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GamerGate Thread

Last posted Jul 21, 2021 at 02:24PM EDT. Added Jul 26, 2015 at 06:48PM EDT
4603 posts from 222 users

Bookie wrote:


> Now that I think about it (and this is probably not the best place to ask that question), how exactly did they manage to ship knives and syringes to the houses of those they were sending death threats to without any red flags popping up? Surely someone at the shipping companies were like ‘oh that’s a syringe with some unknown substance, surely we can’t ship that!’.

Generally speaking mail companies don't check packages, it's why letter bombs exist.

And if they miss bombs a syringe isn't going to be very noticeable.

You do have a good point, with protection of privacy and some other laws factoring into it.

And as much as I would like to debate that, this isn't the forum for debating if mailing companies can peek in packages or not. So on that note, let's move on to something more productive.

What I was wondering in particular is how much fuel GamerGate actually has, and seeing as every shitpost that's made on twitter, it seems to go on forever. What I was wondering though is an estimate when GamerGate will actually 'end'.

(Not intentionally say that GamerGate will be won by the SJW's, but more or less when gaming journalism will be entirely reformed, no more calling gamers terrorists, etc.)

TOSO wrote:

You do have a good point, with protection of privacy and some other laws factoring into it.

And as much as I would like to debate that, this isn't the forum for debating if mailing companies can peek in packages or not. So on that note, let's move on to something more productive.

What I was wondering in particular is how much fuel GamerGate actually has, and seeing as every shitpost that's made on twitter, it seems to go on forever. What I was wondering though is an estimate when GamerGate will actually 'end'.

(Not intentionally say that GamerGate will be won by the SJW's, but more or less when gaming journalism will be entirely reformed, no more calling gamers terrorists, etc.)

No idea, if you could actually accurately determine when an event or movement will achieve its goals and start calling it quits (on a practical scale of course), then you'd be a genius who's skills are worth billions of dollars.

My guess as to when gamergate get its main objectives accomplished is soon™ especially given gawker's trial is soon and most people are sick to death of outrage culture and being lied to.

MrKillultra wrote:

No idea, if you could actually accurately determine when an event or movement will achieve its goals and start calling it quits (on a practical scale of course), then you'd be a genius who's skills are worth billions of dollars.

My guess as to when gamergate get its main objectives accomplished is soon™ especially given gawker's trial is soon and most people are sick to death of outrage culture and being lied to.

Ah yes, the sex tape Hulk Hogan's lawyers wanted taken down. Could Hulk winning (or losing) the case cause a domino effect or chain reaction, or would it set off a much less explosive reaction?

Hey I've a question for the mods, A Blind Spy has listed certain grievances with the movement and a list of steps on how to be a good activist, I was wondering if it would be appropriate to post the list to the comments.

scoutception wrote:

Why would you do this to us, justice system or whatever made this decision? Why would you allow this wretched little hive to live longer and inflict even more damage on people for the sake of profit?

My guess is because Gawker doesn't just want to lose 7 figures… they want to lose 10 figures.

LastAngryWrestleman wrote:

Jontron calls out Fullscreen for abusing copyright strikes on youtube. Not sure how related this was so I thought it'd be better to post it to the forum rather than the comments.


First off: thats not really related to Gamer Gate in anyway, next time make an actual thread on it
Second off: Jontron isn't the only one doing it, its like a bunch of other youtuber, specifically the youtube channel Ethan and Hila.

More trouble on the might no 9 front.

Looks like the kickstarter's goals have generally be violated and they're taking forever despite overfunding. Either way, does might no 9 still count as a gamergate topic considering their community manager and lack of transparency and general corruption?

Also there's this:

And I think this would count because involves the media screaming misogyny again. This is what I mean by banning people from getting platforms. If you are detached from reality and lie frequently… you should not be allowed to speak on a public platform. If you don't have an action plan, then perhaps you should say that instead of coming up a weasel word like "flexibility".

Last edited Aug 05, 2015 at 12:52PM EDT

roberthaha wrote:

Fullmcintosh actually thinks it's creepy to control sims.

