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The PC Master Race is WAY better than the Console Money-Saving Race

Last posted Apr 22, 2021 at 05:05PM EDT. Added Apr 08, 2021 at 11:02PM EDT
34 posts from 17 users

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Foreword: Nintendo consoles excluded from this argument because they at least innovate with the damn hardware without shitting out clown-world prices. Nintendo justifies their existence by having innovative hardware -PlayStation and Xbox are the franchises I'm targeting here because their hardware, barring mild controller advancements, is not innovative it just comes in a fancy case. That all being said, I do not approve of Nintendo charging for online play nor do I approve their aggressive policing of their IPs.

The Console Money-Saving Race's is SO much better than the Personal Computer Master Race.

You have to pay monthly fees to play any game online, have to pay much larger fees overall to buy games that are normally far less on Steam, have to understand the console company can and likely eventually will nuke 100% of your games with no way to get them again on console, and don't get me started on a game console's Internet browser.

Graphics cards get scalped but so do new consoles at roughly the same rip-off prices so I consider that point moot, but the fact is you HAVE to own a computer. Even if it's not for gaming, you have to own a computer for basic browsing and school/job work, so it makes little sense not to get a better PC at roughly the same price difference as buying a console. Plus, it will be a better experience overall than owning a console since tons of limitations consoles impose on interfaces and games and online play/mods vanish.

Console players will insist consoles are a fantastic deal that objectively is better overall cost-wise than a PC, while constantly arguing how all of these mentioned issues magically don't add up to being less worth it overall.

The Console Money-Saving Race has the heroes it deserves.

You can buy pre-builts that are less of a rip off than consoles of equivalent power -60fps at 4k is basic bitch hours; compared to cost of buying a normal computer and console separately. Emulation, modifications to games, modifications to hardware, modular replaceable parts, a basic logical grasp of computing that will help you have fun -these things make a lot of difference with having fun and not having life spoon-fed to you. Not to mention with Steam, you can transport low-spec games like Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy to most computers you want to have some iota of fun. With a console, you get none of that.

PS5 and Xbox One are not good deals when it comes to online play and game deals. Game pass costing 120 a year and being hailed as a great deal is nothing short of laughable. Yes, it gets me lots of new games -at random, and at an upfront price normal people cannot justify paying on top of already costly consoles and online play features and specific games they will want that likely will not be covered by game pass. Steam gets you far more for far less at around the same quality -game pass is only going to be a necessity for people who absolutely cannot wait for prices to go down and have the FU money to afford it.

PS Plus's games, are just cheap crap used to make you feel less bad about paying actual money just to play games online. Yes, World of Warcraft and like 5 other big-shots do that on PC, but the overwhelming majority of games do not because it drains people's cash to require repeated subscription-based money-fucking. PS PSN I hear is about to go offline permanently for all their handhelds and PS3s -what a great deal it was to use those stores right? Good luck getting online matches on those great games after that -unlike on PC where online matches don't so easily die because of console/store changes.

Meanwhile what, someone on Reddit bragged about a nice-looking rig, and some cuck on a forum mocked you for not understanding something about a computer? -I guess THAT is why we should hate the PCMR. God forbid people have some ego on the Internet over things that require effort to build. understand and make beautiful -not excusing douchebaggery, but a little ego is fine given the effort required to get there.

tl;dr PCMR > CMSR


Wassup baby it's ya boy Chad Warden, and I wanna drop some real truths on y'all. Now, everybody knows that only Playstation produces the most ballin’ games. But everybody's tryna say that the PC is beating the PS Quintuple? I ain’t havin’ that shit! They be sayin’ that PC has Team Fortress 2, League of Legends, Total War n’ shit, but these games are trash! They ain’t ballin’, they’re trash! Team Fortress 2, you got a bunch of dumbass white boys that go “BONK, BING, BOP,” aight? They got that one-eyed nigga, he’s the only black guy in there, but he’s a pussy nigga. He ain’t got no glock, he’s gotta use a noob tube to kill all the white boys. That is not ballin’! And League of Legends is a bunch of K-pop idols in there- this game is for little girls! I ain’t no pedo, I ain’t tryna’ pick up no underage girls, the hunnies that ride with Chad Warden don’t play League of Legends. They gather round to see that new PS Quintuple! You see, we got The Last of Us. Say what you want about The Last of Us, but that shit won game of the year, aight? They got two bitches kissing each other in that game, and that shit’s hot a fuck! Now that shit’s ballin’! We also got Ghost of Tsushima; he ain’t like that Zelda bitch, Jin’s a real nigga who ain’t afraid to cut some fools up. And we also got Death Stranding with that nigga from The Walking Dead, one of the few mothafuckas out there that are as gangsta as Chad Warden!

