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[Forum Games] Nations RP II

Last posted May 10, 2016 at 10:07AM EDT. Added Mar 17, 2016 at 11:49AM EDT
986 posts from 28 users

Hessaria will protect the Marker. From you. And from Sprawl.

It is the remnant of the Sky-King Tythan. God of Air and wind, breather of lifes first breath. Our people become one in death when we give ourselves to the birds in our sky burials.

Sprawl may fall. Our people may fall. But the marker will be defended.

Last edited Apr 03, 2016 at 06:39PM EDT

Well you're going to have to protect it from me then. It's the marker, why would I not destroy it?
Also Sprawl deserves it more than you to be quite honest with you my familia.

We aren't looking for war. In fact we'd rather not have it. But its religion, we're morally obligated to try and defend it, even if we fail.

Black Graphic T wrote:

Hessaria will protect the Marker. From you. And from Sprawl.

It is the remnant of the Sky-King Tythan. God of Air and wind, breather of lifes first breath. Our people become one in death when we give ourselves to the birds in our sky burials.

Sprawl may fall. Our people may fall. But the marker will be defended.

You can keep the Marker, what I want more is the high priests of Unitology heads for throwing our region into chaos.

Last edited Apr 03, 2016 at 06:58PM EDT

Stalemate wrote:

Well you're going to have to protect it from me then. It's the marker, why would I not destroy it?
Also Sprawl deserves it more than you to be quite honest with you my familia.

It appears that Unitology seems to differ from other religions based on how quickly it spreads and how it can reappear easily. Perhaps instead of destroying it we get rid of all the crazed cultists protecting it and try studying it to see if perhaps we can stop it from spreading. Obviously we leave it in Sprawl so it wouldn't taint our respective nations with it's fell influences, and quarantine the researchers in Sprawl as well to be on the safe side. Perhaps instead of treating it like an idealogy we treat it as a plague, and find a vaccination or cure for it.

Last edited Apr 03, 2016 at 07:07PM EDT

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

It appears that Unitology seems to differ from other religions based on how quickly it spreads and how it can reappear easily. Perhaps instead of destroying it we get rid of all the crazed cultists protecting it and try studying it to see if perhaps we can stop it from spreading. Obviously we leave it in Sprawl so it wouldn't taint our respective nations with it's fell influences, and quarantine the researchers in Sprawl as well to be on the safe side. Perhaps instead of treating it like an idealogy we treat it as a plague, and find a vaccination or cure for it.

That is a good idea. But what makes you think it will stay in Sprawl even if we quarantine it?

CrowTheMagician wrote:

That is a good idea. But what makes you think it will stay in Sprawl even if we quarantine it?

I guess it might be possible that whatever research we do might end up becoming Black Speech and cause those who read it to become Unitologists too. I guess we might need to find a way to get around that. Perhaps if we use something or someone who can feel no emotion, basically an automaton, maybe we can get past that part.
But in a more literal sense, I know a blockade could work pretty well to keep missionaries from getting out and causing havoc.
And in an even more literal sense, I know for sure that destroying the Marker will end all this insanity, but it'll probably get a lot worse before it gets better. As well a lot of people will probably die needlessly defending this rock.

Hessaria is open to all faiths. Respect the throne and the old beliefs, and we have no quarrel. Don't, and you will find no quarter.

Sergeant Arch Dornan wrote:

What with all this hostility? We should be together as humans! We should not war over petty matters!

>all of this damage control

So I guess we all agree what to do with the Marker then? I was looking forward to destroying it but I guess research and quarantine is the best thing to do.

Stalemate wrote:

>all of this damage control

So I guess we all agree what to do with the Marker then? I was looking forward to destroying it but I guess research and quarantine is the best thing to do.

Well, I guess first we need to research how to research the Marker without going insane in the process, but first we should move in to quarantine the regions that harbor Unitologists, including those nations that don't want them, like Striate.

You are talking about some petty religion shite, when first, the only true religion is that of Narthos, and second, the bloodiest, most savage war is being fought over the sea between the descendants of the god-king and savages.

Sergeant Arch Dornan wrote:

Your people feel oppressed by your governments, I'm not the one controls your countries, your people are doing what they think is best for your nations.