You have to remember, this is from a guy who literally cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction. But even so, why is controlling characters in the Sims 4 worse than when you do it in almost every single other game ever made? Or hell, how is it worse than the other Sims games?

scoutception wrote:

You have to remember, this is from a guy who literally cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction. But even so, why is controlling characters in the Sims 4 worse than when you do it in almost every single other game ever made? Or hell, how is it worse than the other Sims games?

It's the very definition of Fullmcintosh.

Last edited Aug 06, 2015 at 06:39PM EDT

Doc_ock_rokc wrote:

Polygon, io9, The Guardian writer Tauriq Moosa "Is Necrophilia Wrong?", argues that our moral objections to necrophilia is wrong, and that it's okay.

This is the same guy who started the Witcher 3 doesn't have enough colored people argument.

Like, what the hell…He's a professor! and he's advocating this!

I think the problem with what he's saying is he's conflated something being morally wrong with something being disgusting.

While, yes, there are many moral systems that would consider this immoral, that's not the main issue. The biggest issue is that its a rotting and potentially parasite and disease ridden corpse, and its disgusting to have sex with that.

Colonial2.1 wrote:

Time article: What's this?

Apparently the time article that corresponds to that cover was well Insulting to nerds DatFelix brought up GG in the linked comment thread so I wanna know what do you guys that had read the article think about this?

After Shock wrote:

Apparently the time article that corresponds to that cover was well Insulting to nerds DatFelix brought up GG in the linked comment thread so I wanna know what do you guys that had read the article think about this?

reads excerpts

Gee, asshole, maybe the reason why 'nerds' are surly and ill-tempered around you is because you keep putting these dumbass stereotypes front-and-center. You're reaping what you sow, jackass, especially when you act like a two-bit minor Jojo villain.

Gimme a fucking break…

Last edited Aug 09, 2015 at 01:46PM EDT

Wasn't it revealed to be a trap tho? With GG's time reduced so much that it's impossible to make a point?
Or em I confusing it with something else?

Hrom wrote:

Wasn't it revealed to be a trap tho? With GG's time reduced so much that it's impossible to make a point?
Or em I confusing it with something else?

It may be, it may not be, we've got enough skills & evidence to make it backfire on anyone who tries.

After Shock wrote:

Apparently the time article that corresponds to that cover was well Insulting to nerds DatFelix brought up GG in the linked comment thread so I wanna know what do you guys that had read the article think about this?

I admit, I was surprised on how blatant they were in that article. But let's be honest, this is nothing new.

Nerds and Gamers have always been a popular punch line in pop culture. My biggest concern is how much these portrayals hurt Gaming's progress to being accepted as an artistic medium.

Doc_ock_rokc wrote:

Polygon, io9, The Guardian writer Tauriq Moosa "Is Necrophilia Wrong?", argues that our moral objections to necrophilia is wrong, and that it's okay.

This is the same guy who started the Witcher 3 doesn't have enough colored people argument.

Like, what the hell…He's a professor! and he's advocating this!

I know it's been 4 days already but…

Tauriq Moosa:
"Like incest, we may find the act of having sex with corpses disgusting, but we can’t let that be the only determinate of an appropriate response."
"We can treasure each other, love, care and empathise quite easily without divine or cosmic mandates. But when it comes to dead bodies, we cannot say the same. We cannot say we love the dead"
"But the reason we ought to be upset by someone violating a dead loved one is not because it will offend the deceased, but because it offends us."
"Thus, we can condemn necrophilia but we should get rid of the term and simply call it property violation. There is nothing special about a dead human body."

That reminds me of something else. Like dead bodies are arousing or something. Ah yeah:

Anita Sarkeesian:
"It is the collusion of violence done to women's bodies and the fact that it is often sexualized. The idea being that a dead woman is still inherently beautiful, even if her body has been maimed, her life stolen from her, something arousing still remains available for male consumption".



Now I understand the Tropes vs Women videos: it's actually aimed at SJWs. It was all a big misunderstanding. Or they're both insane, it's a possibility too.

