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[Forum Games] Nations RP II

Last posted May 10, 2016 at 10:07AM EDT. Added Mar 17, 2016 at 11:49AM EDT
986 posts from 28 users


Sure, the map looks less unsightly now, but if I detect any sight of hostility you will be crushed

>Finances rebellion at Elysium
>Invades Carim by "accident"
>Freaking out and throwing accusations every single turn
>"I'll stay neutral from now on"
>Wages war next turn
>STILL blockading Carim's newly adquired territories

Edit: No idea why but it didn't happen this turn but Sprawl's lands occupied by Japan will be returned this turn

Last edited Apr 29, 2016 at 03:54PM EDT

you are not gonna be able to annex the kathian territory fully no matter how much you try to triangle, even your people want you to give it back and there is no way anybody will cooperate with you without opposition.

Last edited Apr 29, 2016 at 05:26PM EDT
Of course someone takes the video games that my nation makes and makes boolegs out of them

I'm sorry but I need the money man

Kathian and Cuba are not recognized as countries and are not included on the maps.

atleast I have muh inquisition

James Blunt wrote:

you are not gonna be able to annex the kathian territory fully no matter how much you try to triangle, even your people want you to give it back and there is no way anybody will cooperate with you without opposition.

Well, without foreign support this will be able to go on… well, not that much further.

People are growing tired of listening to a nonexistent government telling them to fight against a civilized one.

Shape wrote:

Well, without foreign support this will be able to go on… well, not that much further.

People are growing tired of listening to a nonexistent government telling them to fight against a civilized one.

they dont need a goverment to tell them anything, they are naturally prone to not want to be ruled by a goverment that its not of their culture, the only thing they are tired of is your constant stay in our land.

it doesnt matter if there is no support of any kind, they are not gonna stop until the land you took is given back to them, and certainly they dont care if they have to destroy everything to get to it, i didint even command the people to do half the things they are doing to you, do you think stopping me changes that.

ask syndic if you want, you are not gonna gain the people's support in any way unless you change the entire country's religion to theirs and give them sovereignty

Last edited Apr 29, 2016 at 06:30PM EDT

Well, I already stated my country's opinion a while ago, but I suppose that I could add a couple things:
- Elysium recognizes Carim as a neutral state and guarantees its independence.
- The policy towards various countries in the Oceania varies because of different relations.

Shape wrote:

Well, I already stated my country's opinion a while ago, but I suppose that I could add a couple things:
- Elysium recognizes Carim as a neutral state and guarantees its independence.
- The policy towards various countries in the Oceania varies because of different relations.

Nice to know that but with my question it was more of what is my nation known for by other nations and what would most people talk about when Oceania becomes the main topic of a conversation. I guess you can also say the same thing with the other nations and regions.

Taryn wrote:

I can see that. Where is it stated in the turn that Japan took it?

It isn't stated because Japan never invaded it. I must have misclicked while coloring in their annexations on that continent.

Can I admit that I kinda like the challenge that the word limit presents? It really forces me to be creative on how much I can fill in before I reach the limits of how many words I can put into my turn. That's of course when I don't get lazy and just post a very short and simple action.

CrowTheMagician wrote:

Can I admit that I kinda like the challenge that the word limit presents? It really forces me to be creative on how much I can fill in before I reach the limits of how many words I can put into my turn. That's of course when I don't get lazy and just post a very short and simple action.

'nuff said

I donno man
The nukes have already been launched
and there is only going to be more launches me thinks
Especially with the amount of silos there be

Last edited May 03, 2016 at 08:17AM EDT

The cold war happened because russia and the US knew the stakes of going at war between each other were too fucking high, yet didin't know if the other side had enough balls to actually do'it. in real life 90% of you wouldn't stand the pressure of so many lives and cities and land lost from all the stacked nukes there were gonna be throw if any of the both sides went to war.