No they are being brainwashed by a cult. My government was treating my people well and everything was fine until your religion invaded my land. If anything your religion is doing the exact opposite that it promises.

Am I the only one here with any foresight? At all? Barring extraordinary dice rolls, more than one nation is probably going to be wiped off the map. It's entirely possible only one nation will be left standing after the next several turns.

The South-East War begins, and it's going to be a disaster. If I knew what I knew now earlier, I would have sent in far different actions.

Last edited Apr 03, 2016 at 09:28PM EDT

Mom Rivers wrote:

Am I the only one here with any foresight? At all? Barring extraordinary dice rolls, more than one nation is probably going to be wiped off the map. It's entirely possible only one nation will be left standing after the next several turns.

The South-East War begins, and it's going to be a disaster. If I knew what I knew now earlier, I would have sent in far different actions.

I wouldn't say exactly multiple nations will be wiped off the map, but one or two might be severely hurt, and the others sent into mass hysteria.
But if the worse thing I foresee happens, then it very well might become a fight to save the whole world.

I've gotten a few edits and I want you to know that, as I said earlier, I've started writing and I don't want more edits. If I've already written your part of the turn, I'm not going to read these edits. If I haven't written your part of the turn, well, I guess you're in luck and your edits will go through, because I'm probably going to forget which PMs were sent in after the deadline was established.

Sergeant Arch Dornan wrote:

Let me guess…you're going to attack me?

What.. No, I’m having my fingers cross for this plan on dealing with the grassroot Unitologist in my nation. I’m more worried on that plan failing right now. Also I'm having my fingers crossed for my nation on surviving this insane war. I have a feeling this war is going to hit any nation close by it, neutrality or not.

Fingers crossed I get to see another turn. Also dornan i don't know if you meant it or not but this whole thing going on with you having Huey Emmerich as your avatar makes me hear all your posts in his voice. XD

Black Graphic T wrote:

Fingers crossed I get to see another turn. Also dornan i don't know if you meant it or not but this whole thing going on with you having Huey Emmerich as your avatar makes me hear all your posts in his voice. XD

So I wasn't the only one reading his posts in Huey's voice? Good to know.

Turn 5



Exploration Era
"Exploration is the engine that drives innovation." -Edith Widder

Txabesco (KYFPMM)

Defense Forces: Swordsmen, Skirmisher Warbands, Light Cavalry, Cannons, Hwacha Rocket Launcher, Rocket Galleys

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Mandatory Service, Free Trade, Secularism, State Beer Monopoly

Culture: Alcohol Aficionados, Fish Fanatics, Starlove (religion)

Issues: None

-A political campaign is launched to instill fear in the people. With the bloody war being fought to the south being used as evidence for the dangers that the world present, many people fall in line with the burgeoning militarist movement. The concept of pacifism is gradually fading from society.

-The rights have won a majority in the senate for the first time in who knows how long. Their first move is to lower taxes and reduce the scope of many programs.

-Inventors working with gunpowder attempt to make lighter weapons but fail, citing the explosive nature of gunpowder as the reason for their inability to tame it. Larger gunpowder weapons, such as the cannon, are more feasible obviously, and become a mainstay in the artillery divisions.

-War is declared upon Txada and an invasion fleet is sent to attack the city. To keep supply lines open, gunpowder is used to cut apart ice formations along the coastlines wherever they form. This practically revolutionizes ocean shipping for the figuratively landlocked Txabexco, which has no ports that remain open year-round due to ice formation. The city falls relatively quickly though, making this decision somewhat unnecessary for the campaign.

-The government purchases several ranches specifically for the rearing of war horses.

Syraus (Stalemate)

Military: Swordsmen, Heavy Camel Cavalry, Crossbowmen, Engineer Corps, Jaguar Infantry, Barques

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Inquisition, Spies, Welfare, Mandatory Service

Culture: Teachers, Entertainers, Xenophobia, Zeist (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (low), Unitology Mob Violence

-The cavalry's focus on skirmishing is put aside in favor of direct assaults.

-The attacks on Unitology are increased dramatically. Urban areas with significant populations are quarantined and, those which refuse to abandon their faith, are eventually purged violently.

