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[Riff-Raff] Asura Thread

Last posted Apr 11, 2015 at 09:55AM EDT. Added Apr 08, 2015 at 01:03PM EDT
128 posts from 40 users

If you get on the irc more you'll actually see that I get shit on too, I know I'm not superior and I know my place on this site most of the time. But that doesn't make this any less funnier. People whining at a brick all is very entertaining when you're part of the wall.

Loli wrote:

That’s like being the smartest kid in the class with down syndrome.

Like you?

Last edited Aug 27, 2015 at 10:08PM EDT


You seem to believe at some point I believed myself to be superior. The entire basis of your argument is founded on that idea.

Which is, of course, why your argument falls flat. Also probably why your arguments ALWAYS fall flat. You assume far too much. It's not good for you.

@No Original Names

While that may be true, I'm not sure if a pot should be calling a kettle black.

HolyCrapItsBob wrote:


You seem to believe at some point I believed myself to be superior. The entire basis of your argument is founded on that idea.

Which is, of course, why your argument falls flat. Also probably why your arguments ALWAYS fall flat. You assume far too much. It's not good for you.

@No Original Names

While that may be true, I'm not sure if a pot should be calling a kettle black.

nice try bob. i'm not a mind reader but the context clues of calling a group of people "children" seems a little condescending.

also i, in a rare twist of fate, agree w/ you on this subject. i just think your head is so far up your own ass you can see out of your mouth. who is assuming too much now?

Captain Blubber wrote:

nice try bob. i'm not a mind reader but the context clues of calling a group of people "children" seems a little condescending.

also i, in a rare twist of fate, agree w/ you on this subject. i just think your head is so far up your own ass you can see out of your mouth. who is assuming too much now?

Well, being as my counter was directed at your belief that I believe that I was better than others. I'd say I'm not assuming much. The only thing I'm assuming is that you have a problem with people who believe themselves to be higher. Judging from the way you respond to the very idea that it MIGHT be the case, I'd have to say my assumptions are pretty well founded.

If I were to assume that people were acting superior and that was the assumption you are complaining over, then I'd have to say that your argument confuses. I'm assuming your agreement is to that very statement and thus there is no reason you'd complain about that particular statement.

Now, I did not call anyone a child. I simply said that they will do as they do. It was an open ended statement meant to be interpreted as freely as you wished. Others ignored it completely, feeling it did not pertain to them. You chose to believe that it was me believing I was the only non-child here. If you want to focus on context, then look at the big picture. You'd see that I, too, am participating in this squabble, making me virtually no different than any one else here.

Last edited Apr 08, 2015 at 10:29PM EDT

Loli wrote:

Continue this discussion only further shows how “intelligent” you all are.

But you're the one that keeps going with the discussion.

somebody change the title of this thread to the "#reky" thread

Cecaelia Girlie wrote:

I can just feel that reading through this thread is giving me deep psychological scars.

The trick is to learn to enjoy it. Personally, I like to read through it while cooking. Let the #reky flow through you.
Innocent little raff-riffer.

Last edited Apr 08, 2015 at 10:48PM EDT

HolyCrapItsBob wrote:

Well, being as my counter was directed at your belief that I believe that I was better than others. I'd say I'm not assuming much. The only thing I'm assuming is that you have a problem with people who believe themselves to be higher. Judging from the way you respond to the very idea that it MIGHT be the case, I'd have to say my assumptions are pretty well founded.

If I were to assume that people were acting superior and that was the assumption you are complaining over, then I'd have to say that your argument confuses. I'm assuming your agreement is to that very statement and thus there is no reason you'd complain about that particular statement.

Now, I did not call anyone a child. I simply said that they will do as they do. It was an open ended statement meant to be interpreted as freely as you wished. Others ignored it completely, feeling it did not pertain to them. You chose to believe that it was me believing I was the only non-child here. If you want to focus on context, then look at the big picture. You'd see that I, too, am participating in this squabble, making me virtually no different than any one else here.

[stuffy psychology major voice]

all language is merely symbols, you see a collection of lines and curves appearing on a screen which is assembled by a series of binary codes interpreted by a computer. what ever you see or choose not to see in these symbols are your own. my arguements are infallible because they are based on me assuming something about the origin of these symbols. your arguments are incorrect because your interpretation of the symbols i sent to the servers via the world wide web are not the ones i had in mind. as long as i say i do not mean what i wrote (it is impossible to tell if someone is lying) than i can never lose a internet fight. i will shift the goalposts at will and i will become invincible.


no need to post anymore bob. i boiled down all your arguments to their logical conclusion.