All these PC fanboys do nothing but dick ride this guy Ben, they call him Gay Ben, but I ain’t gay aight? And Gay Ben doesn’t even care ‘bout you niggas anymo, like for real! When was the last time y’all got a real Half-Life game? Not that Virtual Reality shit, Chad Warden don’t need no VR to shoot some niggas. Tell me, when was the last time Valve did some real ABAP shit? Gay Ben doesn’t care about you, he be swimming in the money you gave him in Asutralia or whatever, so stop riding on his dick! And people also sayin’ that you can build your own PC so it works the way you want it t- nigga I ain’t playin’ with no legos n’ shit, I be playing games on my PS Quintuple! I don’t need to build shit to play games! Buildin’ shit ain’t ballin’!

Only pussy ass niggas be playin’ on the PC, real niggas like Lil Wayne play their games on the Playstation. Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy, they know what’s up. Sheeeit, the Xbox and Switch are more ABAP than PC! Let that sink in! Let that sink in for a minute, we don’t need to build shit to play games! Hunnies don’t get wet over niggas who build shit! Hunnies get wet over niggas who are cash money enough to own Playstations!

Maaaan why am I even wasting my time on you broke niggas? Chad Warden ‘bout to go slay some fools in Demon’s Souls.



Eris wrote:


Wassup baby it's ya boy Chad Warden, and I wanna drop some real truths on y'all. Now, everybody knows that only Playstation produces the most ballin’ games. But everybody's tryna say that the PC is beating the PS Quintuple? I ain’t havin’ that shit! They be sayin’ that PC has Team Fortress 2, League of Legends, Total War n’ shit, but these games are trash! They ain’t ballin’, they’re trash! Team Fortress 2, you got a bunch of dumbass white boys that go “BONK, BING, BOP,” aight? They got that one-eyed nigga, he’s the only black guy in there, but he’s a pussy nigga. He ain’t got no glock, he’s gotta use a noob tube to kill all the white boys. That is not ballin’! And League of Legends is a bunch of K-pop idols in there- this game is for little girls! I ain’t no pedo, I ain’t tryna’ pick up no underage girls, the hunnies that ride with Chad Warden don’t play League of Legends. They gather round to see that new PS Quintuple! You see, we got The Last of Us. Say what you want about The Last of Us, but that shit won game of the year, aight? They got two bitches kissing each other in that game, and that shit’s hot a fuck! Now that shit’s ballin’! We also got Ghost of Tsushima; he ain’t like that Zelda bitch, Jin’s a real nigga who ain’t afraid to cut some fools up. And we also got Death Stranding with that nigga from The Walking Dead, one of the few mothafuckas out there that are as gangsta as Chad Warden!

All these PC fanboys do nothing but dick ride this guy Ben, they call him Gay Ben, but I ain’t gay aight? And Gay Ben doesn’t even care ‘bout you niggas anymo, like for real! When was the last time y’all got a real Half-Life game? Not that Virtual Reality shit, Chad Warden don’t need no VR to shoot some niggas. Tell me, when was the last time Valve did some real ABAP shit? Gay Ben doesn’t care about you, he be swimming in the money you gave him in Asutralia or whatever, so stop riding on his dick! And people also sayin’ that you can build your own PC so it works the way you want it t- nigga I ain’t playin’ with no legos n’ shit, I be playing games on my PS Quintuple! I don’t need to build shit to play games! Buildin’ shit ain’t ballin’!

Only pussy ass niggas be playin’ on the PC, real niggas like Lil Wayne play their games on the Playstation. Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy, they know what’s up. Sheeeit, the Xbox and Switch are more ABAP than PC! Let that sink in! Let that sink in for a minute, we don’t need to build shit to play games! Hunnies don’t get wet over niggas who build shit! Hunnies get wet over niggas who are cash money enough to own Playstations!

Maaaan why am I even wasting my time on you broke niggas? Chad Warden ‘bout to go slay some fools in Demon’s Souls.



You forgot your intro song.