-The campaign to remove Unitology has caused the people to become more aware of their own culture as distinct from their neighbors. A spontaneous cultural renaissance known as the Zeist movement has emerged. Zeistists believe in a variety of traditionalist values, including the mystical nature of the world and magical ceremonies.

-Cannons are added to the fleet. Oar crews are replaced with cannon decks and, with no need for ramming or close range maneuvering, the concept of oar-driven ships is replaced entirely with sail power.

-The crossbow is added to the national arsenal.

-To complete the operation to remove Unitology's wretched presence from the world, a holy war is declared upon Sprawl. The armies march forth to the east.

-Altogether, the war has been slow going. A few battles are won, but not by significant margins. Dione has been besieged.

-In a reaction against the purge and the war with Sprawl, many Unitology communities have risen up in open rebellion. Mobs occasionally swarm urban centers, throwing cities into chaos for a time before being suppressed. However, unlike Syraus's neighbors, an organized rebel movement has not yet spawned from this crisis.

Orobostan (ProfessorRivers)

Military: Jaguar Infantry, Skirmisher Warbands, Camel Riders, Galleys

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Inquisition, Meritocracy, Spies, Welfare, Draft

Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)

Issues: Unitology Rebellion, War Exhaustion (low)

-A draft is instituted, enforcing many to join the military unless they have moral reasons not to. This single caveat has obliterated the entire attempt, as many people are claiming to be part of religious cults they have never visited with just to get out of their duty.

-War is declared on Sprawl. The fleet moves in to attack Atlas, but Sprawl's navy debuts their new caravels and quickly sink many galleys from significant range, forcing a retreat. More luck is had on the land; assassin squads are dispatched into the city and succeed in intimidating its leadership through the elimination of many garrison captains. Atlas soon falls to an easily conducted assault.

-An attempt to purge the Unitarians has sparked an all out rebellion. Many provinces have fallen as the converts take up arms and rise against the regime, protesting their poor treatment. Grezny and Albadi only held out against rebel assaults due to the military's concentration in the east, thanks to the present war. In these cities, mass slaughters of Unitarians have left entire districts as ghost towns.

Onvast (Roarshack)

Military: Light Infantry, Light Cavalry, Archers, Galleys

Doctrines: None

Culture: Merchants, Starlove (religion)

Issues: None

-The Starlove missionaries have, rather peaceably, converted Onvast's society from top to bottom to their faith. There is no longer much disruption from their activities.

Ambrosia (Triangle Mare)

Military: Willhelmian Tercio, Reiter Cavalry, Cannons, Star Forts, Galleons

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Structured Military, Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Religious Tolerance, Compulsory Education

Culture: Seafarers, Militarists, Diplomats, Reformed Christianity (religion), Guilds

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium), Black Plague

-Pike square formations are reformed into a mixed group, called Tercio, of gun and pike. The bow and the sword are removed from the military entirely. A new kind of cavalry, reiters, elevate the use of firearms to primary weapon status. The engineer corps is reformed into cannon brigades, as siege engines are now seen as a thing of only limited usefulness.

-The printing press is developed into something cheaper and, thus, more common. Books critically important to Ambrosian learning are produced in huge numbers and, with book prices falling as a result, literacy is on the rise.

-One of these books thus printed has been the bible, translated into Ambrosian. Orientale clergy are outraged that Ambrosia's faithful would deviate so far from the truth of heaven, and have called for greater unity in the abandonment of this new text. Instead, Ambrosia's bishops have fired back by proclaiming official separation of their church from Orientale. One reformer, John Calvin, goes so far as to alter the popular interpretation of the bible, claiming that hard work is an indicator of predestined salvation.

-Education is made compulsory. With the lessening of book prices, many new fields of learning open up to the middle and lower classes, including everything from arithmetic to anatomy.

-A statute of religious tolerance is declared and the state distances itself from religious affairs. Members of the clergy are barred from holding public office and church property is legally limited in size and scope.

-To combat the new wave of gunpowder weapons, different kinds of fortifications are necessary. To that end the star fort is developed, a static defense able to deflect cannon shot except at angles dangerous to assault from. Construction on these forts begins posthaste in several strategically important locations.

-Money is thrown at milling companies to draw out more lumber for ship construction. Ambrosia's navy has eclipsed that of all her neighbors and soon may be the envy of the world.

