching story. I came here 'coz I'm bored. The end. And 'coz 2 years ago out of curiousity I watched the first 2 seasons of MLP (only 2 'coz there was no more at that time), and I'm personally not a brony, nor anything else (e.g. ponyfag), so actually I have no idea what I am doing here. Or why I came here.

EDIT: To stay on topic, I dunno why but Luna was my favourite, she is a bit mysterious, and I like that.

Last edited Jul 19, 2014 at 06:37AM EDT

I think she inspires so much artwork because of her design.
There are reasons why artists over the centuries have always commented on the beauty and mystery of the night sky, so a pony who embodies that would obviously also be very popular in artistic circles.
There are plenty of other reasons behind her popularity, but that has got to be a big one behind the surge of art that she sees.

Besides, you really don't want to try to out-fabulous Luna.
She doesn't take competition very well.

I, too, fall into the category of not being totally over the moon (Get it?! MOON?!) about Luna to the extent that much of the fandom seems to be, but I would stress that there is a major difference between 'disliking/hating Luna' and 'disliking/hating her adoration in the fandom.'
I think Luna is a great character in the show (and the comics have a ton of fun with her too, if they count), but it does feel really weird to have such an ancillary character consistently placing so high in polls about favorite ponies.
Heck back in 2011, after only season one had aired, EQD had a poll:

Despite appearing only in the pilot episodes up to that point, Luna managed to beat out not one, but two, of the main characters.
I can't really explain it beyond thinking that the combination of design, backstory, and redemption resonated with a lot of people, but I certainly don't see her (arguably) undeserved popularity as a problem or flaw with her.
Just an odd confluence of fandom factors.

Speaking of characters that some people think are overhyped:

Derpy is now a card in the MLP card game!
And apparently this is the first time she has been officially depicted as a mailpony, too!
That's a pretty major headcanon from way back that has held on for years.
Pretty cool to see it directly acknowledged!
(I actually expected the show to do something like this first, and before Last Roundup, would have given much higher odds to seeing Mailmare Derpy flying around Ponyville than to having Derpy get a speaking role. Guess I was wrong on that one.)

Completely unrelated in every possible way, but an artist by the name of alloyrabbit has taken it upon themselves to randomly draw a bunch of ponies dressed up as various boats and ships.
[Insert shipping joke here]

I have no idea why, but I love these things!
Something about the style and the way they seem to just be paddling along is just too adorable!

Last edited Jul 19, 2014 at 07:46AM EDT

@Luna discussion

Why is Luna popular some ask? Well, we've got enough theories as to that to write an essay.

Why does she inspire so many you ask?

I personally say its symbolically appropriate for her to be such a source of inspiration. Mainly since the Greek lunar deities that inform her idealogical conception have themselves been a source of inspiration and art for a long time, and even back then some of the Greeks/Romans were inspired by the idea of seeing a specific goddess of the moon in person.

Specifically… Diana… Otherwise known as "Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt".


Quick trivia, that appears to be a MLP Luna version of a picture of Diana that shows up pretty early on Google searches.

Anyways… There's also a weird parallel with the Moon and "Inspiration" given that "The Moon" Major Arcana in the Tarot translates roughly as being about "mystery, dreams, and inspiration" in its most positive form.

So it's appropriate to say its a deeply embedded (western) association between the very moon itself and inspiration… Asking why that is may be hard to find the answer… But it does answer why Luna just happens to draw upon the same well of sentiment.

Last edited Jul 19, 2014 at 09:27AM EDT

@elmashojaldra thanks, uh I guess playing with Pokémon and Yu-gi-oh card games in my entire childhood was worthfull, and that Saw reference: "Let the pony games begin!" is made my day.

@Luna's popularity
I think it all has to do with headcanon. Luna had such a short appearance in the pilot that, as the fandom steadily picked up steam throughout S1 and the first hiatus, the headcanons,and, in turn popularity, grew like weeds. You had Shy!Luna, Atoner!Luna, Evil!Luna, etc. She had more fanon based around her than any other character.

Even as the show sprayed Agent Orange on all those fanon weeds, that like of the character that existed persists today. There's just something about the moody sibling that got the short end of the stick that seems to resonate with people.

Her being apart of the best ship certainly helps, too.