Here there is literally nothing to lose with dropping nukes, its as easy as writing it in a turn and the long term consequences you face are, smaller if any.

In this game everyone is a pseudo-tyrant with a country that to them is nothing more than breeding grounds for more meat shields to get your color to take more color from other people and thus make their colors reduce, giving you more color and thus more meat shields and more mindless robots to cut/burn/shoot/bomb/nuke/electrocute other colors

Last edited May 03, 2016 at 02:57PM EDT

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

With all the nukes everyone's hording I feel like we're all going to be roleplaying as Fallout civilizations pretty soon.

Now that I think about, a post-apocalyptic nation RP does sound sort of cool.

There was a Fallout based NatRP before but that one ended prematurely because the OP on it stopped posting.

Going to war presents the risk of the other side winning and your country disappearing. With two countries of equal power, this could bring a cold-war like scenario, since winning is basically up to chance at that point.

Taryn wrote:

Going to war presents the risk of the other side winning and your country disappearing. With two countries of equal power, this could bring a cold-war like scenario, since winning is basically up to chance at that point.

you ignore 2 equal powers going at war almost always happens in natrp, if anything a stalemate is the closest to a cold war it gets.

it gets closer to a risk game where the biggest objective is simply: go to war and take land

Last edited May 03, 2016 at 03:50PM EDT

Turn 15



The World

Tech: Adv. Biology (Japan, Syraus, Sprawl), Genetic Alteration (Japan), Cybernetics, Adv. Lasers (Divus), Genetic Constructs (Japan)

-The prolific use of nuclear weapons in burning entire cities has poluted the atmosphere with ash and smoke, enough to lower the global teperature by several degrees. This winter has been the coldest ever on record. This effect has been somewhat tempered by the increasing greenhouse effect, thanks in part due to widespread deforestation and use of combustible fuels.

-Hessaria has advanced to the First World. Most of the planet is now of equal standing in understanding and reproducing common knowledge technology.

-A veritable Pandora's box of strange new diseases have been unleashed in Syraus, Zaris, Divus, and Hessaria from an unknown source. They are collectively being called the "Hundred Strain Phage" and have already claimed the lives of millions, as none of them – even individually – can as of yet be cured. They all bear only one thing in common: they have a long onset time from infection to first symptoms, making containment nearly impossible.

-Thaks to the efforts of scientists around the world in replicating Divusian advancements, the secrets of solar power, lasers, and jets are no longer exclusive to Divus. The inner workings of the hydrogen bomb, once secretly known only to Japan and Elysium, are also now public knowledge.

-Japan's genetic scientists have become so far advanced they can use their abilities to influence the microorganisms to create… life.

-Modern arms, such as the assault rifle, have been developed. Modern technology has become heavily integrated into the military; armies around the world are implementing GPS and automated drones into their strategies.

((Tech has now advanced to and beyond 2016 levels. All techs which exist in reality have been removed from mention due to redundancy. Assume henceforth that, if it exists IRL, you have it.))

Syraus (Stalemate)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Inquisition, Spies, Welfare, Mandatory Service, Religious Missions, National Bank, State Capitalism, Veteran Benefits, Universal Healthcare, Compulsory Education

Culture: Teachers, Entertainers, Xenophobia, Zeist (religion), Krav Maga, Racism

Issues: War Exhaustion (low), Hundred Strain Phage

-War is declared upon Orobostan. The Second and Fourth armies blitz across the center of the country with little opposition. The Third Army is unable to push the enemy back near Grezny, and is forced to retreat back to friendly lands. Similarly, the Fourth Fleet is unable to break Orobostan's control of the coastline in the inner sea. To the east, the combined navies defeat the Fourth Orobostani Fleet and initiate a blockade of the enemy's western ports, complete with sea mines to prevent counterattacks and free movement.

