Forums / Fun! / Memeory Lane

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[Just For Fun] Forum President

Last posted Apr 18, 2012 at 12:07AM EDT. Added Apr 15, 2012 at 08:16PM EDT
403 posts from 59 users

Jackal Lantern wrote:

Vote for Vermin Supreme, the first, last, only candidate for the highly revered "Final Fantasy, Electric Boogaloo 2: The Empire Strikes Back" party. My platform has recently been altered to include your, yes YOUR needs.

Tired of Thomas Nair insulting ponies/anime/handicapped kittens? I'll ban him! You ARE Thomas Nair? I'll ban all the bronies and weeaboos (and don't listen to anyone who said I would ban you because they are a liar)!

Sick of your fellow forum-goers harassing you over your miniscule krama? Allow Vermin Supreme to turn that nega-krama… into MEGA-KRAMA. Tired of OP being a fag? No more bundles of sticks with Vermin Supreme in charge. "But benevolent dictator Vermin Supreme," you will ask, "OP is ALWAYS a faggot! How can you promise us the impossible?" That brings me to my next campaign promise. I promise not to keep any of my promises. But in politics, everyone's a liar. A vote for Vermin Supreme is a vote for the most honest liar.

Karmrad Supreme, I think we can help each other here today. How would you like to join forces and form the Supreme Karmmunist Party?

Party Renamed to Eastern Federation

The West has a share of bad media that needs to be destroyed, most notably the Call of Duty and Halo franchise. Almost all American made animated shows are of low quality, most notably Family Guy, The Problem Solverz, Fanboy and Chum Chum, and The Simpsons. Some shows used to be good and are now awful. Help Purify Western Media. Vote for us. We do not think all Western shows are bad. Mythbusters is good. Unlike the Western Federation we do not hate Japanese Media and Bronies instead we repress Call of Duty, Hannah Montana, Justin Bieber, and Halo fans.

Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, and Cartoon Network are Czar Nicholas II. They must be overthrown.

Ansem the Seeker of Lolcats wrote:

Party Renamed to Eastern Federation

The West has a share of bad media that needs to be destroyed, most notably the Call of Duty and Halo franchise. Almost all American made animated shows are of low quality, most notably Family Guy, The Problem Solverz, Fanboy and Chum Chum, and The Simpsons. Some shows used to be good and are now awful. Help Purify Western Media. Vote for us. We do not think all Western shows are bad. Mythbusters is good. Unlike the Western Federation we do not hate Japanese Media and Bronies instead we repress Call of Duty, Hannah Montana, Justin Bieber, and Halo fans.

Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, and Cartoon Network are Czar Nicholas II. They must be overthrown.

Ah, you do not oppose Tom Clancy, the Mythbusters or Burn Notice

Hm, interesting. Perhaps we have some shared ground…

EDIT: For the record, Derpy Freeman, I oppose most if not all of those instances of Western media you cited.

Last edited Apr 15, 2012 at 11:42PM EDT
  • Homestuck
    Kasrkai, the Witch King of Cats
    Fridge Logic
  • Gamer Party
    seal clubba (doctorhobo)
    random 21
    Cpt. Douglas J Falcon
  • Cat Party
    amanda b.
    Arctic Dagger
    Derpy Vazquez
  • Brony Party
    Ric Tesla
  • Independent Partys
    • Troll Party
    • Wesrern Federation
      Thomas Nair
    • Eastern Federation
      Derpy Freeman
    • Animu Party
    • B.O.B
    • Final Fantasy, Electric Boogaloo 2: The Empire Strikes Back party
      Vermin Supreme
    • Teh Brawlers independent party
      Teh Brawler
    • Karmmunist Party
      Philip J. Fry
    • YTP Party
      Dr. Meme
    • Dance Party
      404 User Not Found.

There are still too many independent Partys,

Last edited Apr 15, 2012 at 11:40PM EDT

NottaWotta wrote:

  • Homestuck
    Kasrkai, the Witch King of Cats
    Fridge Logic
  • Gamer Party
    seal clubba (doctorhobo)
    random 21
    Cpt. Douglas J Falcon
  • Cat Party
    amanda b.
    Arctic Dagger
    Derpy Vazquez
  • Brony Party
    Ric Tesla
  • Independent Partys
    • Troll Party
    • Wesrern Federation
      Thomas Nair
    • Eastern Federation
      Derpy Freeman
    • Animu Party
    • B.O.B
    • Final Fantasy, Electric Boogaloo 2: The Empire Strikes Back party
      Vermin Supreme
    • Teh Brawlers independent party
      Teh Brawler
    • Karmmunist Party
      Philip J. Fry
    • YTP Party
      Dr. Meme
    • Dance Party
      404 User Not Found.