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Nedhitis wrote:

The Console Money-Saver Race's insufferable mental gymnastics and absolutisms on how consoles are always without question a superior deal to PCs, while continually making anti-intellectual absurdisms against emulation, mods, and PC building, is a miracle of Satan's burning Earth. But everyone calls out the PC Master Race because people should not be allowed to express their pride in the thought and work required to make or obtain a PC, always calling on some anecdote of how some user one time was a little 'too' proud of their effort.

CMSR is way more intolerable than PCMR, by a mile. The PC community makes you smarter and appreciate a craft, while the console community has their whole world view dictated by whatever of the 3 console brands they are buying from decide to do to their victims aka consumers. The worst you get in the PCMR community is people being obnoxious about mocking trashy builds -a trend I wish would die, but is not nearly so bad the whole community is thus for naught.

Crispy Cream wrote:

The Console Money-Saver Race's insufferable mental gymnastics and absolutisms on how consoles are always without question a superior deal to PCs, while continually making anti-intellectual absurdisms against emulation, mods, and PC building, is a miracle of Satan's burning Earth. But everyone calls out the PC Master Race because people should not be allowed to express their pride in the thought and work required to make or obtain a PC, always calling on some anecdote of how some user one time was a little 'too' proud of their effort.

CMSR is way more intolerable than PCMR, by a mile. The PC community makes you smarter and appreciate a craft, while the console community has their whole world view dictated by whatever of the 3 console brands they are buying from decide to do to their victims aka consumers. The worst you get in the PCMR community is people being obnoxious about mocking trashy builds -a trend I wish would die, but is not nearly so bad the whole community is thus for naught.

>t. falseflagger trying to make the PCMR look bad

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Omega MISSINGNO wrote:

>t. falseflagger trying to make the PCMR look bad

Do not mistake my argument for loyalty. The PC Master Race sucks because they are dismissive of anyone with a build and setup slightly different than their elite setups. The Console Money-Saver Race is just so astronomically idiotic with their presumptuous arguments on how valuable consoles are (they are largely inflated in value) while also acting like gameslave victims of their chosen brandmasters that I hate them a lot more as a community. Honestly, gamers actually SHOULD rise up -by throwing off their fanboy brand-loyal shackles and buy a god damn PC.

Though, with all these illogical responses KnowYourMeme is putting up stiff competition. Perhaps I should not have presumed a memesite could have proper forum discussion when this is the best I get. Maybe full sentences are too dense for meme posters to retort properly to.

Last edited Apr 10, 2021 at 01:02AM EDT

Alright fine. Since you're making such a fuss about this thread, lets speak plainly for a bit. I'll go over just a few points of what went wrong here.

-For starters, you make this thread by just throwing that opening rant here with no means of having any conversation stem from it.
All you did was state your opinion, quite out-of-the-blue mind you, on a subject in which no one here is straw-manning. This just comes off as a self serving means for you to vent to the forums expecting to get some sort of response out of us.

-If you wanted to create a dialog with everybody you should have posed a question rather than just stating an opinion.
Due to this, no one here has any reason to actually give any thoughts, or discussion on the matter. If a forum post comes off as not having any merit for conversation to occur, then we will just take this an opportunity to joke around with instead.

-In your rant you paint some very broad strokes about any who dare suggest having any sort of differing opinion for what you've stated.
Hate to break it to you, but not every one shares this sentiment. Everyone has their whole opinion of the console vs. pc discussion, but no one here is going around shouting about how their viewpoint is objectively correct and everyone else is stupid.

All i'm getting at is if you wanted to hold a serious conversation, you went about it the worst manner possible. If you really do want a serious conversation you gotta work on your approach otherwise don't expect really anything to come for this thread.

That's all i'll really say on the matter as i'm not the type to argue on the forums.

P.S some people like to use both PC's and consoles. I have both and jump back-and-forth between the two depending on what i'm playing.

Crispy Cream wrote:

Foreword: Nintendo consoles excluded from this argument because they at least innovate with the damn hardware without shitting out clown-world prices. Nintendo justifies their existence by having innovative hardware -PlayStation and Xbox are the franchises I'm targeting here because their hardware, barring mild controller advancements, is not innovative it just comes in a fancy case. That all being said, I do not approve of Nintendo charging for online play nor do I approve their aggressive policing of their IPs.

The Console Money-Saving Race's is SO much better than the Personal Computer Master Race.

You have to pay monthly fees to play any game online, have to pay much larger fees overall to buy games that are normally far less on Steam, have to understand the console company can and likely eventually will nuke 100% of your games with no way to get them again on console, and don't get me started on a game console's Internet browser.

