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Force yourself to watch something terrible based on who becomes president | Featuring: Jacob watches Love Live!

Last posted Apr 05, 2017 at 09:36PM EDT. Added Nov 08, 2016 at 06:52PM EST
48 posts from 21 users

If Hillary wins, I'm watching the entire first season of Sword Art Online.

If Trump wins, I'm watching all of the Madea movies.

You lose in both scenarios, so approach this thread with caution. Depending on who wins, update your progress on whatever you're watching if you feel like it.

Last edited Nov 08, 2016 at 06:53PM EST

If Hillary wins, I will repurchase Haydee and install shit-load of erotic mods to Skyrim until the game crashes.

If Trump wins, I will donate money to Sgt. Mark IV and write a 500 word essay about why Brutal Doom is the greatest modern take on Doom and why it stumps any FPS in existence.

I will post my status on Riff-Raff. Godspeed to me.

Last edited Nov 08, 2016 at 07:29PM EST

At the time of this writing, Trump has the lead.

I heavily regret saying I'd watch the Madea movies. Anything would be a more pleasant experience, including SAO.

Oh, erm, and Trump being president would suck I guess. Iunno. Madea is obviously a bigger issue.

Last edited Nov 08, 2016 at 10:23PM EST

Firestorm Neos wrote:

The hell was wrong with the Bowflex videos that warranted them being taken down? Copyright?

SiIva just decided they weren't funny and removed them. He has a tendency to take rips down if he feels like they aren't funny or don't add anything to the channel.

Okay, so, when I said I would do this I thought Love Live! only had one season…
Also, in spite of what would appear to be evidence to the contrary, I've only actually seen like 10-15 seconds of Love Live in video form before this.

Episode 1: May Our Dream Come True!

For Starters:The opening and ending is a fucking MMD video, which really isn't a good excuse to post the only good MMD videos but fuck the police imma do it anyways

At least it looks better than the models in the kancolle anime…

Alright now for the characters
Honaka: voice and personality fits pretty much what I thought. Not that this is a good thing…

Kotori: didn't not know that the Photobomb thing happened in the intro

Umi: Voice is deeper than I thought
Nico (niko): voice feels really odd. Not what I was expecting
any other characters did not leave much of an impression yet.

Honoka gets into a depressive slump from seeing the news

JK, it's really how their school is going to be closed eventually because there are not enough prospective students. Honoka panics because she think's she'll have to take new entrance exams, because she's a poor grades lazy fuck it seems, but in reality all current student will still graduate. Still she hates the fact the school is closing.

Also: Why do all these girls love their school so much. 96% of the students I knew in high school would want to see the place burn to the ground.

She also loses her shit when she finds out her little sister doesn't plan on going to her school. Her sister, Yukiho tells her about the how all the popular schools have idols, and therefore I hate her. She also dresses is really slutty clothing for someone not even in high school yet, but at least that's at home and not outside.

Honoka and her maternal side of the family apparently have a history there, and it's unfortunately not one of arson. She looks through he mom's graduation book and gets motivated to save the school I guess, and wakes up early the next day. She steals her sister's pamphlet and respectfully visits one of the other high schools

She meets Nico wait I'm not supposed to know that yet and she tells about this school's idols, A-RISE CHICKEN while the group performs before schools starts on a television screen. Don't they have class at this school or something? If they don't why didn't Honkers apply there first.

After this, Honkers decides they need to into idols to save their school

As of right now Umi was fave because she is the sanest of the group and takes none of ur idol shit Honaka. That was until she fucked up playing Robin Hood because of stupid sexy idols. At least she kinda looks like aircraft carrier Kaga when that happened.

Umi and Kotori talk about how Honkers always makes them do crazy shit in the past, but never regretted it, as clearly evidenced here:

They find Honker failing to practice for being and idol and falling down and hurting her butt alot

They go to school council to make idol club, but they don't have enough people, and the president calls the whole idea stupid anyways, so they give up without argument and the anime ends… or so I wish.