Penny wrote:

@DeadParrot222 I don't think Luna would do such thing, or that's what I think. Anyone? BTW someone can explain me this card thingy?

Oh, don't let her adorableness confuse you.
She's got a vindictive streak.

Their Denny's tried to serve her eggs 'sunny-side up.'
There were no survivors.

@Pretty Princesses
Always time for more gorgeous artwork!

Oh, and Celestia hates watermelons.

Last edited Jul 19, 2014 at 11:47PM EDT

Teddy Sadcat wrote:

Who can forget this wonderful gem?

Well, excuse me, it's time for me to do a cardiogram check-up. My heart fells clogged.

They really need more ponies for this and maybe a discord :3

That blob pony poking game is made up entirely of canon ponies.
Other. Than. Fluffle Puff.

No. Bad 4as. Bad.

Other than that little detail (that irritates me on a cosmic level), that game is really cute and funny. I especially like Twilight, Celestia, Rainbow and Octavia.


(Don't think I didn't see that picture Disturbed posted, by the way).

Last edited Jul 20, 2014 at 05:40AM EDT

DeadParrot said:

but I would stress that there is a major difference between ‘disliking/hating Luna’ and ‘disliking/hating her adoration in the fandom.’

I know it sounds horrible, but not really to me.

TSG Said:

Her being apart of the best ship certainly helps, too.

How can that be? She isn't part of "Twixie" or "Flashlight"!
flame shield activate

Aside from that, these theories to her popular really do seem to fit, I also can't help but feel that the modern day fetish for the Dark Is Not Evil concept (one I really don't like much myself, I much prefer the "old-fashioned" Light Is Good/Dark Is Evil setup myself, which would've probably lead to the Mane Six killing Nightmare Moon in the first two-parter and Luna never appearing "as herself") really added to her popularity in a big way ( The inverse probably helping with the "Celestia as a baddie" interpretations too).

@More princesses:

@Pony blobs:

Stunthead Said:

That blob pony poking game is made up entirely of canon ponies.
Other. Than. Fluffle Puff.
[Pinkie Gif]
No. Bad 4as. Bad.
Other than that little detail (that irritates me on a cosmic level), that game is really cute and funny. I especially like Twilight, Celestia, Rainbow and Octavia.

No offence dude, I can understand if this annoys you but I think you're letting it get to you a little too much.

Last edited Jul 20, 2014 at 05:58AM EDT

@CrashGordon94 said:

How can that be? She isn’t part of “Twixie” or “Flashlight”!
flame shield activate

I'm not really in the shipping (or any other activity, in any fandom), but even me know that you just said was plain stupid. IMO you never compare any shipping to an another.

I have come to stamp my presence on yet another pony thread so you may bask in my oldfaginess.

Thank you, you are all too kind.

It took you guys a while to finish off the old thread. Hiatus-sydrome was strong with you guys!

Anyway, I came in to say a belated late congratulations to DeadParrot for making onto EQD's front page with his Scootaloo obsession!

I recall the days that I tried to to be the #1 Scootaloo fan on KYM but looking back….I was doomed to failure, fated to fail, destined to defeat…..

I was an insect railing against the heavens.

burning_phoneix wrote:

I have come to stamp my presence on yet another pony thread so you may bask in my oldfaginess.

Thank you, you are all too kind.

It took you guys a while to finish off the old thread. Hiatus-sydrome was strong with you guys!

Anyway, I came in to say a belated late congratulations to DeadParrot for making onto EQD's front page with his Scootaloo obsession!

I recall the days that I tried to to be the #1 Scootaloo fan on KYM but looking back….I was doomed to failure, fated to fail, destined to defeat…..

I was an insect railing against the heavens.

You at last tried it. And that is respectable. BTW can we some non-princess fanarts, I start to get overloaded with Luna, not like I wouldn't like it, but you know, sooner or later you will going to get enough even of the good things.

Penny wrote:

You at last tried it. And that is respectable. BTW can we some non-princess fanarts, I start to get overloaded with Luna, not like I wouldn't like it, but you know, sooner or later you will going to get enough even of the good things.


burning_phoneix wrote:

I have come to stamp my presence on yet another pony thread so you may bask in my oldfaginess.

Thank you, you are all too kind.

