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[General] GotFunnyPictures sexuality and gender identity survey

Last posted Apr 01, 2015 at 01:56AM EDT. Added Jan 22, 2015 at 06:52AM EST
150 posts from 106 users

0.9999...=1 wrote:

Alright, my last comment about the term "pansexual" wasn't really serious, but now I will be, especially with a couple more people using that as a personal lable.
What exactly do you guys think that word implies that "bisexual" doesn't anyway? Based on my understanding of the latter, it's functionally useless as it's esentially a synonym. My best guess is that "pansexual" includes the attraction to transgendered people. However, where does the assumption come from that "bisexual" isn't supposed to? Is there another classification I haven't heard of that's within the realm of sanity?

not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.

Though saying both gender and gender identity is kinda redundant. XD

Bisexual: Sexually attracted to both men and women. (though some prefer to identify as Bi even though they fit the definition for pan…)

Last edited Jan 22, 2015 at 10:32PM EST

0.9999...=1 wrote:

Alright, my last comment about the term "pansexual" wasn't really serious, but now I will be, especially with a couple more people using that as a personal lable.
What exactly do you guys think that word implies that "bisexual" doesn't anyway? Based on my understanding of the latter, it's functionally useless as it's esentially a synonym. My best guess is that "pansexual" includes the attraction to transgendered people. However, where does the assumption come from that "bisexual" isn't supposed to? Is there another classification I haven't heard of that's within the realm of sanity?

It's all semantics. The prefix "bi-" means "two;" thus bisexual people clearly must only be attracted to cisgender males and females and will not be attracted to people who identify as trans or genderqueer ever. I honestly don't see why people get so worked up about the difference. There are plenty of words that essentially mean the same thing as other words. Why can't these two just be synonyms?

Snickerway wrote:

It's all semantics. The prefix "bi-" means "two;" thus bisexual people clearly must only be attracted to cisgender males and females and will not be attracted to people who identify as trans or genderqueer ever. I honestly don't see why people get so worked up about the difference. There are plenty of words that essentially mean the same thing as other words. Why can't these two just be synonyms?

0.9999...=1 wrote:

Alright, my last comment about the term "pansexual" wasn't really serious, but now I will be, especially with a couple more people using that as a personal lable.
What exactly do you guys think that word implies that "bisexual" doesn't anyway? Based on my understanding of the latter, it's functionally useless as it's esentially a synonym. My best guess is that "pansexual" includes the attraction to transgendered people. However, where does the assumption come from that "bisexual" isn't supposed to? Is there another classification I haven't heard of that's within the realm of sanity?

You are correct that the Bisexual category already fills the exact same area of the sexuality spectrum chart that Pansexuality does. So anyone calling themselves a Pansexual can also call themselves Bisexual

But while all Pansexuals are Bisexual, not all Bisexuals are Pansexual.

While Bisexuals like both male and female, for a Pansexual, this distinction between genders doesn't even exist. They don't care who you are, seriously.

A Bisexual might still limit their interest to a distinct pair of genders (eg: they might not include Transgenders) and that stops them from being a lover of everything . Pansexuals wouldn't limit themselves at all. People are people and sex is sex.

This might make Pansexuality sound more about lifestyle (choosing to treat Bisexuallity in a perfectly non-discriminatory way) than a biological sexual preference, but I assert that Pansexuals also exist for a biological reason rather than a philosophical one. I note that Pansexuals (among ones I know) often have a higher degree of sexual interest. And that greater degree of sexual interest makes them less fussy over who they find attractive…hence becoming Pan

If it helps, I also devised this chart so you can see where Pans exist in relation to Bi's

Last edited Jan 22, 2015 at 11:19PM EST

James Blunt wrote:

just a question.

does being aromantic affect this survey in anyway?

Unless you're also asexual, no.

I can add a note in parentheses denoting you as aromantic next to your name in the sexuality category if you so desire, but you will still be counted as heterosexual in the data.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

You are correct that the Bisexual category already fills the exact same area of the sexuality spectrum chart that Pansexuality does. So anyone calling themselves a Pansexual can also call themselves Bisexual

But while all Pansexuals are Bisexual, not all Bisexuals are Pansexual.

While Bisexuals like both male and female, for a Pansexual, this distinction between genders doesn't even exist. They don't care who you are, seriously.

A Bisexual might still limit their interest to a distinct pair of genders (eg: they might not include Transgenders) and that stops them from being a lover of everything . Pansexuals wouldn't limit themselves at all. People are people and sex is sex.