Oh did I mention that I don't like singing? Musicals in general aren't usually my thing unless it's Fiddler on the Roof because they are pretty much Amish there. The episode really ends with her singing in babout how she'll keep trying with dodging in and out of traffic.

Unfortunately, she ends up completely unscathed which is both extremely disappointing and and completely unrealistic.

She also turns back into a 3-D horror for some reason during parts of the song. It's not like the shit that they made her 3-D was particularly hard to animate for the most part. And then Kotori and Umi join her and finish their impromptu performance in the street with no prior training flawlessly… because that makes sense. At least it's possible it was all in their head.

May or may not post more updates. Obviously posting more Idol updates

Last edited Jan 07, 2017 at 12:41PM EST

So, I'm already one movie into the "Madea" marathon, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, and I already wanna blow my brains out. The first movie is sappy melodramatic garbage with dialogue that would fit quite well in the Star Wars prequels. It feels like a mashup of several different movies, constantly changing tone. Scarily enough, Madea herself is the highlight; not because she's funny nor because she's a good character, but instead because she's so out of place in an otherwise pretentious film that it's almost funny.

Last edited Nov 11, 2016 at 12:52AM EST

I've seen about three movies now, and I've already finished the video review I'm doing.
A preview

I'll upload it tomorrow once I've finished tweaking it to make it better.

Alright, episode two of Live Live!

>"Lets Be Idols!"
lets not

"It's what the cards tell me to do"
Okay, did Nozomi walk in from Yu-Gi-Oh!, or Card Captor Sakura or…

Umi continues to be best girl with both taking none of this idol shit and trying to hide prior chuunibyou inclinations (and being dressed as admiral for a few seconds didn't hurt either)

Random things about how much the girls fail to be competent at basic things like being on a diet for more than 6 hours continue to happen.

Need to learn how to sing? TOO BAD! MARATHON TIME!

Friggen Nozomi sweeping on the temple grounds looks like Akagi.

Maki doesn't want to save her school: first remotely realistic depiction of High school girls in series so far.

Okay, Nozomi goes from semi-creepy girl who doesn't talk a lot to, girl most likely to rape entire entire cast from 0-60. (which I really should have seen coming from the KYM uploads)

Did I mention I don't like the singing. At least in this one it's really only in the intro and a in anime CD but it's going to get worse, I know it.

Episode 3:
> "First Concert!"
Please be last as well

Honaka becomes second most laikly to rape entire class (though it's actually jsut ear rape).

Umi continues to be best girl and still is having none of this idol crap. Stop forcing her into crowds please.

Umi also refuses to wear a skirt that isn't at least knee length, which would normally give points, but her uniform skirt is shorter than that.

Hanayo and Rin keep showing up rather oddly. While I get that any cast that is composed of largely (or in this case, totally) one gender is going to have certain connotations, these two seem are the biggest sources of it thus far. A shame quiet glasses got kidnapped as she was literally the only one who wanted to see the concert.

Alright, the power Puff Girls are ready

Curtains go up, Honaka opens her eyes and "You can actually pinpoint the second where her heart rips in half"

Dang, that is kinda sad though.

Alright, so now that the concert is a bust with literally no one wanting to see it, That shuts down th whole idol thing. I wonder what the rest of the anime is going to be about.

Wait, quiet glasses showed up to save the day and forces this anime to still be about dumb idol stuff.

Did I mention I don't like singing? The switching between what feels like 2-D MMD flat animation and 3-D imensional Pig Disgusting MMD style animation is really odd. Again, not as bad as Kancolle, but yeah. At least it switches between cast members, including those who are not singing.

Also, forgot to mention earlier, but maracas Rin is possibly best thing about the anime other than Umi

Episode 4:
"Maki Rin Pana" yeah, got nothing

Young quiet glasses is adorable.