(it was a toss-up between that and "ME ME ME ME ME ME" for half a page.)

Last edited Apr 08, 2015 at 10:45PM EDT

Asura wrote:

Okay, let me first say something to the people who keep telling us to just leave the site if we do not like it anymore.

Why the fuck do people like us have to feel content on leaving a site we actually like and spent a lot of time on just because of some of its inadequacies?

I have been on this site for more than two years. Like Laika said, I have befriended people and have grown fond of the community here. I prefer this site over all of the others that exist, because of what this site is. . I have had a lot of good (and bad) memories here and awesome moments here. And if people are feeling inclined to leave the site, than should it not concern you people to try and fix what would cause people to leave?

Also, to tell us that we should be the change we wish to see? That is so full of shit its laughable.

You think I haven't at least done anything to try and change people on this site?

If you look at the unpopular opinions thread, I was actually one of the first people to honestly come out and say how I really felt about riff raff and the shitty Don jokes, and shortly after, I got two people to follow me and actually thank me for saying something to try and do something about Riff-Raff and the Don jokes. I told people numerous times to stop spamming and posting the god awful injokes on every fucking entry they get the chance to comment on. Goat-tan and the Don jokes, but what do I get for trying to tell people to stop? They downvote me and tell me to stop being such a fucking buzzkill, and if I keep going at it on all the comment sections, everyone will keep thinking that I'm just an asshole and will most likely ridicule me for actually trying to do something to change peoples shitty behavior on this site. But despite all of that, I at least gone some other users to come out and actually say something, to actually grow a pair and speak out. Is that not something?

It pisses me off when people tell others to do something to change this place yet all that they get is fucking downvotes and attacked by the circle-jerkers who continue to promote the shitty jokes. And yet they themselves are also the ones continuing to promote it as well. Fucking hypocrites. Why the hell do you think that I stopped giving a fuck about peoples opinions and how they felt about me. I actually use riff-raff as a means to bash people for being fucking idiotic degenerates, that's how much this place changed me, and it makes me sick.

So go ahead and say whatever the fuck you people need to say, I'm done caring. Continue to run this place that used to be decent and enjoyable down to the ground.

I honestly like how you brought up points like downvoting as if the good users care about karma

Asura wrote:

Okay, let me first say something to the people who keep telling us to just leave the site if we do not like it anymore.

Why the fuck do people like us have to feel content on leaving a site we actually like and spent a lot of time on just because of some of its inadequacies?

I have been on this site for more than two years. Like Laika said, I have befriended people and have grown fond of the community here. I prefer this site over all of the others that exist, because of what this site is. . I have had a lot of good (and bad) memories here and awesome moments here. And if people are feeling inclined to leave the site, than should it not concern you people to try and fix what would cause people to leave?

Also, to tell us that we should be the change we wish to see? That is so full of shit its laughable.

You think I haven't at least done anything to try and change people on this site?

If you look at the unpopular opinions thread, I was actually one of the first people to honestly come out and say how I really felt about riff raff and the shitty Don jokes, and shortly after, I got two people to follow me and actually thank me for saying something to try and do something about Riff-Raff and the Don jokes. I told people numerous times to stop spamming and posting the god awful injokes on every fucking entry they get the chance to comment on. Goat-tan and the Don jokes, but what do I get for trying to tell people to stop? They downvote me and tell me to stop being such a fucking buzzkill, and if I keep going at it on all the comment sections, everyone will keep thinking that I'm just an asshole and will most likely ridicule me for actually trying to do something to change peoples shitty behavior on this site. But despite all of that, I at least gone some other users to come out and actually say something, to actually grow a pair and speak out. Is that not something?

It pisses me off when people tell others to do something to change this place yet all that they get is fucking downvotes and attacked by the circle-jerkers who continue to promote the shitty jokes. And yet they themselves are also the ones continuing to promote it as well. Fucking hypocrites. Why the hell do you think that I stopped giving a fuck about peoples opinions and how they felt about me. I actually use riff-raff as a means to bash people for being fucking idiotic degenerates, that's how much this place changed me, and it makes me sick.

So go ahead and say whatever the fuck you people need to say, I'm done caring. Continue to run this place that used to be decent and enjoyable down to the ground.


Alright, granted. That made me laugh.

However, your argument still holds very little water. You always claim people shift goalposts when they counter your arguments in logical and clearly displayed manners. It honestly has me thinking you have a big issue with the idea that you could be wrong. I'm just worrying here, pay no mind to it.