It took you guys a while to finish off the old thread. Hiatus-sydrome was strong with you guys!

Anyway, I came in to say a belated late congratulations to DeadParrot for making onto EQD's front page with his Scootaloo obsession!

I recall the days that I tried to to be the #1 Scootaloo fan on KYM but looking back….I was doomed to failure, fated to fail, destined to defeat…..

I was an insect railing against the heavens.

Shouldn't you be busy being ded?

Now shoo, don't want to ruin the new thread with spooky spirits.


Penny wrote:

Am I really want to know what they are doing with Berry Punch?

Pick one:
B) They're celebrating St. Patrick Day in Equestria
C) There wasn't background green ponies available so they ask to the CMC if they can find somepony to do the job, eventually they find Berry Punch on the ground…
D) All of the above

In either way:

Whoa! Hold on a minute! I just almost missed a best princess thread. Better fix that real quick!

There. That's better!

@Pony glue: It was bound to happen sooner or later. At least I'm sure it's magical and filled with glitter. xD

Last edited Jul 20, 2014 at 06:17PM EDT


You know… Some could argue that the Moon could fall under "Light is Good" and "Light is not Good" if you note the fact that the Moon is the biggest source of Light at night.

And if you look at Luna vs Nightmare Moon… It's kind of like comparing a Full Moon to a New Moon or a Lunar Eclipse.

As for personality traits, In Magic the Gathering terms, Luna is Red/Blue, and Nightmare Moon is Blue/Black. As in, Luna is about inspiration through the intersection of emotion and knowledge, while Nightmare Moon is trickery through the intersection of knowledge and self interest.

Speaking of Magic… There is one example of an Angel of Pure Light in that game being associated with the Moon to some extent, and even being the source of redemption for a race of werewolves, and was the protector of humanity against the forces of darkness that ruled the plane… But that's neither here nor there.

Getting away from Magic… It's unfair to really call Darkness itself, or the Night, or even the Moon "Dark" per say. As being "Dark" actually implies a lot of things that don't strictly speaking have anything to do with being associated with the night.

For example… A Vampire is dark not because they can't go out in the day, but because they feed on humans. Zombies are dark regardless of the fact they can go out in the sun just fine, because they subvert the "natural order" and exist to prey on the living. Bayonetta's takes on Angels, despite the fact they are beings of Light are still "Dark" in that they are terrifying monstrosities that seek to destroy the world and have no concern for humans at all, and basically use them as pawns.

You want to know what qualifies as "dark" in MLP? The Timberwolves, Tirrek, Sombra, Windigoes, Cockatrices, that Chimera, Trixie with the amulet, and Queen Chrysalis.

What's not Dark… Is Luna. And you want to know why?

Because all of those that class as "Dark" are in some sense or another a force of amorality and self interest, as well as perversions of life itself.

As such… In order for the "Dark is not Evil" theme to be applied correctly as a tittle, it must be in terms of a selfish hero who is not saving the world for the sake of others, but because they themselves want to keep the world around to they themselves can benefit from it.

And Luna herself? She's none of that… Not since she got over her little grudge. So it's impossible for her to fit the true themes of "Dark is not Evil", as she's way too kind and helpful when she's herself to fit any kind of dark themes.

You know which "Good" character DOES fit "Dark is not Evil" in MLP?


So the lesson to be learned here is… That you should only complain about "Dark is not Evil" when you're talking about in terms of "GrimDark vs LightFluff".

And Luna is very LightFluff!

P.S. Anyone who finds literal Darkness/Night/Moon being good annoying, probably hasn't gotten rid of their childhood fear of the dark yet.

Last edited Jul 20, 2014 at 07:56PM EDT

@Mar- Mark? Y-you're alive, you're fine? Alright, good.

@Dark Is Not Evil: Well, if we're including fan works…

I mean come on, at this point she's literally a black-and-red alicorn OC. But hey, she's still the good guy.

Laud "The Bear Jew" Piestrings wrote:


Princest is best ship.

@ Glue

You guys haven't obviously seen this yet.

That one's older than you are of coarse we have all seen it.


I'm a ghost? You must be a literal ghost because I can't quote you or give you Karma, I just get 404 errors.

That shit is scary.

burning_phoneix wrote:


I'm a ghost? You must be a literal ghost because I can't quote you or give you Karma, I just get 404 errors.