Alpaca is now 2nd best girl

"Their necks are so fluffy"

Alpaca used Lick.
Kotori Fainted!

>Quiet glasses alpaca whisperer
>new tie with second best girl

Quiet glasses trying not to like Idols is adorable and worth hiding because idols are trash

Holy shit the only boys who have had a talking role so far are these jerks in a flashback. I can see why the idols made them critically endangered in their anime.

Oh good, the school council of only two people wants to shut down the idols. please let that work…

Maki lives in mansion and will be running a hospital soon. I take back what I said about her earlier being a realistic depiction of highschool girls. Wait, now she's lying about things she likes. So, maybe semi accurate

Now quiet glasses is in the candy shop… and looking around. I wasn't expecting the murders to happen this early in the anime. No, they are conscripting her into being an idol. Death would be a preferable alternative.

Maki and Rin fighting reminds me of the final battle for the Water Purifier in Fallout 3: both sides want literally the exact same thing, SO LET'S FIGHT OVER IT!

So now they all become idols and next morning… WHERE ARE THEY!?!!?!

"It's cute. Really cute"
"It looks nice"


Alpaca is officially second best girl without any competitors.

The ending bit with Nico was neat, and is nice for stuff like this

Nico Attacks will be next Monday or later.

Last edited Nov 22, 2016 at 11:05PM EST

Episode 5: Nico Attacks

First and foremost, for those who don't know, Nico is probably the most recognizable character from the series, to the point even if you've never seen the show, you know her. Even though they have not formally introcuced her before this, I could easily recognize her even in all the disguises she shows up in.

Episode begins with some Nico spying on Kotori bird watching. Honkers goes after the watcher and

one idol down, 5 to go and Nico is the Moe Terminator.

Dangit, honkers didn't die yet. At least she has to have a bandage.

>"The choreography was terrible"- Maki
> It's Umi's choreography
Maki why ;_;

Uh oh, it's raining. Wait, it let up. now they gonna practice and slip off the practice roof onto the grounds below. Wait, now it's raining again.

Nico continues to stalk the idols. Hoping for kidnapping and random of never being an idol again. Instead sticking with petty theft by sealing fries [though maybe this makes them go all Captain America 3: Civil War on each other]. Hope of this is ruined after Nico in disguise is caught stealing, so hopefully the will cut off her hand.

Argument ensues. "You're an embarrassment. You should quit immediately"
I can see why some think Nico is best girl.

Random boys keep calling her poop because of her disguise. I can't help but feel there's a metaphor about waifus in there somewhere.

Student Council "Already an idol club, so you can't make one"
I can't tell if I should be happy that there is something stopping this nonsense, or angry that there are so many more idol wannabes. Wait, there's only one and of course it's…. NICOTINE!

>Title is "Nico Attacks"
>Faces off against 6 members of Idol wannabe club
>I'm sensing a reverse Ninja principle here
Or she runs in terror to hid in the next room and bolt out the window.

Rin chases after in the rain, which is odd because most cats hate rain.

David Aftenbough voice
The fleeing Nico, despite gaining a head start in the chase begins to tire out. Her body is only built for quick bursts of speed. Rin has much more experience running during idol training, and soon catches up to her prey. Her feline instincts kick in and she easily captures her target. However, Rin's success is short lived, as Nico is quickly able to escape her grasp and get away. Rin stands there in disbelief, allowing Nico to gain the advantage. The success of Nico is short lived as she runs directly into the path of the alpacas. Unable to stop moving she crashes into the nearby straw and screams.
End David Atterbough voice

They presumably kidnap Nico and start looting through her idol stuff. Quiet glasses is still kinda cute even if she's no longer quiet or with glasses. She goes on about the awesome DVD collection known as "Leg-Leg-Legend" Which I hope is just this image on all the discs

Anyways "Nico Nico I refuse" because idols are great and you're not blah blah blah… quit while you're ahead. Just say I refuse and make the anime end.