-Cuba invades Egypt, disrupting the war and throwing the front into chaos. The occasional battle is fought between Ambrosia and Cuba, although the two are not officially at war. Egypt manages to regroup its forces in the north, taking full advantage of the distraction. Having learned lessons from the invaders, they begin equipping themselves with gunpowder weapons and reforming into units with better structure. They also recruit the help of native peoples beyond their borders in the vast savannas of the north.

-A terrible plague has been inflicted upon the nation and, as well, most of the continent. Only Japan seems to be spared of its affects, mysteriously. Ambrosia does fare better than her neighbors due to rudimentary knowledge of diseases and how they spread, but this does not save everyone, and millions are dying nonetheless.

Suiyektu (You Are Reading This)

Military: Engineer Corps, Lancers, Heavy Cavalry, Cavalry Archers, Flamethrowers, Barques

Doctrines: Mercantilism, Meritocracy, Spies

Culture: Free Enterprise, Horse Husbandry, Tengrism (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-A fire weapon, called "Altaic Fire," is invented and utilized in complex flamethrowers for the army and navy.

-A new group of cavalry called lancers are incorporated into the army. They specialize in flanking and envelopment tactics, but cannot hold their own long in a fight, working instead to very quickly lower enemy morale to the point of breaking.

-Somewhat upset with the performance of the Golden Horde, Timur himself moves to the front lines, leading his fearsome "Timurids" into the battle. He rallies the various tribes of the nation, effectively working towards a policy of total war against Narthuria.

-Strategic hit and run policies are adopted to fight back against the invader, with entire armies ebbing back and forth across the landscape, engaging in very sporadic and chaotic attacks against the enemy. Although they are unable to halt the Narthurian advance, they do slow it significantly and inflict inordinate amounts of casualties upon the enemy.

-Due to the necessity of war, a road network is established so that military units can more quickly travel from one place to another. This also helps supply chains in moving armor, weapons, and ammunition to where it is needed most.

-The fleet is sent to blockade Narthuria. They succeed in destroying much of the old galley fleets defending Narthuria's harbors.

Narthuria (Spider-Byte)

Military: Heavy Pike Phalanxes, Longbowmen, Heavy Cavalry, Cavalry Archers, Engineer Corps, Galleons

Doctrines: Public Investment, Penal Army

Culture: Knights Tharos, Narthos (religion), Warmongerers

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-Assassination attempts against Suiyektu's leadership seem to have failed to make any effect; none of the assassins return, and no high profile individuals have gone missing as of yet.

-A Suiyektu fleet is blockading much of the nation's ports. Engagements with the enemy at sea have proven catastrophic, as Narthuria's fleet was undergoing a massive overhaul when the attacks began.

-An attempt is made to tame lions for the war effort. Taming, not so easy, but unleashing vicious predators on the battlefield has certainly had an effect on enemy morale.

-The armies continue pushing, albeit without much direction from the king, into enemy territory. Heavy casualties are being inflicted upon Narthuria's ranks as the armies advance deeper into hostile territory. The north remains a contested area; although Redwall has fallen back into Narthurian hands, the Suiyekharti strategy of guerrilla warfare has burdened any attempt to extricate them from the territory completely.

Divus (Taryn)

Military: Tercio Infantry, Bronze Mortars, Barques

Doctrines: Harbor Mirrors

Culture: Crab Cruelty, Stellar Surveyors, Tower of Babel (under construction), Sunnism (religion)

Issues: None

-Three new towers are begun, called Babel 002, Babel C, and Babel IV. Because one was clearly nowhere near enough. None of the new towers hold any promise of ever reaching the same heights as the original.

-Catapults are being used to hurl stones up the sloping sides of the great tower, rather than bother with lifting or pushing the stuff.

-New Khanye is invaded again. This time, Divusian strength of arms win the day. Superior Divusian quantity and logistics prove to be insurmountable odds for the defenders to overcome, despite their valiant struggle against the invaders.

Striate (Owen, The Communist Tree)

Military: Axemen, Longbowmen, Caravels

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Inquisition

Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)

Issues: Unitologist Rebellion, War Exhaustion (low)

-The military is mobilized to assist the inquisition in dismantling the Unitologist movement. However, the movement proves to be more entrenched than any strategists can plan for, and when unprovoked attacks begin against converts, a large portion of the army rebels to protect the Unitologists, as many of the soldiers themselves were converts as well.