-Thanks to the speed of the assault, a nuclear silo is captured in the deserts of Orobostan. The technicians at the station attempt to launch their arsenal, but the missiles are easily shot down by local Syrausian SAM units before they can get very far off the ground. The silo is searched for weapons but none remaining are found. It is demolished afterwards.

-The Hundred Strain Phage has quickly spread across the country, killing millions. The armies have carried it with them, infecting the cities and countryside of Orobostan as they pass through it. The diseases are severely damaging to morale and manpower, and many capable officers are being lost to the plague.

Orobostan (ProfessorRivers)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Welfare, Draft, Isolationism, Secularism, Vetting, Nuclear Energy

Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-With Sprawlish support, the Zarisian armies are surrounded and destroyed, with many prisoners and much equipment captured. Orobostan's armies swiftly move across the south, capturing Yttri, Sekta, Frisk, and Aur.

-Syraus has declared war and, without any opposing armies in suitable positions to stop them, have quickly seized most of Orobostan's heartland. The Third Army has moved north and succeeded in halting the rapid advance, but they are presently outnumbered and outflanked, making their position tenuous. A nuclear silo in the central desert has been destroyed by the invaders.

-Nuclear power is fully invested in, especially for the island cities such as Ritter. The nation's carbon footprint has decreased as a result, but some suspect that radioactive waste is even more harmful, and are lobbying for a reversal of course.

Elysium (Triangle Mare)

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Structured Military, Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Religious Tolerance, Compulsory Education, Central Bank, Secularism, Grand Army Reforms, Vetting, Foreign Legion, Nuclear Energy, Public Healthcare

Culture: Seafarers, Militarists, Diplomats, Reformed Christianity (religion), Manufactories, Enlightenment

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium), Anti-War Movement

-Massed bomber strikes and missile bombardment from fleets offshore have been conducted against the Kruztatlist rebels and all Suiyektan territories. This has resulted in massive infrastructural damage in both cases, and has turned Kruztatlist opinion of Elysium even further towards hatred, but has severely demoralized the enemy.

-It is found in a study of the criminal underground that nearly half of all drug cartels and black market rings are headed by Kruztatlists.

-The last semblance of organized rebel armies in Kathian and Korea have been destroyed. The DPRK has finally disbanded, its leaders either dead or scattered. Still, violent unrest continues, with civilians making homemade landmines to bury on roads and grenades to hurl into Elysian bases. The people of Elysium are sick of this endless war, and massed protests against the Kathian occupation are occurring almost daily in the capital.

-The state responds to the protests, with many politicians making vague statements about terrorism and Elysian values. A promise of increased counter terrorist actions has been made, but it means little to the people who are calling for the provinces to be vacated.

-An anti terror intelligence organization, the National Security Agency, is established for more accurately identifying terorists without relying too much upon ethnic or religious discrimination.

-Anti Elysian attitudes are spreading across the internet; many people from around the world are calling the Elysian invasion of Kathian a genocide, with only the selfish gains of a now dead emperor at the root of it all.

-Nuclear strikes are made against Suiyektu and the Cuban remnants, destroying the last of their armies and obliterating the Suiyekharti capital, Suirinyak. The archipelago surrounding the capital has been rendered uninhabitable by radiation, and most of the population has been silenced by the bombing. Other cities destroyed by this seemingly indiscriminate attack include Grogu, Ponchi, and Lisbon.

-Without a bureaucracy, government, or army, the Suiyekharti state ceases to exist as an authority. The provinces all manage themselves now, whether or not they have declared independence.

-The Foreign Legion is established to bring in recruits from various ethnic backgrounds in the empire, diversifying the ranks of the army.

-The navy is equipped with tactical nuclear weapons, most of which are launched from submarines for the defensive ability that stealth provides.

-All tariffs on Japan are dropped and regulations on trade are reduced to their minimum. The Japanese and Elysian economies have unified, now being inextricably bound together. The value of the Yen and the Dollar are nearly equal.

-Elysium has turned towards atomic power, the state gradually shutting down coal and oil plants in favor of cleaner nuclear energy.