As for the meaning behind the words, you're jumping on the idea that I hold my thoughts on my words to be greater than anyone else's thoughts. Once again, you're assuming far too much.

You chose to jump on the idea for some odd reason instead of jumping on the same ship everyone else did. They all feel like I'm not talking about them, and as such, feel my words are irrelevant. Yet here you are, debating the inherent interpretation of my words and claiming that I would resort to such ornery tactics like changing my arguments.

I begin to wonder if you took some kind of offense to my words. Far more offense than anyone else, being as they've already moved on. But hey, this is fun. Play on, Maestro.

HolyCrapItsBob wrote:


Alright, granted. That made me laugh.

However, your argument still holds very little water. You always claim people shift goalposts when they counter your arguments in logical and clearly displayed manners. It honestly has me thinking you have a big issue with the idea that you could be wrong. I'm just worrying here, pay no mind to it.

As for the meaning behind the words, you're jumping on the idea that I hold my thoughts on my words to be greater than anyone else's thoughts. Once again, you're assuming far too much.

You chose to jump on the idea for some odd reason instead of jumping on the same ship everyone else did. They all feel like I'm not talking about them, and as such, feel my words are irrelevant. Yet here you are, debating the inherent interpretation of my words and claiming that I would resort to such ornery tactics like changing my arguments.

I begin to wonder if you took some kind of offense to my words. Far more offense than anyone else, being as they've already moved on. But hey, this is fun. Play on, Maestro.

it was a joke bob. i just thought i'd give you a little ribbing because everyone else has the better sense not to.

once we got passed the fact we agree about riff raff, i was just stating over and over that i think you are a condescending guy. it's that simple. i think so. there is no way i'm going to change your mind about yourself. and your funny way of arguing doesn't really sway me either. so i make a couple jokes, half-read your posts and get irc high-fives. as you said: this is a little harmless fun in a thread where people are mad (or so not mad they write essays about internet forums)

there is a lot of gobbeldy-gook in that post and i'm not sure what you are getting at so i'm gonna call it here. bon nuit~

Asura wrote:

I would not call someone else pathetic if I was unhealthily obsessed with a female fictional character like you are. Get a life you fucking degenerate weeaboo and at least try and be more useful on this site than trying to be the greatest shitposter on riff-raff. That's like being the smartest kid in the class with down syndrome.

Oh boy, ad hominem.

Asura wrote:

Thank you all Riff-raffians for making this thread proof of why your all sad and helpless individuals with nothing to amount to.

Stay classy.

And yet you're still here.

Good to see you with us, you stupid pillock.

Captain Blubber wrote:

can you make one of your kym vids about how many times "leave this site" popped up itt?

Hmm, yeah why not. I actually got a great idea for this thread. Making the video ASAP.

Dragon Lord wrote:

this thread be like

Because I saw the words "Big", and 'Thick", I was kinda thinking this picture was calling the bait a penis at first.

[sheepish laughter]

Cecaelia Girlie wrote:

Because I saw the words "Big", and 'Thick", I was kinda thinking this picture was calling the bait a penis at first.

[sheepish laughter]

Girlie confirmed to be a 12-year old
now all her stalkers are pedos

Lutien wrote:

Girlie confirmed to be a 12-year old
now all her stalkers are pedos

You mean like Asura with Burner?

I love you guys, never delete Riff Raff, it brings joy to my heart to see all rustled jimmies, even if my own jimmies are rustled a lot. Thank you blubber, you may be the greatest person ever for making the idea. Stay classy, and Lakia Natsuru and Asura, never ever change your moronic and literal cry baby mindset on Riff Raff, it makes it 5x better.
Anyways +1 memory lane NOW.
(Ps love you madcat, Muffin and blubber for making the best jokes <3)
(PSS thank you bob for taking everthing so seriously, and for reking me, love you too <3)

Last edited Apr 09, 2015 at 01:37PM EDT

No Original Names wrote:

I love you guys, never delete Riff Raff, it brings joy to my heart to see all rustled jimmies, even if my own jimmies are rustled a lot. Thank you blubber, you may be the greatest person ever for making the idea. Stay classy, and Lakia Natsuru and Asura, never ever change your moronic and literal cry baby mindset on Riff Raff, it makes it 5x better.
Anyways +1 memory lane NOW.
(Ps love you madcat, Muffin and blubber for making the best jokes <3)
(PSS thank you bob for taking everthing so seriously, and for reking me, love you too <3)

+1 Memeory Lane when you hop off all those moderators dicks


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