Graphics cards get scalped but so do new consoles at roughly the same rip-off prices so I consider that point moot, but the fact is you HAVE to own a computer. Even if it's not for gaming, you have to own a computer for basic browsing and school/job work, so it makes little sense not to get a better PC at roughly the same price difference as buying a console. Plus, it will be a better experience overall than owning a console since tons of limitations consoles impose on interfaces and games and online play/mods vanish.

Console players will insist consoles are a fantastic deal that objectively is better overall cost-wise than a PC, while constantly arguing how all of these mentioned issues magically don't add up to being less worth it overall.

The Console Money-Saving Race has the heroes it deserves.

You can buy pre-builts that are less of a rip off than consoles of equivalent power -60fps at 4k is basic bitch hours; compared to cost of buying a normal computer and console separately. Emulation, modifications to games, modifications to hardware, modular replaceable parts, a basic logical grasp of computing that will help you have fun -these things make a lot of difference with having fun and not having life spoon-fed to you. Not to mention with Steam, you can transport low-spec games like Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy to most computers you want to have some iota of fun. With a console, you get none of that.

PS5 and Xbox One are not good deals when it comes to online play and game deals. Game pass costing 120 a year and being hailed as a great deal is nothing short of laughable. Yes, it gets me lots of new games -at random, and at an upfront price normal people cannot justify paying on top of already costly consoles and online play features and specific games they will want that likely will not be covered by game pass. Steam gets you far more for far less at around the same quality -game pass is only going to be a necessity for people who absolutely cannot wait for prices to go down and have the FU money to afford it.

PS Plus's games, are just cheap crap used to make you feel less bad about paying actual money just to play games online. Yes, World of Warcraft and like 5 other big-shots do that on PC, but the overwhelming majority of games do not because it drains people's cash to require repeated subscription-based money-fucking. PS PSN I hear is about to go offline permanently for all their handhelds and PS3s -what a great deal it was to use those stores right? Good luck getting online matches on those great games after that -unlike on PC where online matches don't so easily die because of console/store changes.

Meanwhile what, someone on Reddit bragged about a nice-looking rig, and some cuck on a forum mocked you for not understanding something about a computer? -I guess THAT is why we should hate the PCMR. God forbid people have some ego on the Internet over things that require effort to build. understand and make beautiful -not excusing douchebaggery, but a little ego is fine given the effort required to get there.

tl;dr PCMR > CMSR

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StoneColdKillerWhale wrote:

Alright fine. Since you're making such a fuss about this thread, lets speak plainly for a bit. I'll go over just a few points of what went wrong here.

-For starters, you make this thread by just throwing that opening rant here with no means of having any conversation stem from it.
All you did was state your opinion, quite out-of-the-blue mind you, on a subject in which no one here is straw-manning. This just comes off as a self serving means for you to vent to the forums expecting to get some sort of response out of us.

-If you wanted to create a dialog with everybody you should have posed a question rather than just stating an opinion.
Due to this, no one here has any reason to actually give any thoughts, or discussion on the matter. If a forum post comes off as not having any merit for conversation to occur, then we will just take this an opportunity to joke around with instead.

-In your rant you paint some very broad strokes about any who dare suggest having any sort of differing opinion for what you've stated.
Hate to break it to you, but not every one shares this sentiment. Everyone has their whole opinion of the console vs. pc discussion, but no one here is going around shouting about how their viewpoint is objectively correct and everyone else is stupid.

All i'm getting at is if you wanted to hold a serious conversation, you went about it the worst manner possible. If you really do want a serious conversation you gotta work on your approach otherwise don't expect really anything to come for this thread.

That's all i'll really say on the matter as i'm not the type to argue on the forums.

P.S some people like to use both PC's and consoles. I have both and jump back-and-forth between the two depending on what i'm playing.

I do not care about any forum-based cultural qualms regarding what is considered appealing as post formatting and social pandering. That is a very shallow line of thought rather than just discussing the actual ideas and opinions themselves.

Closest you came to addressing said ideas was merely calling them broadstroke opinions. Of course they are broadstroke opinions, they are intentionally generalizing groups of people based on their general behaviors, so they are by nature broadstroke; this is not a statistic on every single niche difference of opinion in each community, merely a statement on the general actions each one partakes in the most.

If you are not the type to argue, don't argue, but likewise do not imply your argumentation is somehow not argument, nor should you imply argumentation is somehow a bad thing, and additionally do not engage in such a fallacious tactic as trying to get the final word in by insisting any further retort is bad by virtue of being an argument whereas yours is somehow not. Argument is merely the stigmatized way of saying discussion -or should I fear some ornery user will pull a niche Google definition as if to prove social connotation of words does not exist?