-Research grants are doled out to space exploration. An independent company lands a craft on the moon, but is immediately ejected from the surface by hostile Divusians, who claim the moon is theirs.

-The creole languages are codified, with the most universal among them being declared the official language of the state. It is given the name Elysian, and is now taught in all schools, replacing the second language programs previously in place for languages such as Ambrosian, Cuban, and Egytian.

-Work has begun on an orbital shipyard, for the construction of long range ships capable of taking more fuel with them out of Earth's orbit than a launch from the surface might be capable of.

-The government moves to Elysian Fields, which has become the national capital.

-The medical industry enters the public sector as the state seizes control of all relevant companies and hospitals. Socialized medicine brings prices down and improves national health at the cost of less efficiency and higher taxes. Such is life in Socialist Ambrosia.

Suiyektu (You Are Reading This)

Doctrines: Mercantilism, Meritocracy, Spies, Draft, Eugenics, Vetting

Culture: Free Enterprise, Horse Husbandry, Tengrism (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (extreme)

-The capital and surrounding archipelago is further fortified. Creative designs in chemical bomb traps are implemented, and fortifications are rigged with self destruct mechanisms to prevent enemy capture. Artillery emplacements are constructed on all of the islands as well. However, it was all for naught; Elysium instead utilized a nuclear strike to sterilize the entire region. The capital has been wiped out, and the fortified armies have also been destroyed.

-A second nuclear strike has brought down each of the nation's remaining armies in quick succession, the Elysians utilizing air surveillance and satellite imaging to direct their bombs to the remnants' last locations. The fleets have been surrounded and also destroyed as the Elysian navy moves into position to blockade and bombard. With no army and no government, the Suiyekharti state is unable to govern the territories, many of which declare independence.

-Iljigin was fortunately away from the capital, in transit via plane with her daughter when the attacks occurred. They were forced to take a detour and land in an undisclosed city, from which they have fled to the countryside into hiding with a few remaining troops from the city's garrison. Her last decree as a public official representing the Suiyekharti monarchy has been to designate a national anthem and a new flag for the nation in exile.

Divus (Taryn)

Doctrines: Harbor Mirrors, Extreme Security Measures, Vetting

Culture: Crab Cruelty, Stellar Surveyors, Tower of Babel (under construction), Sunnism (religion)

Issues: Hundred Strain Phage, Economic Crash

-An army is established on the moon. With no atmosphere to reduce their efficiency, laser weapons become the prefered weapon of choice for these soldiers.

-Foreign missions to the moon have all been halted, those which stay on the surface for much longer than it takes to lift off again being forced to leave by the army.

-Security is increased with new modern technologies. Finger and eye scanning is now required at every door in the space agency and fewer than ten people in the nation are even allowed to know who has what clearance level.

-The Hundred Strain Phage has spread to Divus, leaving millions dead. The hospitals have quickly clogged up and chaos is rampant. The economy, shaky as it is being entirely geared towards moon colonization, has collapsed under the stress of having to shift towards medical industries.

-The moon base has also been infected, where the disease has spread quickly due to the close quarters, air sealed buildings. Fear of infection and extensive quarantines have left the base broken into factions, some stronger or better supplied than others. Many have starved to death simply because there was no food store within their quarantine sector. With a lack of medical supplies and the long amount of time it takes to supply the base, the disease has succeeded in claiming the lives of more than 80% of the colonists.

-Communication with the moon base has been lost as the last of those secluded in the coms center have died of phage. Personnel have ceased to make trips to the base thanks to the quarantine, as the base will not allow any more individuals entrance to prevent further infection.

Striate (Owen, The Communist Tree)

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Religious Tolerance, Resource Subsidies, Elite Forces, Vetting, Declared Neutrality

Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)

Issues: None

-Fire based weaponry is emphasized in the military, cuz it looks cooler. Flamethrower tanks and napalm bombs, among other things, are now included in the arsenal. An air fleet of helium blimps are also constructed.