-War is declared upon Sprawl. An expeditionary force has bee dispatched, led by a certain Brigadier General Creed, landing in the southern part of the country.

-The fleet is modernized.

Kathian (Twisty)

Military: Zealot Paladins, Heavy Cavalry, Cavalry Archers, Engineer Corps, Flamethrowers, Carracks

Doctrines: Missionary Warriors, Mercantilism, Code of Conduct, Field Promotions, Inquisition

Culture: Perfectionists, Xenophobia, Kruztatlism (religion), War Exhaustion (low)

Issues: None

-The fleet is modernized with new, gun toting carracks. Foreign exploration uncovers the land of Sprawl, a country teaming with REPUGNANT HERETICS. Shocked by the audacity of their strange Unitologist faith, the explorers immediately declare a holy war to expunge the continent of its blasphemy. They find support in the conclave, which is quick to outfit a fleet and a small army to follow up the initial invasion force.

-An inquisitorial office is established to purge foreign faiths from Kathian's borders. Thus far, no significant missionary movements have disturbed the peace, and with this new defense it does not seem that any ever will.

-Flame based weapons, highly effective against static defenses and close range ships, are added to the nation's arsenal.

-Money is invested in many private companies to promote local goods production.

-An overseas colony is established, claiming hold over a long coastline beside a vast jungle.

Sprawl (Sergeant Arch Dornan)

Military: Zealot Halberdiers, Priest Corps, Light Cavalry, Camel Riders, Engineer Corps, Caravels

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Literacy Program

Culture: Alien Admiration, Unitology (religion), Knights of Unity

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-Experiments into the use of gunpowder weaponry has led to the adoption of new sailing vessels to replacing the old galleys, which relied on ramming power rather than ranged weapons.

-The borders are fortified. All of them. The lack of focus weakened the defensive effort all around. Not that it matters much, as the nation has been attacked on all sides by invaders.

-Egalitarian values are added to the Unitology texts and adopted as a national doctrine.

-A program is established for the propagation of national literacy at all levels of society. In particular, focus is made upon the ability to read Unitology texts.

-Federal investments in printing houses that use block type has increased the volume of Unitology texts that can be printed each month.

-A Hessarian military brigade has arrived in the capital and established a defensive camp near to the marker. The people of Sprawl condone this action, and see Hessaria as a friend to the faith.

-Several Unitologist rebel groups have sent word that they are eager to join with Sprawl's war effort to coordinate attacks, as they suffer persecution on a terrible scale at the hands of the invading nations.

Vilanoa (Cale)

Military: Pike Phalanxes, Light Cavalry, Cavalry Archers, Galleys

Doctrines: Law Codes, Production Subsidies, Caste System

Culture: Xenophobia, Racism, Sunnism (religion), Kruztatlism (religion)

Issues: Sunnist/Kruztatlist Conflict, Despot's Rebellion

-The warmongering senator has landed at Itsason and proclaimed himself king. His armies rejoice at the proclamation and cities loyal to him defect to his cause. He has sent a command to the capital for the senate to disband, and has promised to march on Muinoar.

-Religious conflicts between the newly converted Sunnists and Kruztatlists has sparked riots in some cities, such as Txahala and Itsason, where there is a great mix of converts between the two groups. People on both sides are calling for Vilanoa to declare an official religion, but the majority of the senate and the traditionalist denizens of Muinoar support religions tolerance and an enforcement of peace between the two religious groups.

Monarchy of the Roses (Tchefuncte Bonaparte)

Military: Spear Warbands, Light Cavalry, Flamethrowers, Galleys

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Great Wall (under construction)

Culture: Tulip Traffickers, Rose Retailers, Pyramids, Mechanarianism (religion)

Issues: None

-Mechanarianism is declared the official religion of the state. It quickly spreads to all corners of the empire.

-The hanging gardens are built, as a symbolic gesture of support for the Mechanarianist cause, displaying Rosen control over nature.