That shit is scary.

I can't do it either, but his account isn't deactivated or anything. Weird.

Looking at X's account…

Seriously, X AND Phoneix? Who's been practicing necromancy around here? Any more accounts returned from the grave and this thread will start looking like a Micheal Jackson Music video

Good to see you guys though

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 03:24AM EDT

That video of Twilight falling off the stage was pretty funny.
<div class=spoiler title="And the hits keep on coming…">

burning_phoenix said:

I recall the days that I tried to to be the #1 Scootaloo fan on KYM but looking back….I was doomed to failure, fated to fail, destined to defeat…..


Good to see you again, man!
Don't worry about not being the biggest; Scoots always needs more fans!

Doctor "KreagerStein" Kori wrote:

Am I really want to know what they are doing with Berry Punch?

Another alternative:
"Are you sure this is what she wanted, you guys?"

"Well, she did say that she was going to 'paint the town red,' but then she fell asleep. I figure we can help her out and maybe get our cutie marks!"

"But this is green…"

"We used all the red on the new barn. This should be close enough."

Pretty crazy-cool news out today if you like 3D pony figures!

Remember a while back when Hasbro shut down a bunch of artists selling 3D printed figures on places like Shapeways?
Well, that weird theory that some people put forward at that time wound up being true.
Hasbro has partnered with Shapeways to allow for the creation and sale of custom 3D printed MLP characters!
Yep, for everyone who has responded to C&Ds with 'Why doesn't Hasbro hire the artists, let them keep producing, and take a cut?' that is pretty much what they are trying out here.
Sounds like the project will be debuting at ComiCon, but the general idea seems to be create a pony model, submit it for approval, put it up for sale, and split the profits between Hasbro, Shapeways, and yourself.
And it will all be completely legal and safe.
I don't think I've heard of another company taking this kind of approach of melding fan-work with an official license so I'm looking forward to seeing how it does.
If this works out and other companies and franchises follow suit, there could be a cool new expansion of the availability of legitimate fanmade toys and figures.

And now, I GO!

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 04:36AM EDT

Gawd Blue Screen, you just had to break the 3x streak of people who were here for Pony General #1. You're just a lowly ponythread III peasant. I'll restart the streak.
(Just kidding u knows I love u right? :3 )

Speaking of old times, remember this silly pony?

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

Looking at X's account…

Seriously, X AND Phoneix? Who's been practicing necromancy around here? Any more accounts returned from the grave and this thread will start looking like a Micheal Jackson Music video

Good to see you guys though

I guess it's not good idea to tell I just returned 2 days ago, am I right?

EDIT: 3 returned people while the whole thread is about ceasing, ending, about to become an ex.

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 04:32AM EDT

Erin ◕ω◕ wrote:

Gawd Blue Screen, you just had to break the 3x streak of people who were here for Pony General #1. You're just a lowly ponythread III peasant. I'll restart the streak.
(Just kidding u knows I love u right? :3 )

Speaking of old times, remember this silly pony?

I follow that account on tumblr. Artist is a nice dude but gets caught up IRL stuff and doesn't update as often as he wants.




Woah woah WOAH!

This is huge news!

I personally don't own pony dolls nor wish to own them because they are totes gay but this is excellent and shows that Hasbro are pulling their heads out of their asses in regards to C&Ds.

I don’t think I’ve heard of another company taking this kind of approach of melding fan-work with an official license so I’m looking forward to seeing how it does.

Valve does it a lot with workshop items for TF2 and DOTA2. I think a couple other companies do it as well but that's all digital.

Also, I've seen a bunch of board games put out expansion packs based entirely on fan works.

For example Small World's "Cursed!" Expansion and Agricola's "Gamer Deck" were made by fans as either part of a contest or entirely a grassroots project that got the attention of the designers.

But still, it does remain a relatively rare sort of thing to happen….especially with big faceless corps like Hasbro.

@ Caramel

I . . . I was here for Pony General I . . . . baka!

@ 3d models

That actually reminds me of what Valve has been doing with the Steam Movie Maker and TF2, which has ended up being a source for semi-licensed machinima. In that case, though, they're profiting through the free advertising for their hat simulator rather than directly. It's nice to see Hasbro make the jump.

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