This might make Pansexuality sound more about lifestyle (choosing to treat Bisexuallity in a perfectly non-discriminatory way) than a biological sexual preference, but I assert that Pansexuals also exist for a biological reason rather than a philosophical one. I note that Pansexuals (among ones I know) often have a higher degree of sexual interest. And that greater degree of sexual interest makes them less fussy over who they find attractive…hence becoming Pan

If it helps, I also devised this chart so you can see where Pans exist in relation to Bi's

Oh great, we get the flag that makes it look like all day long we're sayin'
Ho ha ho ha
Ho ha ho ha

Well don't you know
That's the sound of the men
Workin' on the chain gang
That's the sound of the men
Workin' on the chain gang

Last edited Jan 23, 2015 at 12:46AM EST

Disty wrote:

Bisexual cissy

I guess I'll add more.

I said I'm a bisexual cis, but I feel that's not 100% true. I'm leaning more towards gay, but I prefer feminine men. I also think I might be a little trans. I crossdress. Not because I feel like a woman, but it's more for sexual reasons. I guess that would make me a transvestite? I don't know. I'm a very different person online. I'm not very open about it IRL, like, at all.

IRL : I'm clearly male and most people assume I'm straight.

Online : some people think that I'm a girl (not that I find that insulting, I find it flattering actually) and some people think I like dicks exclusively.

So I don't know if that information helps. I'm probably not trans at all, just a crossdresser. I might have more to say, but I need to think about it.

Disty wrote:

I guess I'll add more.

I said I'm a bisexual cis, but I feel that's not 100% true. I'm leaning more towards gay, but I prefer feminine men. I also think I might be a little trans. I crossdress. Not because I feel like a woman, but it's more for sexual reasons. I guess that would make me a transvestite? I don't know. I'm a very different person online. I'm not very open about it IRL, like, at all.

IRL : I'm clearly male and most people assume I'm straight.

Online : some people think that I'm a girl (not that I find that insulting, I find it flattering actually) and some people think I like dicks exclusively.

So I don't know if that information helps. I'm probably not trans at all, just a crossdresser. I might have more to say, but I need to think about it.

a person and especially a male who adopts the dress and often the behavior typical of the opposite sex especially for purposes of emotional or sexual gratification

I believe that's an affirmative, sir.

Crossdressing is definitely something that I'm very interested in when I get the opportunity. It's even a huge fantasy of mine to be, perhaps with some degree of "force", made into a very feminine "girl", and to then do various "girly" things including being used by other men. (But I'm an ugly fatass, so that'll probably be one that I'll keep just to my imagination, if only for the sake of others). And yet, I'm still straight. How so? Well for one, I'd certainly only ever be interested in a romantic relationship with a women, and to be honest the very idea of doing so with a guy personally kinda gives me the creeps. I think it just comes down to the fact that my wildly varying fetishes can very easily override my sexual orientation. Hell, I might even call myself "fetishsexual" if I wasn't so keen on not being punched in the face a thousand times during my life.

Last edited Jan 23, 2015 at 02:25AM EST

The closest I come to crossdressing is a few womens jeans and womens t-shirts that I like to wear. For some reason I feel sexy in them. I can wear nail polish too

Because it is jeans and t-shirt, most people don't notice that I'm wearing womens clothes so I often go out in public in them and strut some womanly stuff.

But that said, I identify 100% as male. So it's got nothing to do with being transgender or my spot in the sexuality spectrum. If anything it's a fetish of mine. I also love porn of guys wearing womens skirts or lingerie too

I'm not a drag queen though. I would not wear dresses or earring or lipstick of any obvious shit like that. I prefer subtlety

Hm. I'm more the opposite in the sense that I'm an androphilliac – I'm attracted to masculinity. I'm into Bara/manly men and not into girlish guys. The opposite (attraction towards femininity) is gynephilia.

Like, even when I was in the closet and people would ask me what kinda girls I'm into, I'd say that boob size didn't matter and that I liked girls with short hair because of my androphillia. But I'm definitely gay – vaginas are fookin weird.

; wrote:

Hm. I'm more the opposite in the sense that I'm an androphilliac – I'm attracted to masculinity. I'm into Bara/manly men and not into girlish guys. The opposite (attraction towards femininity) is gynephilia.

Like, even when I was in the closet and people would ask me what kinda girls I'm into, I'd say that boob size didn't matter and that I liked girls with short hair because of my androphillia. But I'm definitely gay – vaginas are fookin weird.