-A flying fortress known as the AC-130 is developed for the airforce, boasting the largest, most diverse airborne weapons platform in the world.

-Jazz makes a comeback in a major way. Jazz clubs have opened in the downtown areas of many major cities, and a new genre called "fast jazz" has come out of Babica to enrapture the rest of the country. Part of this musical revolution has included closer cultural ties with Carim, their influence being felt on the bordering regions. Carimite language associations have sprung up around other cultural establishments for better appreciation of literature and cinematic art.

-A relatively unknown book, The Silmarillion, has been followed up by a wildly successful book franchise called The Lord of the Rings, of which a globally successful film trilogy has spawned. This work of fiction has been further popularized through the First Edition of Dungeons and Dragons, a tabletop role playing game based heavily upon LotR lore. The General, an avid player, has promoted the board game by appearing in commercials and on billboards.

-Comic book stories, such as Hellboy and Sandman, are popularized in cinema with way too many sequels and remakes.

-Oil is further invested into, with new offshore platforms being built.

-A token sign of respect for popular sovereignty is issued by the General, who allows cities to elect their own mayors rather than rely on appointments from provincial governors, who in turn are chosen by the General himself. Although it is a step towards democracy, the election of mayors has had very little effect on the governance of the state as a whole.

Sprawl (Sergeant Arch Dornan)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Literacy Program, National Bank, Corporatism, Social Security, Grand Army Reform, Fallout Shelters

Culture: Alien Admiration, Unitology (religion), Knights of Unity

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-The Zarisian fleets engage Sprawl's blockade of Saunt, but they fail to dislodge it. The battle results in a draw.

-The armies land in Zaris, outflanking the Zarisian forces and helping Orobostan in surrounding them. The Zarisian military is destroyed in the fight, and their defense breaks; most of the country is quickly occupied.

-Robotics is applied to the army, mostly finding uses in logistics. Robotic exoskeletons allow soldiers to lift things much greater than their own weight, and robotic quadrupeds have made transportation of supplies and wounded soldiers much easier.

-Underground fallout shelters have been constructed across the country so that at least some people might survive a nuclear holocaust.

-The anime adaptation of GoGo's Wacky Travels has proven to be quite popular in Sprawl. Internet debates roar to life as people attack or defend the show's quality and faithfulness to original material. The rest of the world looks on with concern at their cartoon obsession.

-A cantankerous old man lands on the moon with a pickaxe because, apparently, "there be gold in them craters!" However, he is quickly put back in his ship by the Divusian army and sent home.

-CIA has managed to weasel his way into the prime leadership position, and is now dictator of Sprawl. He has retroactively declared a cassus belli against Zaris, claiming that they are hiding individuals known as Dr. Pavel and Bane, who must be captured at all costs.

-A new meme has circulated around the Sprawlish internet, called "CIA posing," in which individuals will stand with their hands on their hips and their thumbs in their belt loops.

Cubana Pesquera Incorporated (Major Bummer)

HeadQuarters: Breg Epona, Carim

Assets: Small Fishing Fleet

Issues: None

-An Elysian nuclear missile strike on the leased Suiyekharti territory destroys the army, its headquarters, and all other human life on the island.

-What few spies Cuba has at her disposal are instructed to force schoolchildren in Ambrosia to speak Cuban. This plan goes about as far as you think it would, and soon these individuals are ousted by angry mothers from the PTA.

-A fishing company is established in Carim. With the base island destroyed, its headquarters remain the last remnant of the Cuban state.

Zaris (Tyranid Warrior)

Doctrines: Inquisition, Fallout Shelters

Culture: Engineer Exaltation, Nature Negation, Mechanarianism (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (high), Hundred Strain Phage, Nuclear Peace Ultimatum

-The attempt to dislodge Sprawl's blockade and regain control of the eastern coast has failed. The enemy lands its forces behind the front line, surrounding the armies as they attempt to defend Aur. They are surrounded and eventually forced to surrender as the defenders run out of food and ammunition during the fight.