Here's to hoping the next responder can actually think on the details of these thoughts rather than get burnt to a crisp in shallow social stylings and word games. As a reminder, this thread was made about the console community aka console money-saver race, versus the PC community aka PC master race, and which is better or rather, less God-awful. Would not mind hearing evaluation of the opinions. Maybe my thoughts were too obviously true to warrant discussion.

Rule number 1 of trolling: the shorter and simplier the bait, the better the result. If you have to type far more than your chosen target, you already lost.

Next gimmick account of the week, please.

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Nedhitis wrote:

Rule number 1 of trolling: the shorter and simplier the bait, the better the result. If you have to type far more than your chosen target, you already lost.

Next gimmick account of the week, please.

I'm beginning to think no one in this forum can think outside of pure meme logic. Try directly refuting the actual points of the discussion with genuine reasons and opinions on the topic at hand, which by the way: is about the PC master race, and the console money-saver race. Feel free to contribute to the discussion instead of scraping together shitposty memes and meme comparisons like everyone else so far has. Rule 2 of this forum is a fucking joke it seems why even bother posting an actual discussion. If posts have to be so oversimplified and pandered just for people to follow the rules, it's no longer fucking worth it to bother conveying an honest opinion since only the biggest retard's voice will come through.

Last edited Apr 10, 2021 at 11:09PM EDT

Crispy Cream wrote:

I'm beginning to think no one in this forum can think outside of pure meme logic. Try directly refuting the actual points of the discussion with genuine reasons and opinions on the topic at hand, which by the way: is about the PC master race, and the console money-saver race. Feel free to contribute to the discussion instead of scraping together shitposty memes and meme comparisons like everyone else so far has. Rule 2 of this forum is a fucking joke it seems why even bother posting an actual discussion. If posts have to be so oversimplified and pandered just for people to follow the rules, it's no longer fucking worth it to bother conveying an honest opinion since only the biggest retard's voice will come through.

You're being overly aggressive and all your arguments try hard to shut down any discussion while also claiming no one wants to discuss these points with you. It's painfully obvious this is either an alt account of someone too scared to post this with their actual account or just some shitposter baiting for posts. So why would anyone take you seriously?

Go back to /v/.

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Steven The Pirate wrote:

You're being overly aggressive and all your arguments try hard to shut down any discussion while also claiming no one wants to discuss these points with you. It's painfully obvious this is either an alt account of someone too scared to post this with their actual account or just some shitposter baiting for posts. So why would anyone take you seriously?

Go back to /v/.

I suppose it would be Earth-shattering for you to know then that I have spoken thus far sincerely, clown.

Crispy Cream wrote:

Do not mistake my argument for loyalty. The PC Master Race sucks because they are dismissive of anyone with a build and setup slightly different than their elite setups. The Console Money-Saver Race is just so astronomically idiotic with their presumptuous arguments on how valuable consoles are (they are largely inflated in value) while also acting like gameslave victims of their chosen brandmasters that I hate them a lot more as a community. Honestly, gamers actually SHOULD rise up -by throwing off their fanboy brand-loyal shackles and buy a god damn PC.

Though, with all these illogical responses KnowYourMeme is putting up stiff competition. Perhaps I should not have presumed a memesite could have proper forum discussion when this is the best I get. Maybe full sentences are too dense for meme posters to retort properly to.

extremely cringe
mac for life

Crispy Cream wrote:

I suppose it would be Earth-shattering for you to know then that I have spoken thus far sincerely, clown.

You're so insufferable you're actually making me use a wojak.

Stop being a pseudo intellectual smartass.

Last edited Apr 11, 2021 at 09:45AM EDT

I've never heard of anyone ever refer to console players as the "Console Money-Saving Race". That sounds dumb, just keep it as console players or console gamers; its a phrase that's short, sweet, and to the point which is the exact opposite of this entire post.

Being verbose doesn't make you look intelligent it just makes you look pretentious. Its like I'm playing YIIk: A Post Modern RPG. Just 4 or 5 lines of complete circuitous drivel that could be condensed into one sentence.

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BravelyDefect wrote:

I've never heard of anyone ever refer to console players as the "Console Money-Saving Race". That sounds dumb, just keep it as console players or console gamers; its a phrase that's short, sweet, and to the point which is the exact opposite of this entire post.