LastAngryWrestleman wrote:

Felicia Day is getting a lot of attention lately and there's now a #notmyqueen hash running but I'm confused

What did she do to get put on a pedestal in the first place? Is she an actor, journalist or what?

she was in supernatural a few episodes of buffy and a number of other less successful shows. and had a few small VA gigs in the interim. then sometime last year she posted on facebook about how she encountered two guys with halo t-shirts (which she presumed to be gamers even though that is not nearly always the case) and crossed the street to get away from them. described here
and while I haven't heard of #notmyqueen that sums it up pretty well

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."

"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

For the lazy, a GGer said "don't be a dick while representing" and lost 30 followers. Everyone who lost connections for mentioning GG a year ago can relate to that.

How do those quotes relate to the nastiness of anti-GG worsening the lives of GG followers and neutrals?

And why bring it up now? : P

(sorry, it's late and I'm tuckered out)

Last edited Aug 14, 2015 at 03:05AM EDT

WarriorTang wrote:

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."

"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

For the lazy, a GGer said "don't be a dick while representing" and lost 30 followers. Everyone who lost connections for mentioning GG a year ago can relate to that.

Actually it was because he said:

GamerGate needs to grow up.

Purge the wrongthinkers.

GamerGate is solely about ethics in gaming journalism.

GamerGate is too mean.

Some of Ayyteam are my friends.

It's just the same old shit that never goes anywhere because it's impossible to police a hashtag.

This guy keeps going on about reality, but he doesn't get that the reason more devs aren't openly supporting us isn't because we don't tone police ourselves enough, it's because businesses stay the fuck away from controversy and it doesn't matter what we do, the media will always smear us, thus we will always be controversial until the media dies or surrenders.

It's like David Auerbach said, most devs are quietly pro-GamerGate. We're had far more then enough confirmation of that from anonymous devs, all the way from X-Bro up to the guy who made State of the Gaming.

Paolo Munoz has more on this topic.

It's funny how often "GamerGate needs to be more moderate" is accompanied by "GamerGate needs to purge the dissidents" (who's the extremist again?) and "Ayyteam isn't that bad" (if you're concerned about PR, why the hell would you not run as far as you can from those trolls?)

Honestly, he hasn't thought this through at all.

If he had his way 5 out of the 6 people at Airplay would be thrown under a bus.

Most devs are heavily anti-SJW because those moral panics fuck-up their games.

Last edited Aug 14, 2015 at 02:47PM EDT

WarriorTang wrote:

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."

"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

For the lazy, a GGer said "don't be a dick while representing" and lost 30 followers. Everyone who lost connections for mentioning GG a year ago can relate to that.

Honestly I'd have to agree with him.

Getting upset over words, throwing accusations about a systematically oppressive system that must change for the good of everyone, claiming oppression when criticized or disagreed with, using language designed for an "us vs them" mentality, and the whole "Blank was Never a Good Thing" spiel which just boils down to "I don't like what Blank said so fuck em and shut em down".

It's quite sad that in as of now, I honestly can't tell the GGer from the SJWer.

BGT: There's a difference between criticism and disagreement in good faith and slander. GG also recognizes the existence of neutral parties, whereas anti-GG groups very rarely do. For the rest, however, I don't have much I can argue (off the top of my head).

Colonial2.1 wrote:

BGT: There's a difference between criticism and disagreement in good faith and slander. GG also recognizes the existence of neutral parties, whereas anti-GG groups very rarely do. For the rest, however, I don't have much I can argue (off the top of my head).

My problem with that is, if you treat everyone like crap except those who you agree with, what's the point of acknowledging differences? Your still acting like an asshole to everyone, you've created a distinction without a difference.

Black Graphic T wrote:

My problem with that is, if you treat everyone like crap except those who you agree with, what's the point of acknowledging differences? Your still acting like an asshole to everyone, you've created a distinction without a difference.

I believe he meant acknowledge as in "we understand you have a different opinion and you are both entitled and respected for having that opinion."

In other words, GG don't call people psychopaths and misogynists for daring to not side with them on a given issue. The key difference is that if you say you don't Gamergate is right, the worst your going to get a stern lecture about what's wrong with your logic (assuming you provided any). If you don't change your opinion, then there's nothing else going to happen to you. No one is going to mail you a syringe with fluid in it. No one is going to send you free knives with a message to kill yourself with those knives. No one is going to send swat to your home or the fire department… and on and on with the social commentary about what Anti-GG has regularly been caught doing.