There are still too many independent Partys,

In my case, because I haven't found another party that encompasses my positions.

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:

In my case, because I haven't found another party that encompasses my positions.

in the Cat Party we will encompass all positions


Everybody wants to be special.

I could start a new party myself (THE CRASH PARTY! ERRORS FOR ALL!) but I'm just planning on balancing out the teams for the biggest 4.

I might end up joining the Brony party if nobody else does. They still (surprisingly) only have 2 members

Philip J. Fry wrote:

Karmrad Supreme, I think we can help each other here today. How would you like to join forces and form the Supreme Karmmunist Party?

If you can work "Electric Boogaloo" and/or a Star Wars reference into that party title, we may be able to work something out. The current title doesn't even contain thirty characters! Even then, I must ask you a few questions about your platform to make sure we're on the same page:

What is your position on zombies as a power source?

I'd like to give these forums some bitches. Forums love bitches. However, the disregard of bitches is a well known method of accruing currency. Do you have plans to keep a steady bitch to currency ratio?

And lastly, is Futurama awesome; yes, or yes?

NottaWotta wrote:

  • Homestuck
    Kasrkai, the Witch King of Cats
    Fridge Logic
  • Gamer Party
    seal clubba (doctorhobo)
    random 21
    Cpt. Douglas J Falcon
  • Cat Party
    amanda b.
    Arctic Dagger
    Derpy Vazquez
  • Brony Party
    Ric Tesla
  • Independent Partys
    • Troll Party
    • Wesrern Federation
      Thomas Nair
    • Eastern Federation
      Derpy Freeman
    • Animu Party
    • B.O.B
    • Final Fantasy, Electric Boogaloo 2: The Empire Strikes Back party
      Vermin Supreme
    • Teh Brawlers independent party
      Teh Brawler
    • Karmmunist Party
      Philip J. Fry
    • YTP Party
      Dr. Meme
    • Dance Party
      404 User Not Found.

There are still too many independent Partys,

Because they dont have…


I am confirming here that I will be running in the Homestuck Party as well.
Forum goers, I come here today with a goal in mind, no, it is not to dazzle you all with my stunning good looks, it is not to bash at the clearly lower beings that will surely be running against me, but it is to unite all the forum together. Yes, clearly that is mega noble and commands respect and clapping. But hold your orgasms silly people, for you have yet to even read my agenda, and while it will clearly be worth orgasming towards plenty fold, it is in best taste that you read it first:
1. I will work with the government to clear the laws against eating your toast butter side down.
2. No matter how ugly you are, I will allow you to browse the forums, and any beautiful people who fear catching the ugly will be given proper protection.
3o. There will be no more discrimination towards certain fandoms, all will be allowed to cross breed and a new generation of free and multifandomal users will be able to prosper, and current users who feel the need to hide certain fandom preferences they have will no longer need to hide it.
4. The irc will have even bigger dicks better conversations.
5. Super Robo Jesus will be confirmed and a new banner will be made for the website that shows a new compliment on your skills at whatever you are skilled at every time you log in.
8. There will be no more cravings of mcnuggies where they are not wanted.
4. A special Dolan Protection Unit will be deployed to protect users from Dolan's sexual advances, unless they are wanted.
34. All of the fetishes, all of them.
Part IV: Return of the Way of the Power of the Dragon.
Act 3 Scene 12:
As Lazlo thrust his mighty purple meat warrior into the qu

So um, yes.
A vote for me is a vote for a successful future.
I am the MSPaint drawing you can trust!

Jackal Lantern wrote:

If you can work "Electric Boogaloo" and/or a Star Wars reference into that party title, we may be able to work something out. The current title doesn't even contain thirty characters! Even then, I must ask you a few questions about your platform to make sure we're on the same page:

What is your position on zombies as a power source?

I'd like to give these forums some bitches. Forums love bitches. However, the disregard of bitches is a well known method of accruing currency. Do you have plans to keep a steady bitch to currency ratio?

And lastly, is Futurama awesome; yes, or yes?

Very well, we shall be "Supreme Karmmunists 2: Electric Boogaloo Strikes Back".

Zombies are an excellent power source, as long as there are no "Big Zombie" corporations.

Bitches will be distributed in a fair manner. We will no longer be oppressed by RandomMan and his kind.

Is this even a question? Of course Futurama is awesome.


I was kidding when I made my political party. I was thinking of siding with whichever I felt like siding with for the time being, without swearing my allegiance to any one party.

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:

We will grow in strength. Trust me. I will ensure that when the time comes, the Federation will claim its rightful place as a power to be reckoned with on KYM and elsewhere on the Internet.

We will use superior tactics and training to accomplish our goals. We will unify the internet. We will bring order out of chaos.