Being verbose doesn't make you look intelligent it just makes you look pretentious. Its like I'm playing YIIk: A Post Modern RPG. Just 4 or 5 lines of complete circuitous drivel that could be condensed into one sentence.

I could call PC users PC users, but I call them the PC Master Race or PCMR, because they put a lot of pride and effort into their machines from hardware to software in design, organization, and execution. A mocking 'master race' label is befitting a group of people that not only acts important, but actually does things to support the notion, while also at times going overboard with how proud they are of their work. However, considering the worst side of them is their desire to mock trashy builds (overwhelming majority of PCMR people do not mock console owners and actively support them) I don't believe the mockery should be that strong. PCMR is primarily an iconic title, and at this point secondarily a point of mockery.

I could call console users console users, or call them console gamers. But, I call them the Console Money-Saver Race or CMSR, because they put a lot of pride and effort into arguing how their brand of console is the best, how it is a superior monetary value to PCs and consoles, all the while willfully and obnoxiously fighting and ignoring all arguments to the contrary. Whether it be bars to emulation, bars to mods, limitations mandating all online gaming be paid for, extremely overpriced games relative to the Steam deals you get on PC, or the fact the console stores can at any time randomly self-implode if it ceases to be financially viable to run them -you are getting a shit monetary deal with consoles. I call them the Console Money-Saver Race because that's what they en masse care about, meanwhile PC Master Race members do not nearly as often act egotistic about their computers and tend to actively coddle CMSR people.

If anything, the PCMR title is fucking stupid since PCMR people rarely act egotistic about their computers, unless you consider talking positively about your computer egotistic; even then many PCMR people have shite setups so they don't bother bragging. However, the CMSR title is far more justified because the console money-saver race in majority over-values the deal you get buying a console relative to a computer when that deal is often total horseshit calculating in all other costs; not to mention the ratio of bang-per-buck you get with a console. Though again, I do downplay how this relates to Nintendo's Nintendo Switch as their console offers unique innovation and mobility combined with gaming you won't get on a PC at anywhere close to the same price range.

Last edited Apr 11, 2021 at 01:19PM EDT

This is what I am talking about, you don't really need to type out a whole three paragraph post to justify a nickname you came up with, it is unnecessary. The reason why people aren't responding seriously is because the thread reads as if it is a parody of those types of sycophant, fanatical PC enthusiast posts.

For the record I own a PC that I built myself as well as a PS4 and a Switch. I'm currently jumping back and forth between Disco Elysium and Monster Hunter Rise with some No Man's Sky sprinkled in.

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Derptastic Derp Man wrote:

INB4 thread lock

OP stop being a fucking loser and just go outside lol.

You use this website.

Anyway, hope the rest of you can just discuss the topic at hand.

BravelyDefect wrote:

This is what I am talking about, you don't really need to type out a whole three paragraph post to justify a nickname you came up with, it is unnecessary. The reason why people aren't responding seriously is because the thread reads as if it is a parody of those types of sycophant, fanatical PC enthusiast posts.

For the record I own a PC that I built myself as well as a PS4 and a Switch. I'm currently jumping back and forth between Disco Elysium and Monster Hunter Rise with some No Man's Sky sprinkled in.


I play both consoles and PC, but I prefer to play consoles cause when it comes to PC gaming, stuff relating to specs, ram, etc can be confusing as shit. Plus building one is a fucking mess (hence why all of my PCs are prebuilt) and I don’t wanna risk screwing something up like what happened to Caddicarus:

Pokejoseph64 wrote:

I play both consoles and PC, but I prefer to play consoles cause when it comes to PC gaming, stuff relating to specs, ram, etc can be confusing as shit. Plus building one is a fucking mess (hence why all of my PCs are prebuilt) and I don’t wanna risk screwing something up like what happened to Caddicarus:

Yeah, I saw that video, I have also been reading SuperEyepatchWolf's ongoing Twitter saga with his Dell PC. Its why I don't admonish people who play on consoles or pre-builts besides the fact that I am a console player myself.

PC building is far from foolproof and there's a larger margin of error than simply getting a plug-and-play machine that will work out of the box. You can make a more powerful custom PC for less money but one mistake will instantly inflate your cost especially if you have a cascade failure that takes out other parts of the machine. The problem has only been exacerbated in our post-2020 Scalper apocalypse. Even 10 and 20 series GPUs are in high demand not to mention the shipping situation.


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