I think I'm a gynephilliac then…. But it works in weird ways. Like ultra feminity in a girl is boring, and I don't really like boy band members or pretty boys at all… Plus I think a somewhat boyish look on a girl is cute, and a few masculine features thrown in like thick eyebrows are pretty…

But I'm really not into ultra masculinity on people of any gender…. Plus when it comes to androgynous people I'm more likely to be attracted to more feminine ones… And l think that some feminine features look good on a man, like long eyelashes or feminine eyebrows….

Maybe I just don't like masculinity all that much, and I'm not actually a gynephilliac.

Also in my opinion, both genitalia are pretty weird looking, but penises can really gross me out sometimes. XP

Last edited Jan 23, 2015 at 08:08AM EST

0.9999...=1 wrote:

What exactly would privy you to the information that they're all faking it? Is there something that you'd like to tell us?

As for me, I'm just a normal guy who has a penis. And… straight, I guess.

Also, I just gotta get something off my chest. "Pan-" is a Greek root meaning "all", so when you combine that with "-sexual"…
I'm just saying, unless you want to fuck monkeys, rats, and toilet paper rolls, it's probably at least a bit of a misnomer.

They say they gay, But a few minutes later they say "nah i was showing off".

I identify as a cisgender hetero but I find some feminine men (like Link and Marth) attractive on occasion and I like traps/futas.

Also Mare if you think numbers are so beautiful, why haven't you done a full census of KYM with things like race, religion, etc.? That sounds like fun and I would help out.

Bi-Sexual. Though I don't really dislike any gender, so maybe technically I am pansexual, I don't really know the difference so.

I am flip floppy on my gender, some days, I am perfectly content, other days, I'm deperate to be a girl. so questioning.

though my internet gender is whatever I want it to be when I make a joke.

Straight "cis" male. I'll just make this point for the sake of clarity, I have a fetish for "female-to-male" crossdressing. I'd never personally say that this changes anything since the point that they're still 100% biologically female and simply "dressed up" or "disguise" is of utmost importance for it to work, but I felt like I should point that out just in case someone caught me expressing this and "called me out" or anything.
Also, I have a phobia/get grossed out by genitals/nudity. And DEPENDING ON CIRCUMSTANCES lady bits can freak me out more, simply because I don't have any of that and thus I'm not "forced" to know about it despite my issues.
Also, just to round out my identity for the sake of these "privilege" discussions, I'm a white Englishman (with an American accent) but I have Asperger Syndrome and a sight problem.

DCS WORLD wrote:

They say they gay, But a few minutes later they say "nah i was showing off".

That's funny, because my mom has always said (this is just her opinion of course) that people would never choose to be gay because of all of the hardship you have to go through….

Rude ass attention whores I'll just not get PO'd at that and just think of it as a good thing because it means that homosexuals are becoming more and more accepted so some people think it's a good idea to lie and say they're gay to get attention.

Last edited Jan 23, 2015 at 04:58PM EST

As others have pointed out with the charts, sexuality is more of a spectrum, you can like a quality on a male but hate it on a female.

I think it would just be easier if people were just like
A: "I think you are attractive, wanna fuck?"
B: "Yes"


A: "I think you are attractive, wanna fuck?"
B: " No thanks"

Isn't that easier than giving it a term of your general preference then listing exceptions?

I mean everyone is human, genders aren't like separate species, we all are part of the same collective species no matter skin color or genitals, so it seems odd we occasionally treat them as separate things.

just kinda ask yourself are you attracted to a gender, or a quality or trait. such as masculinity, and femininity, plenty of exceptions?

maybe its just the bi-sexual/pansexual in me (I don't get the difference!) that really makes it so I see the traits people find sexually attractive and not so much the genitals. but at the end of the day people just kinda wanna rub their genitals, sometimes together, sometimes alone.

kinda maybe rant over, not sure if this was a rant.

……I'm starting to feel like the main appeal of this thread to some people is to make privilege jokes….

All of the heterosexual cis people who came to confirm also happen to be white males.

ALLLLL OF DEM Well some people didn't specifically say they were white or male so who knows

Last edited Jan 23, 2015 at 11:52PM EST

Basilius wrote:

As others have pointed out with the charts, sexuality is more of a spectrum, you can like a quality on a male but hate it on a female.

I think it would just be easier if people were just like
A: "I think you are attractive, wanna fuck?"
B: "Yes"


A: "I think you are attractive, wanna fuck?"
B: " No thanks"

Isn't that easier than giving it a term of your general preference then listing exceptions?