Vote Federation. Vote for order.

As Masha Gessen wisely said, no one is easier to manipulate than a man who exaggerates his own influence.

I suggest you take it back a notch, lest you feel the wrath of the other parties. You're not popular with the majority of KYM, that's for sure. And your attempts to conquer the forums are not very welcomed. I further suggest that you attempt to be less assertive with this whole thing. It's not a war, it's an election.

The YTP Party is now The YTP Classics Party

Just to be more specific.

Meanwhile, this group isn't recieving attention…

/forever alone


Vote Pants Party 2012.
Our platform consists of benefits for all:
•Pants for everybody
•We even have pants that fit ponies
•We have tall pants, so all you homestuckers can pretend to be pantskat
Ace Compants for all you Japan-Haters
•For you anime lovers, we'll put lolis in your pants
•Pants so solid that Slendy and Gamzee can't rape you through them
•Free air travel in the form of Levi-tation


Last edited Apr 16, 2012 at 12:18AM EDT
  • Homestuck Party
    Kasrkai, the Witch King of Cats
    Fridge Logic
  • Gamer Party
    seal clubba (doctorhobo)
    random 21
    Cpt. Douglas J Falcon
    Slappy The Fish
  • Cat Party
    amanda b.
    Arctic Dagger
    Derpy Vazquez
  • Brony Party
    Ric Tesla
    Connor the Brony
  • Supreme Karmmunists 2: Electric Boogaloo Strikes Back Party
    Philip J. Fry
    Vermin Supreme
  • independent Partys
    • Troll Party
    • Wesrern Federation
      Thomas Nair
    • Eastern Federation
      Derpy Freeman
    • Animu Party
    • Teh Brawlers independent Party
      Teh Brawler
    • YTP Party
      Dr. Meme
    • Dance Party
      404 User Not Found.
    • Pants Party
      WsxdasBones FalconHawk

I think a Max of 6 users pre party is good enough.

Last edited Apr 16, 2012 at 12:26AM EDT

Philip J. Fry wrote:

Very well, we shall be "Supreme Karmmunists 2: Electric Boogaloo Strikes Back".

Zombies are an excellent power source, as long as there are no "Big Zombie" corporations.

Bitches will be distributed in a fair manner. We will no longer be oppressed by RandomMan and his kind.

Is this even a question? Of course Futurama is awesome.

Very catchy title. I like it. And clearly you have a head for politics. The third question was a trick question to weed out the unworthy. You passed. By the power invested in me, I now declare our parties man and wife.

Now onto the next order of business. We need to begin making up outrageous stories about the other users. All great leaders begin with a great smear campaign!

Jackal Lantern wrote:

Very catchy title. I like it. And clearly you have a head for politics. The third question was a trick question to weed out the unworthy. You passed. By the power invested in me, I now declare our parties man and wife.

Now onto the next order of business. We need to begin making up outrageous stories about the other users. All great leaders begin with a great smear campaign!

Make up stories you say? I hear RF wasn't born in Russia. We need to see his birth certificate.

Quick, someone find and burn RFs birt certificate.

Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender wrote:

Make up stories you say? I hear RF wasn't born in Russia. We need to see his birth certificate.

Quick, someone find and burn RFs birt certificate.


Runs away

Piano wrote:


Runs away

Jamie Dubs will catch you and eat your feet and then you will have to show your birth certificate and then something will happen and then I am running out of ideas to keep this run on sentence going.

Also can I be part of the "Amount of Parties is Too Damn High Party"?

Although I changed my party name, I feel like I should give credit to Teh Brawler's awesome poster he made for me before I changed.

Don't worry, Karmrad Supreme, I will find a way to incorporate our new alliance into this poster.

Last edited Apr 16, 2012 at 01:40AM EDT

Oh, you can create your own parties? Hehehehehe…

Yet for the sake of progress and enlightenment, I shall be publicly voicing my support of the Brony party.

Together we shall prevail in ridding KYM of trolls and creating a utopian society!

You know what would be awesome? Coalition governments. I call upon the support of any fledgling independent parties to join forces with the Brony party and secure our chances for joint victory!

Twins the Serendipitous Serval wrote:

Oh, you can create your own parties? Hehehehehe…

Yet for the sake of progress and enlightenment, I shall be publicly voicing my support of the Brony party.

Together we shall prevail in ridding KYM of trolls and creating a utopian society!

You know what would be awesome? Coalition governments. I call upon the support of any fledgling independent parties to join forces with the Brony party and secure our chances for joint victory!

Ponies wearing Pants Party.

Piano wrote:

As Masha Gessen wisely said, no one is easier to manipulate than a man who exaggerates his own influence.