"Have you created characters for yourselves" uh oh, is she asking about fursonas/gemsonas/ponysonas/clownsonas?

Wait a sec, these frames look familiar like I've seen them in gifs or something and…

No don't… you can stop this no NO NO DON'T DO IT NO! NO! NO! STOP! NOOOOOOOOO!

Well, Nico went from being in the top five to, I didn't know the chart went that low….

At least the music right after it is pretty nice. I would be cool if the anime was all done to music that sounded like that. She throws them all out of the room, but at this point the damage is done. Nico will never be best girl.

Apparently Nico was part of a group of earlier idols who all quit because they couldn't keep up but I'm pretty sure that's code word for she killed them to gain their Idol power.

Honoka "She [Nico] is just like you Umi"

Honkers quickly tries to join Nico in the race to worst girl.
Tiny Umi further cements her place at rank of best girl.

Alright, so now they all snuck into idol club room to surprise Nico and sacrifice her to the IdolM@sters so become competent idols actually it was more like this:

And that's where the episode ends….

Might need some chemo afterwards, so next update may be a little longer down the road than I'd like.

Last edited Nov 28, 2016 at 11:28PM EST

twofer since if I keep doing these they need to be shorter.

Episode 6: Who is Center? This is sounding like it's plans for idol orgy.

Episode is them being on camera and acting cute and embarrassed that they are on it. I'd complain more but really, without the idol stuff being the focus.

Cute moe stuff, more cute moe stuf, and more cute moe stuff.

Then comes the battle for who shall lead the band of warriors idols when they realize leader honkers doesn't actually do anything. Although it seems that it really made no difference to her one way or another…The most of rest of the episode is nico being upset she's not chosen as leader and making a bunch of cute/creepy faces.

Evetually they decide on no leader, and manage to fit in a musical score… for some reason. I know they try to make the MMD look good but 2D GIRLS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY

Episode 7:Elichika

There's an emergency having to do with Love Live (title drop). Something something idol event that quiet not glasses loves. I didn't realize anger was an emotion she was capable of. They get some approval from the director of the school to go to love live but they can't fail any exams. About half immediately give up all hope of going which is a good sign.
And then this happens


alot alot

alot alot alot alot

Why exactly has she not been arrested at this point?

Eli (who i'm just going to call Elsa from now on) is the student council president who seems to hate the idols but has family backstory with the school. This is really odd because because both she and her grandmother are Russian, so going to a Japanese high school doesn't really make sense.

Last edited Dec 04, 2016 at 10:02PM EST

Loli wrote:

Holy shit, someone free Jacob from this madness, he will end up becoming an IRL japanese idol… or an idol rapist.

Episode 8: What I want to do

So they decide that the high school really is going to be closed unless different thing goes well, and once again, anime shows high school girls in unrealistic situations of wanting to save it. Also, the director is Kotori's mom or something? Did I miss that?.

After Elsa shuts down talk among student council about idols, as clearly students want to go to a school for it's rich history and.. zzZZzZZzz….

Wanna be idols ask Elsa for dance lessons, and she calls them out on being the lazy slobs they are (which is pretty accurate depiction of high school girls).

Blah Blah blah, stuff happens and now Elsa and Molester join the group making nine. Then they do a musical bit which actually has a reason to exist this time. Did I mention I don't like singing?

Episode 9: Wander Zone

Spoiler Alert: Wander does not actually make an appearance.

Umi gets all teary eyed because someone with some sense has finally joined the club, which still puts her as best girl, but now she has less reason to leave so I might need to resort to that kidnapping after all

Now they want to get more upvotes popularity online. If KYM has taught me anything there's a clear way of doing it but I'd rather not have the FBI van show up at my house while watching this

Quiet not glasses makes screams that sound like they would attract an FBI van very uh, yeah… Thankfully it's just her looking at idol junk and not her and the orange cat making out. Also, this store they visit has a bunch of merch of them as idols, which is really creepy TBH but I guess some people would actually by that stuff.