-"Greek Fire" is invented. Seems like the popular thing to do these days…

-The king commissions many paintings of nude women, because he can. uwu

Orientale (Starscream)

Military: Spear Warbands, Archers, Crossbowmen, Engineer Corps, Galleys

Doctrines: None

Culture: Christianity (religion)

Issues: Black Plague

-The black plague arrives from Ambrosia and millions are falling dead to the illness. People crowd into cathedrals and churches, praying for a miracle to save them from death, or salvation should they die.

Cuba (Major Bummer)

Military: Swordsmen, Tercio, Archers, Crossbowmen, Engineer Corps, Galleys

Doctrines: Penal Slavery, Spies, Inquisition

Culture: Fish Fanatics, Christianity (religion)

Issues: Black Plague

-Egypt is invaded. Being that the country is simultaneously being occupied by Ambrosia, the armies find it difficult to avoid confrontations with them. Small skirmishes with the Ambrosians have resulted, and even a few pitched battles have occurred, damaging the war effort of both sides and allowing the Egyptians to reorganize their armies for several counterattacks.

-A mixed order infantry unit, called Tercio, is created with the advent of gunpowder weapons. Half of the soldiers are armed with guns, and the other half with pikes.

-A spy ring is created.

-An inquisition is started, just in case non-Christians should dare to show their faces around these parts.

-The black plague spreads to Cuba from Ambrosia, killing millions. Cities are emptying and fields are left unworked as people become infected across the empire.

Zaris (Tyranid Warrior)

Military: Heavy Infantry, War Priests, Crossbowmen, Galleys

Doctrines: Inquisition

Culture: Engineer Exaltation, Nature Negation, Mechanarianism (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (low)

-War is declared upon Sprawl and an army is sent south, landing south of Aegis and setting up a base from which to engage in a purge of the heathens. Reinforcing brigades are also sent as mercenaries to help Striate's war effort. A few fleets are sent, as part of this operation, to safeguard against Hessarian counterattacks on the allied forces.

Fittaland (RocketPropelledPanda)

Military: Spearmen, Crossbowmen, Galleys

Doctrines: Patrician Corporatism, Exotic Trade, Spies

Culture: Materialists, Blood Sports, Atheism, Adapted Apes, Large Lizards

Issues: Sunnist Missions, Kruztatlist Missions, Christian Missions, Black Plague

-Christian missions have now also begun infiltrating the country, which is becoming split religiously between the three competing groups.

-The black plague has spread to Fittaland's southernmost provinces from Ambrosia. Grog and Tittan are being depleted of their population as the disease takes its terrible toll. The wise harbor masters of Rovhal, realizing that the capital is the crux of transit between the south and the north, have closed down everything in an attempt to quarantine the disease in the south. This effort has been largely successful, but has resulted in a downward turn in the economy of the city, which relies heavily upon grain imports from the south to thrive.

Carim (CrowTheMagician)

Military: Arquebusiers, Lightning Cavalry, Cannons, Galleons

Doctrines: Meritocracy, Inquisition, Spies, Free Trade, Welfare, Mandatory Education, Natural Rights

Culture: Gothic, Olympians, Egalitarianism, Occult Studies, Empire of Bliss, Carimite Heathenry (religion), Unitology (religion), Individualism, Valkyrie Order

Issues: War Exhaustion (low), Unpopular War

-Carim continues pushing forward with its liberal ideology, promoting humanism and secularism through its natural rights doctrine. Individualist thinking has led to the popularizing of theories such as Laissez faire economics and religious tolerance. As a result, the Unitology "crisis" is mostly over, as the differences between Unitologists and traditionalists are smoothed over in courts of law.

-A new guild system is on the rise, organizing the great works and artisans of the rennaissance into cooperative groups. The government has given funding to the guilds which provide the most skilled artists, which in turn provide murals, statues, and grand works of architecture to beautify the cities.

-Sprawl is invaded alongside the holy warriors. This attack is extremely unpopular among Carims population, as half of the people are Unitologists themselves and the other half are influenced by the ideals of the Carimite enlightenment and oppose holy war altogether.

-Cavalry leaders come to be known as Valkyries. Using shamanist practices, they claim to divine strategy from the gods, and are assisted in carrying out these holy orders by elite warrior priests called Hexens.

-Gunpowder weaponry is adopted by the armies, which reform around this new weapon.

