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[Forum Games] SUPER Official KYM Scavenger Hunt 2015 Golden Revelation Chronicles, 2nd Anniversary Definitive Edition +

Last posted Oct 29, 2015 at 09:57AM EDT. Added Aug 11, 2015 at 04:16AM EDT
125 posts from 21 users

TillsterRulz wrote:

Update: So I just went through all the threads in Creative and Forum Games with "photoshop" tagged in them and I didn't find anything. Is there any other keywords that could be used for these threads?

Try RPG threads or Nations RP threads.

I think we may be approaching this wrong. Y'all assuming that this "game" was about the image that users "altered".

The riddle clearly states that the image is only related to the game because it caused the game to "falter". Therefore, it's possible that the image had nothing to do with the game, and is only notable because it caused the thread to derail, for example. In other words, it's probably not any of the photoshop threads.

It brings to mind the Nat RP thread that was overrun by images of Russell Crowe (according to Twisty it's not in that thread; I'm just using it as an example).

Just my personal interpretation. I could be completely off the mark.

Last edited Aug 17, 2015 at 03:20AM EDT

The first two riddle lines made me think of entries such as "BadBoy2 / I'm 18, Do I Have Potential?" or "Can You Please Photoshop The Sun Between My Fingers?" etc.

As in the thread, where the original post asking something (picture included), ended up being derailed by humorous edits of said picture. It may not necessarily be a 'game' in the literal sense in this case.

It may be wrong but that's what came to mind.

Last edited Aug 17, 2015 at 10:36AM EDT

So the land taken its great transformation, a questionable uprising developed the nation. While the magic of copycat drama reign dominant, a warrior was stoned for standing opposed. In the fallout of the fight, rekindled the old culture finally to the light.

So the land taken its great transformation – Nuclear wasteland

a questionable uprising developed the nation – Probably something with the Enclave or BoS

While the magic of copycat drama reign dominant – People wanted to be factions similar or directly related to Fallout

a warrior was stoned for standing opposed – Perhaps someone in the thread tried to do some shit and got hit for it

In the fallout of the fight – Literally name drops fallout, and perhaps some epic fighting took place at the end

rekindled the old culture finally to the light. – Everything turns out okay in the end or something

Sounds like the Fallout Nations RP

Also slight spoiler: I didn't pay attention to that thread so I dunno if I'm correct on this

Last edited Aug 18, 2015 at 12:43AM EDT

Fallout RP seems like a bit of a stretch but nothing else is really springing to mind right now either. I guess we'll just have to wait until tomorrow and see if we find it there.

Riddle 9 is up.

The last one, I realize, might be a bit harder to actually track down as the riddle itself refers to a great many events that happened. Generally, the second sentence is the most important to finding the actual riddle.

Last edited Aug 19, 2015 at 01:03AM EDT

It's on the Asura Thread

Not did they pose an individual threat, strength in numbers was their sure bet. Soon we shall see live from the Cable News, just how fast these critters make you lose.

I have been informed by an anonymous source that Detective Natsuru has recently been injured in an assassination attempt. With Bob still MIA, today has been regrettably riddleless.

Fortunately, this same source has assured me that not one, but two, riddles will be delivered to this location tomorrow to compensate. Let us keep our eyes peeled, my friends.

Last edited Aug 20, 2015 at 05:14AM EDT

Sounds like a Yiffer thread or perhaps the "Release the Air" thread where people brought out their grudges.

Also where's the second clue, does anyone know?

edit looks like it's not in any of the "clear the air threads"

Last edited Aug 20, 2015 at 11:22PM EDT

It's on the "I desperately need some good news" thread, in Lisa's epic post which was buried

Much was the obsession, little was the intervention. Not much did they interact, but the man finally got the concern from the cat.

Last edited Aug 20, 2015 at 11:36PM EDT

ShiJo wrote:

It's on the "I desperately need some good news" thread, in Lisa's epic post which was buried

Much was the obsession, little was the intervention. Not much did they interact, but the man finally got the concern from the cat.