Hold on. Have you seen this behavior for yourself? Standard GG policy (for a given value of 'standard') is to allow questions and disagreement. I will admit, however, that many GG followers get testy if the disagreement/question seems to insinuate things long since disproved, or outright insults. A small few, I won't name names, might even lash out in response. However, the difference is clear: GG factions will accept questioning, anti-GG factions by-and-large do not, and will block or ban as "necessary" until the questioner (no matter how civil and/or well-reasoned) is rendered silent.

There are differences in the factions, BGT. It's not black and white so much as differing shades of grey, and I don't absolve GG of its failings and follies, but I'd say that I'm comfortable with the differences I see. Further improvement would be nice and beneficial, though.

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MrKillultra wrote:

I believe he meant acknowledge as in "we understand you have a different opinion and you are both entitled and respected for having that opinion."

In other words, GG don't call people psychopaths and misogynists for daring to not side with them on a given issue. The key difference is that if you say you don't Gamergate is right, the worst your going to get a stern lecture about what's wrong with your logic (assuming you provided any). If you don't change your opinion, then there's nothing else going to happen to you. No one is going to mail you a syringe with fluid in it. No one is going to send you free knives with a message to kill yourself with those knives. No one is going to send swat to your home or the fire department… and on and on with the social commentary about what Anti-GG has regularly been caught doing.

No, what you're going to get is legions of downvotes with the no reason or becuase "you don'[t like what I support". You're going to get called a SJW cunt-bag that should be killed or severely tortured. What you're going to get is death/bomb threats because people disagree with you…along with “we understand you have a different opinion and you are both entitled and respected for having that opinion.”. Same for the otherside, no group is EVER without extemists and you do have extremists, if you're going to point out the other side's extremist and faults you have to acknowledge your own without just circlejerking on how cool and balanced you are. Cuz, well, you're not.

No Original Names wrote:

No, what you're going to get is legions of downvotes with the no reason or becuase "you don'[t like what I support". You're going to get called a SJW cunt-bag that should be killed or severely tortured. What you're going to get is death/bomb threats because people disagree with you…along with “we understand you have a different opinion and you are both entitled and respected for having that opinion.”. Same for the otherside, no group is EVER without extemists and you do have extremists, if you're going to point out the other side's extremist and faults you have to acknowledge your own without just circlejerking on how cool and balanced you are. Cuz, well, you're not.

Uh care to provide evidence that anything you actually said exists and can be tied to gamergate?

Oh and I'm sure downvotes is more important than "death/bomb" threats seeing as you mention that first.

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MrKillultra wrote:

Uh care to provide evidence that anything you actually said exists and can be tied to gamergate?

Oh and I'm sure downvotes is more important than "death/bomb" threats seeing as you mention that first.

Threads on /gamergatehq/ come to mind, also some on KIA.
And oh jee wiz, trying to get more credibility by nitpicking every little detail, real mature there.

Last edited Aug 15, 2015 at 12:09AM EDT

No Original Names wrote:

Threads on /gamergatehq/ come to mind, also some on KIA.
And oh jee wiz, trying to get more credibility by nitpicking every little detail, real mature there.

I'm making a point here, if having any extremists is grounds for disqualification than any extremism in anything you write is grounds for disqualification. It is more immature to ignore the whole because of the details than it is to pretend a detail makes up the whole.

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MrKillultra wrote:

I'm making a point here, if having any extremists is grounds for disqualification than any extremism in anything you write is grounds for disqualification. It is more immature to ignore the whole because of the details than it is to pretend a detail makes up the whole.

Its not pretending to make up things, its pointing out flaws, everyone does this, except a lot of Gamer Gate. Yes, you do many good things but no, you're not perfect and do some rotten things.
Its not grounds for disqualification, its pointing out what you fail to point out.
also "ordering" things isn't grounds for extremism, not in the slightest, you really had to stretch to find whats not even the truth lol.

Last edited Aug 15, 2015 at 12:24AM EDT

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