I mean everyone is human, genders aren't like separate species, we all are part of the same collective species no matter skin color or genitals, so it seems odd we occasionally treat them as separate things.

just kinda ask yourself are you attracted to a gender, or a quality or trait. such as masculinity, and femininity, plenty of exceptions?

maybe its just the bi-sexual/pansexual in me (I don't get the difference!) that really makes it so I see the traits people find sexually attractive and not so much the genitals. but at the end of the day people just kinda wanna rub their genitals, sometimes together, sometimes alone.

kinda maybe rant over, not sure if this was a rant.

That's why I don't like labels. My sexuality is my own personal thing. No label could cover all my quirks or fetishes and I bet it's the same for everyone else. Just to say straight or bi or whatever doesn't give a good impression of my sexuality and it doesn't cover all the bases. Also these terms give the impression that everyone who is gay or asexual or anything else have the same sexuality as everyone else with the same label and that just isn't true.

So, I guess I'll go into more detail about my self since plenty of people already have and like T Bone said labels don't come close to explaining everything. So, my sexuality is liking women at the core, but it goes deeper than that of course. Like someone else said above, I'm pretty into pretty boys/bishounens. I don't feel any sexual attraction to them even though I may joke about it and I would never fap to them, but I can find them so damn handsome more than a normal person only attracted to only women would. This isn't that strange though. What is strange is that sometimes I feel like being more flirty and submissive around guys and feel sort of sexual towards them. It's not that I'm attracted to them, it's more about myself and my identity I've noticed. Like I feel to be more feminine I should be flirty around guys. It's almoat like the reverse of how a few gay people acting more like the opposite sex to feel more "right" about their sexuality, except in my case I feel like I should take on the sexuality considered "right" for my gender to feel more like that gender even though I don't like guys at all really. It's similar to what .9999 said earlier in the thread except for the fact that I'm trans.

By the way, I'm totally aromantic at this point and sometimes my sexual urges fluctuate almost to the point where at certain times I feel asexual. I would get more into my "asexuality" but that's so complicated I don't really get it myself and explaining it with words wouldn't really make any sense. I just hope it'll sort itself out in time and I'll be more sure about it. Again, like T Bone said, no worda really exist to describe this. At the base I'm a lesbian though and that's what I tell most people.

Sam wrote:

By the way, I’m totally aromantic at this point and sometimes my sexual urges fluctuate almost to the point where at certain times I feel asexual.

Well, for someone to be truly aromantic, I'd postulate that there'd have to be something wrong/unique about the way their brain produces and/or distributes oxytocin. In your case, at least based on the inclusion of the phrase "at this point", I'd guess that you just don't feel like expending the mental energy for that sort of thing, perhaps partially due to having not met anyone that meets whatever standards that are coded within you to produce those kinds of feelings. I only say that because that's exactly where I fall- in fact, I seriously question whether I'm ever going to invest myself in that way. But I've still experienced romantic feelings at some time in my life.

Also, I'm pretty sure fluctuation of the sex drive based on mood is totally natural- it's not like the average person wants to bone 24/7.

I'm not a very sexually active individual, but I'm pretty sure I'm heterosexual; I get turned on by women. Men, not so much. I have an eye for men when they're exceptionally handsome or attractive (according to me, at least,) but since I don't think of putting my penis into any of their orifices I guess I'm not into men; the farthest I've gotten via imagination is wanting to touch bods and getting close enough to smell them.

I've been thinking about it, and I guess I'm androgynous, but with a preference for masculinity. People say I have feminine features and habits, and at the same time some people say manly. Apparently I have smooth white legs that some girls are jealous of, something about my eyes having natural eye shadow, I cover my mouth when I laugh, which is apparently something feminine to do couple with how quaintly feminine my laugh is, etc. But yeah, I feel I'm a bit more on masculine rather than true androgyny because out of masculine, feminine, and androgynous stuff, I'm into masculine stuff (e.g. working out, boxing, cooking,) and androgynous stuff (e.g. reading, playing the guitar, archery,) than feminine stuff (e.g. shopping, sewing, baking.)

Cecaelia Girlie wrote:

……I'm starting to feel like the main appeal of this thread to some people is to make privilege jokes….

All of the heterosexual cis people who came to confirm also happen to be white males.

ALLLLL OF DEM Well some people didn't specifically say they were white or male so who knows

I'd be an exception. I'm Asian and male.

Last edited Jan 26, 2015 at 05:21PM EST

I used to think about myself as trans, but at this point in time I'm either going though a dormant time or have realized that I'm actually not. Put me down as cis male.

I'm also attracted to women, but that's not to say I wouldn't want to get from a few guys. I find it hilarious to be flirtatious to the point of being uncomfortable though, so make of that what you will.


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