God dammit, I just checked that thread too but it didn't occur to me to check the buried post. As for the clue, I'm not really sure. Do we know of any users with cat avatars?

Cale has a cat avatar then there's also that user who's name is just 4 emoji's who roleplays as a cat.

Edit: Cale's avatar isn't a cat anymore but it was for a long time to the point where he has fanart of it on his wall.

Last edited Aug 20, 2015 at 11:44PM EDT

Not much did they interact, but the man finally got the concern from the cat.

This line got me confused, because I really thought it had to do with a cat-related meme, most notably A Cat Is Fine Too. Searched for a lot of stuff related to cats, no luck.

Much was the obsession, little was the intervention.

So continued to that part, and assumed the other line was just the location details instead of a broad search term.

>"Much was the obsession"
Spam. Which is what I searched for.

>"litte was the intervention"
Found Stop Posting entry.

>"but the man finally got the concern from the cat"
This image

Until the year does end, do these users lend, their selves and voices send, while project pends.

Which I'm assuming is related to this post. The KYM RPG looked for voice actors at certain points too, but the fighting game actually had a guy send in voices.

This thread or this thread.

>"Meet the Kingly Resident,"
OP is Troll King.

>"who wished he could be President."
Forum President game.

>"And so they applied,"
A lot of users made parties.

>"till victory denied."
It eventually turned out to be a big ruse with no winners.

>"At least it’s projection, was more appealing than the current election."
I can't place this line yet. Perhaps a reference to the current, more stale, king of JFF/Riff-Raff threads.

Last edited Aug 23, 2015 at 08:07AM EDT

Found it.

I was in the right direction (Forum President threads), I just didn't had the exact thread yet.

M is for Metroid, not what we think
for a game that others want sinked
annoying are people with stupid desire
for the game to pander according to ire.

Well, the reference to Metroid: Other M is kinda too obvious here lol.

Last edited Aug 23, 2015 at 10:23PM EDT

Found it on the thread about the petition to cancel Metroid Prime: Federation Force

Understand we do not, for comprehension attemption is pinnacle of brain rot. Unfortunately the color blind couldn’t take very seriously, as patterns look like a breakfast delicacy.

Last edited Aug 26, 2015 at 09:08PM EDT

Crimeariver wrote:

Is it just me or are these clues getting progressively more cryptic?

Yeah, I have absolutely no idea what this one means, hahaha

ShiJo wrote:

Yeah, I have absolutely no idea what this one means, hahaha

The only thing I can guess is it'll have something to do with bacon.

Final Riddle Is Up.

Deadline is on the 31st. Though given how fantastic everyone has been I don't think it will take that long.

Last edited Aug 25, 2015 at 10:20PM EDT

I thought it might be on one of The Dress images, but I didn't find any that were uploaded by Nat or had anything to do with any kind of breakfast so I suppose that's a dead end.

Crimeariver wrote:

I thought it might be on one of The Dress images, but I didn't find any that were uploaded by Nat or had anything to do with any kind of breakfast so I suppose that's a dead end.

The Zerg Rush image was uploaded by Tomberry. So although Nats tends to use images uploaded by herself, it's not a given.

I also thought about the Otaku Test, as it's about patterns on an image and well being an otaku is a sign of brain rot ;)

Last edited Aug 26, 2015 at 09:51AM EDT

Understand we do not, for comprehension attemption is pinnacle of brain rot.

King Crimson, anyone? It just works! Don't try to understand.

as patterns look like a breakfast delicacy

It had some images in it related to The Taste of a Liar. But those weren't it.

Will keep looking.

Edit: Nvm, found this image of King Crimson looking like a waffle. Some breakfast delicacy indeed.

Funny how I already saw that image before when searching for "Understand" but never clicked it. Oh well.

I was right all the time, my deduction at the cost of my spine. But to unveil this dastardly scheme, I had to hide the answer where it could not been seen. Look no further than this boast, as the answer was hidden within the birth of each post.

Last edited Aug 26, 2015 at 10:00PM EDT

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