I suggest you take it back a notch, lest you feel the wrath of the other parties. You're not popular with the majority of KYM, that's for sure. And your attempts to conquer the forums are not very welcomed. I further suggest that you attempt to be less assertive with this whole thing. It's not a war, it's an election.

It may not be war on this front. But believe me when I say that this is a war in the making.

It will be unimaginable in scale. It will be epic in nature. It will be a sight to behold.

But we can avoid the bloodshed through our actions here today.

Voting in favor of the Western Federation is a vote for peace!

For some strange reason everyone who supported the brony party got negged. Whoever went on this uncalled-for negging spree did it right after Thomas posted….I wonder who it could be.

…I guess all this building political competition might be rustling someones jimmies.

I fixed it for you guys

Last edited Apr 16, 2012 at 02:48AM EDT

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:

It may not be war on this front. But believe me when I say that this is a war in the making.

It will be unimaginable in scale. It will be epic in nature. It will be a sight to behold.

But we can avoid the bloodshed through our actions here today.

Voting in favor of the Western Federation is a vote for peace!

Pants party provides plentiful peace, pal. Please pass presidency.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

For some strange reason everyone who supported the brony party got negged. Whoever went on this uncalled-for negging spree did it right after Thomas posted….I wonder who it could be.

…I guess all this building political competition might be rustling someones jimmies.

I fixed it for you guys

*cough* Thomas *cough*

Hello anybody? YTP Classics Party? Hellooo?

You know what? I'm changing my party to…

The NC Party.

This party will keep all things the same. Ponies only in the pony general, stupid spam threads locked and spambots deactivated. The 'NC' part stands for No Changes.


We don't need changes if KYM is already good enough!

Last edited Apr 16, 2012 at 02:58AM EDT

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

For some strange reason everyone who supported the brony party got negged. Whoever went on this uncalled-for negging spree did it right after Thomas posted….I wonder who it could be.

…I guess all this building political competition might be rustling someones jimmies.

I fixed it for you guys

> might be rustling someones jimmies
> someones jimmies
> jimmies

Jimmies Party.
Someone make it happen.

Jimmies Party.
Someone make it happen.

Very well, I hereby propose:


Have your jimmies been rustled?

Join the Jimmy party and not only can we endeavor to unrustle your jimmies we can also unrustle the jimmies of everyone else in the forum. Help us help you and together we can eliminate shitstorms from this forum

Our policies:

  • A 20% reduction of rustling across the board by 2015
  • New laws to govern unsolicited threads about Religion, Furries, Bronies, Music taste, Political spectrums and Internet laws and their potential to rustle jimmies
  • Funding towards Jimmy rustling courses for the jimmy impaired
  • Additional funding for Jimmy research and potential butthurt cures
  • New facilities and equipment for jimmy hospitals in order to reduce jimmy rustling queues and relieve this forums terrible Jimmy rustling rate.
  • Tougher restrictions on Jimmy rustlers such as trolls, BNM's and morons
  • Increase the fine for jimmy rustling from one negakrama to two

We know you want to make forum a pleasant place where you can safely raise your jimmies in peace. Nobody wants to feel like their Jimmies are unsafe. Vote for the Jimmy party to ensure your Jimmies protection today.

Speaking of rustled jimmies, someone negabombed you guys even more. Specifically targeting party representatives. I'll karma you to fix it

Last edited Apr 16, 2012 at 06:42AM EDT

Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest wrote:

Hmm, come to think of it, I might stop by Equestria Daily, Ponychan, Ponibooru, or any of those good ol' sites, and see if this whole deal might interest them.

Of course, that's only a suggestion.

Please don't.

Gamer Party
seal clubba (doctorhobo)
random 21
Cpt. Douglas J Falcon
Slappy The Fish

Homestuck Party
Kasrkai, the Witch King of Cats
Fridge Logic

Cat Party
amanda b.
Arctic Dagger
Derpy Vazquez

Brony Party
Ric Tesla
Connor the Brony

Supreme Karmmunists 2: Electric Boogaloo Strikes Back Party
Philip J. Fry
Vermin Supreme
Teh Brawler

Independent Parties:

Troll Party

Wesrern Federation
Thomas Nair

Eastern Federation
Derpy Freeman

Animu Party

The No Changes Party
Dr. Meme

Dance Party
404 User Not Found.

Pants Party
WsxdasBones FalconHawk

The Jimmy Party
Blue Screen (of death)

34 people are running in 13 different parties.

Last edited Apr 16, 2012 at 06:59AM EDT

If anyone misses out tomorrow and rustles their jimmies because they couldn't form a party I would like to remind them that the Jimmy Party understands their pain and is here for the cause of unrustling your jimmies. You can make this forum a less rustled place. Join us!

Don't vote for anyone else unless you want your jimmies rustled!


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