Hessaria (Black Graphic T)

Military: Halberdiers, Heavy Swordsmen, Archers, Engineer Corps, Flamethrowers, Caravels

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Religious Tolerance, Military Retirement & Citizenship

Culture: Dragon Detractors, Seafarers, Unitology (religion)

Issues: None

-A kind of napalm known as "Dragon's Blood" is developed for military use, proving effective in rapidly destroying ships and fortifications, provided one can get within range.

-An exploratory guild is commissioned to map out the world. The so called "Explorer's Fleets" successfully circumnavigate the world and bring Hessaria into contact with a multitude of great empires, previously unknown. A new continent, devoid of significantly organized civilizations, is also discovered to the west.

-New crops are discovered upon various foreign shores and are brought back to Hessaria for cultivation. Some of them thrive even better in the new environment, and a food surplus is had.

-The heretical sects are encouraged to coexist peacefully, with the king citing the nation's long practiced religious tolerance edict as the source of his command. Begrudgingly, the groups put aside their differences and avoid further conflict.

-A mercenary group is sent to Sprawl to defend the marker, at the king's expense. Unitologists everywhere now view Hessaria as something of a protector of the faith.

Doon (Laud Piestrings)

Military: Halberdiers, Swordsmen, Crossbowmen, Light Cavalry, Cannons, Longboats

Doctrines: Bill of Rights, Meritocracy, Religious Tolerance

Culture: Bear Beholders, Educators, Welfare, Wall Builders, Christianity (religion)

Issues: High Wall Maintenance, Very High Debt, Mercenary Gangs, Smugglers, Black Plague, Economic Collapse, Anarchy

-Work has begun on hazmat suits, to protect the wearer from chemicals and diseases. However, due to misconceptions regarding the nature of these things, an effective design cannot be produced.

-Wall expansion is ceased, halting the accumulation of debt because of it. Garrisons are gradually reduced to slightly more sustainable levels as the state gradually runs out of funding to keep them employed. This has resulted in bands of unemployed former soldiers roaming the country, looking for employment. Many seek jobs across the border, in Japan, but some remain in Doon and join criminal gangs.

-The cannon has, by and large, replaced the need for siege engines in the army.

-High tariffs are placed on imported goods, encouraging local production and upsetting the merchant class. Many turn to smuggling, much of it done in broad daylight without regard for the law.

-Christian missions are allowed to stay in Doon so long as they pay a special tax. They gladly do so, drawing up the necessary funds from their flock and donations from wealthy sponsors in Orientale. Very quickly the Christian population has expanded to encompass most of society. Christianity, it can be safely said, is now the majority religion of Doon.

-A bill of religious tolerance is issued to ensure that the traditionalist faiths are not trampled upon by the growing power of Christians in Doon.

-The black plague spreads from Ambrosia, placing the last nail in the coffin that is Doon's stability. The economy collapses as thousands of enterprises cease to exist over the sudden death of all the employees. Chaos reigns supreme, with gangs running rampant in the cities, smashing up homes and businesses and stealing as they please.

Japan (ShiJo)

Military: Gun Samurai, Dragoons, Mortars, Cannons, Caravels

Doctrines: Mandatory Schooling, Meritocracy, Biological Warfare, Religious Tolerance, Immigrant Restrictions, Ninjas

Culture: Swordmakers, Closed Society, Christianity (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (low)

-Gunpowder weapons have moved from the navy onto land, becoming an integral part of the army as well. Samurai take up the musket, relegating their katanas to secondary weapons. Cavalry units are replaced with dragoons, which are essentially gun toting infantrymen using horses as mere means of transportation for higher strategic mobility.

-The Christian missions are decidedly none of the government's business, as the state has done nothing to stop their spread. The majority of Japan has been converted by this point. Deus vult!

-Unit 731 is made slightly more public; the general populace is made aware of its existence, and those willing to abandon their lives and able to pass a certain entrance exam are sent to Unit 731 as secret researchers.

-Printing is funded, and as a result literacy rises. Printed news circulates about the country, with newspapers being distributed widely among middle-class neighborhoods.

-Manga is invented. (Somebody had to do it.)

-Japan is, strangely, spared of the effects of the great plague that is devastating her neighbors. This is credited to the valiant efforts of Unit 731 doctors, who are making rounds to affected villages to administer cures.