-The Hundred Strain Phage has arrived in Zaris. Millions are dead, and the armies have suffered for manpower because of it. National and military morale are now as low as it ever could be.

-The missile shield is further strengthened.

-The officers in charge of the nuclear silos are debating whether to launch the nation's arsenal should the capital fall. Some are threatening to defy orders and choose their own targets, should a reasonable peace treaty not be reached soon.

-Fallout shelters are further stocked with provisions and backup power, enough to last for generations. Their locations are kept at utmost secret, only to be revealed to the most relevant individuals at the very last possible moment. A lottery system is devised to select individuals for fallout shelter qualification.

Carim (CrowTheMagician)

Doctrines: Meritocracy, Spies, Free Trade, Welfare, Mandatory Education, Natural Rights, Central Bank, Religious Tolerance, Structured Military, Laissez Faire, Grand Army Reforms, Vetting, Chemical Warfare, Blitzkrieg, Veteran Benefits, Spies, Declared Neutrality, Nature Preservation

Culture: Gothic, Olympians, Egalitarianism, Occult Studies, Empire of Bliss, Carimite Heathenry (religion), Unitology (religion), Individualism, Valkyrie Order, Warrior Poets, Electronic Entertainment Industry

Issues: None

-The moon mission is shut down on arrival; the astronauts are sent back to their ship by the Divusian army, which forces them to vacate the surface and return home.

-Theoretical physicists have dreamed up String Theory to explain away the weirdness of subatomic particle interactions.

-The nation's public transit system is nationalized and much funding is put into advancing it through technology, including the standardization of maglev trains. The Autobahn is established, removing the speed limit restriction for cars on long stretches of highway.

-Environmental protection laws are passed to protect what remains of the country's wild lands. National parks and animal sanctuaries are established and walled off to prevent development and unsolicited intrusion. The public's interest in nature and its preservation has made zoos and aquariums more popular as well, bringing nature closer to those who cannot afford to travel.

-Bilingual education is added to the curriculum, the most popular one being Hessarian thanks to the fact that nearly half of Carimite citizens are now of that background.

-Psychology expands to become a more accepted science. Clinics are opened for mental therapy, and mental patients are studied in greater intensity in attempts to find cures, whether they be therapeutic or medicinal.

-New skyscrapers are built in new styles, merging traditional gothic with art deco.

Hessaria (Black Graphic T)

Doctrines: Volunteer Service, Religious Tolerance, Military Retirement & Citizenship, Warrior Poets, Chemical Warfare, National Bank, Mandatory Education, Spies, Meritocracy, Secularism, Stormtroopers, Drug Conduct Laws

Culture: Dragon Detractors, Seafarers, Unitology (religion), Muay Thai

Issues: Hundred Strain Phage

-With the loss of the primary monarchical family, the throne is abolished, and a senate is established in its place, headed by a Chancellor. Elections are held and a new government is established.

-Rebuilding the nation from scratch in a primitive land has been a difficult experience, but with help from Hessarian donors from around the world and a massive influx of immigrants fleeing from the Japanese colonies and the old Hessarian mainland, the country has pulled through and managed to advance itself significantly. Urban centers are rapidly rising across the island, infrastructure is improving to modern standards, and the tourism industry in particular is booming. Hotels, theaters, and especially natural parks draw in visitors from around the world; the relatively untouched splendor of the island has not been lost on anybody, and the wildlife commission has been careful to prevent urban and industrial development on particularly attractive locations.

-Public investment has been directed towards entertainment and tourism. Movie companies flock to Hessaria for its diverse biosphere; the Striatian film series Lord of the Rings was filmed in Hessaria, giving global prominence to the stunning landscape.