-Ambrosia is invaded. After swiftly smashing through primitive defenses, the armies swiftly take the coastline and then move northeast. They get as far as Rasht before encountering significant resistance in the form of enemy armies, similarly armed with new gunpowder weapons.

RocketPropelledPanda   wrote:

Ey yo syndic, sorry but i forgot to tell you after last turn that i gotta drop, thanks for the memeories

Turn 5.1


Fittaland (RocketPropelledPanda)

Military: Spearmen, Crossbowmen, Galleys

Doctrines: Patrician Corporatism, Exotic Trade, Spies

Culture: Materialists, Blood Sports, Atheism, Adapted Apes, Large Lizards

Issues: Sunnist Missions, Kruztatlist Missions, Christian Missions, Black Plague

-The nation has collapsed into anarchy as a result of the plague and religious violence. Squabbling provinces dare to consider themselves "nations" as successors to the old empire. They receive little recognition outside of their own region; the world at large cannot consider them legitimate states.

Last edited Apr 05, 2016 at 03:19AM EDT

Here are a few maps with information on them regarding religion, economy, and military strength.

Religion Map

Any area not marked with a color is traditionalist, not atheist. This means some form of shamanist, animist, or polytheist faith not bound to a holy book or structured organization.

For the following maps, a range of colors from green to red are used to express quality. This isn't an exact measurement, just an abstract. See the following scale for reference:

Military Strength
This map primarily borrows from technology, although major influences include culture, doctrines, and military experience in current or recent wars.

Economic Development

A combination of population density, production capacity, and land value. Influenced by your geography, doctrines, past actions, culture, and neighbors. Economic development spreads from neighboring countries, so poorly run nations can have a higher development than they otherwise would have if they are near economic superpowers.

Last edited Apr 05, 2016 at 04:34AM EDT

A whole new worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrld.
A fresh new land to subjugate.
No one to tell us no, or where to go.
A brand new land that I can call my own.


Defender of the faith sounds cool to. That new land though. Could make for a nice place, when my island gets filled with retirees and refugees, no?

Black Graphic T wrote:

A whole new worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrld.
A fresh new land to subjugate.
No one to tell us no, or where to go.
A brand new land that I can call my own.


Defender of the faith sounds cool to. That new land though. Could make for a nice place, when my island gets filled with retirees and refugees, no?

It it's like Hawaii than it would be the perfect place for people to go. However, should it be like Australia be prepare for the wild life.

Turn 5.2


Ambrosia (Triangle Mare)

Military: Willhelmian Tercio, Reiter Cavalry, Cannons, Star Forts, Galleons

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Structured Military, Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Religious Tolerance, Compulsory Education

Culture: Seafarers, Militarists, Diplomats, Reformed Christianity (religion), Guilds

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium), Black Plague

-Peace has been declared with Egypt and the occupied territories annexed. Despite this and the fact that there is no more fighting for the most part, the war is officially still going. No treaties were signed. The Pharaoh has mostly been made powerless, but the royals live on in New Egypt, constantly threatening to send new invasion forces to liberate their former territory.

Black Graphic T wrote:

A whole new worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrld.
A fresh new land to subjugate.
No one to tell us no, or where to go.
A brand new land that I can call my own.


Defender of the faith sounds cool to. That new land though. Could make for a nice place, when my island gets filled with retirees and refugees, no?

If you're referring to those jungles up north I call most of them. Filthy jungles are no place to have farms, factories, and temples. They must all be burned.

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

If you're referring to those jungles up north I call most of them. Filthy jungles are no place to have farms, factories, and temples. They must all be burned.

I'm calling dimbs up north.

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

I really wish my idea for monkey soldiers would have worked, because I honestly think the idea of monkeys wearing hats and charging with muskets into war is hilarious.

China once had the idea of strapping rockets to monkeys and use them against British ships and the Soviet Union tried to have women impregnated with Gorillas so they can have an army of ape men.

CrowTheMagician wrote:

China once had the idea of strapping rockets to monkeys and use them against British ships and the Soviet Union tried to have women impregnated with Gorillas so they can have an army of ape men.

I know the Soviet plan failed with spectacular results, but what about the Chinese one?


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