-The military is renamed the Hessarian Self-Defense Force, their primary declared assignment being guardsmen and police. The draft is finally ended, mandatory service being abolished, and a strictly volunteer service is established.

-The phage has spread to Hessaria, devastating the country. The immigrant choked urban areas are particularly hard struck, but thanks to the relatively isolated nature of the country's various population centers, quarantines are easy to enact and Hessaria has lost a magnitude fewer people than nations like Syraus and Zaris.

Japan (ShiJo)

Doctrines: Mandatory Schooling, Meritocracy, Biological Warfare, Religious Tolerance, Immigrant Restrictions, Ninjas, Fortified Harbors, Police State

Culture: Swordmakers, Closed Society, Christianity (religion), Egalitarianism

Issues: None

-The rebellion has been crushed with brutal efficiency, its armies scattered like leaves in the wind. All suspected participants are rounded up and sent to Unit 731 concentration camps.

-The Divusian Circle is overtaken by the Seventh Army. Being that nobody even lived there besides natives, it wasn't really much of a challenge.

-Silo defenses are increased; nothing short of an army is going to be breaking into them.

-An exoplanet documentation program begins, seeking out a potential for human settlement "just in case."

-Txabesco voluntarily cedes itself to Japan as a protectorate territory.

good job contaminating up the earth with your nukes guys

also who the fuck is spreading these diseases, this shit aint funny, now we fucked up the earth AND THE MOON (well moonbase). we have to go terraforming and go live on mars thanks to this

triangle you dolt, i don't care what half baked excuse you got for not letting my people get even half of their land back but im sure you are not making any effort in convicing them you are better

Last edited May 04, 2016 at 12:15AM EDT
A veritable Pandora’s box of strange new diseases have been unleashed in Syraus, Zaris, Divus, and Hessaria from an unknown source.

You win, Triangle.

Stalemate wrote:

A veritable Pandora’s box of strange new diseases have been unleashed in Syraus, Zaris, Divus, and Hessaria from an unknown source.

You win, Triangle.

Oi, wasn't me.

>disease from an unknown source

Japan pls nu not again

Also, anyone wanna make an investment?
Cuz I need money.

Last edited May 04, 2016 at 02:27AM EDT

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Now…What's the big idea now, you assholes? Sending the planet into a Nuclear Winter and unleashing plagues on the world? And in hessaria, when I didn't even do anything at all this time.

Alright. Fine. If you don't want to let my people live like humans. I guess I'll just have them live as something other then human.

Shape wrote:

Oi, wasn't me.

Yeah I have more of a feeling that ShiJo's behind it. Just want to add that if my invasion doesn't go well I'm up for a treaty.

You could just, y'know, negotiate peace? I mean, I see that noone is doing as such.
Pretty sure that Orobostan and Sprawl would go for a treaty if it was good enough.

I really don't want for the Earth to be destroyed, in the end. As such, I will also cease the usage of Nuclear arsenal, unless attacked first.

Last edited May 04, 2016 at 05:02AM EDT

Shape wrote:

You could just, y'know, negotiate peace? I mean, I see that noone is doing as such.
Pretty sure that Orobostan and Sprawl would go for a treaty if it was good enough.

I really don't want for the Earth to be destroyed, in the end. As such, I will also cease the usage of Nuclear arsenal, unless attacked first.

Alright, I'll indulge your idea.
Sprawl and Orobostan, would you be willing to nagotiate peace?

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

Alright, I'll indulge your idea.
Sprawl and Orobostan, would you be willing to nagotiate peace?

Peace can be negotiated if Dr. Pavel and Bane are handed over and if Unitology is instilled as the main religion of Zaris.

Sergeant Arch Dornan wrote:

Peace can be negotiated if Dr. Pavel and Bane are handed over and if Unitology is instilled as the main religion of Zaris.

And thus the Saracen becomes the Crusader. The circle is now complete.


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