Nico also goes berserk because she can't immediately see any of the goods with her on it, which is odd because I count 7 things at minimum with her there. Either the animators fucked that up or going blind is one of the terminal signs of Nico Cancer.
also, aren't you guys supposed to get royalties on this shit or something?

Kotori awkwardly meets the others at the shop and then runs away, only to be threatened by Moe Lester like the other girls.

blah blah blah Kotori has a maid fetish part time job, and they somehow pull of a rotation of her head in 2-D holy shit wasn't expecting that.

Idols decide they want to act like homeless street performers for next concert, and ask Kotoribird to write next song.

TBH I've not really paid much attention to the lyrics of other songs so I have no idea if her's are the norm or not, but they act like it's bad. Eventually she cons the others join her in her maid fetish a song she wrote, but not before Nico makes this face

Honkers and Kotoribird also confess love for each other, but it's friend kind, not yuri kind.

Last edited Dec 05, 2016 at 11:10PM EST

Episode 10: No Senpai Allowed!

Elsa says something about "there a no juniors or seniors anymore". This is supposed to make them all feel like equals(which is the theme of the episode), but all I think about when I hear that is Bioshock's "No gods or kings, only men"

They want to go on a trip, but remember they are all broke as hell so beg. Honkers asks Kotori for the money first

But then they remember Maki's family is rich and beg her to take them to her family's summer home.

Anyways, they go and do things on the beach like normal human beings and don't listen to you intensive training plan Umi

They get nothing done, and try to sleep but do pillow fight instead

Maki turns into a pillow fight terminator for a little bit, but is defeated.

Episode 11: The Greatest Concert
Did I mention I don't like singing?
The episodes have all started (save the first one) with an episode recap. However, here it's just Nico Cancer, which seems to suggest that even the people who made the previous episode thought it was filler.

"Due to declining birth rates, this school is in danger of being closed"
I think it's interesting they actually bring up a real world issue in a thing that could arguably be the cause of said issue… Also, maybe the low birthrate is due to he fact the only male character really "shown" is Honkers dad, and even then…
Love live concert is coming up, and they have to gamble for their ability to use school auditorium. Nico and Honkers make these faces

…and they fail. Oh well, all their hopes and dreams are now crushed.
Except Honkers decides they should hold a concert on the school roof. Kotori also has a thing but can't say what it is. Honkers gets excited for the concert that she trains herself sick. Also, it's raining but they decide to do roof concert in the rain anyways. Despite being sick, Honkers does a flawless performance… until she fucking dies after the first song is over. (okay, so probably more of collapse due to being sick).

Up next: the SEASON Finale of Love Live! School Idol project.

Can we suggest other things for Jacob to watch after it's over? I have a whole spectrum of shit I'd like to know his reactions to

Alright, sorry for the delays, with holidays and feeling sick, I wasn't planning on it being a two week wait. I plan to do season 2 as well, as long as it stays on Crunchy. Would to Sunshine but it's not licensed for US Crunchy, and the "other" sites might get my apartment internet blocked.

Open to suggestions for other things but needs to be on Crunchy and prefreabbly not something I'e already seen.

Episode: 12 Honkers fucking dies friends

They take away Honka's dead body. It then skips to them visiting her at home sick in bed. She looks about how I felt the last couple days. The reveal that they withdrew from the Love live running so they won't perform there. Honaka is really depressed after hearing this, and the girls notice when shre returns. They don't wanna see her like this so, they do the one they that can do to change it, have Nozomi molest her. wait WHAT?!?

Despite not going to Love Live they still want to practice and perform to attract new students. However, they find out that a bunch of students applied so the school won't shut down. Hooray now the anime can end, right? Well, Kotori keeps looking depressed, but won't spill the beans. Did she get Nico cancer and only has 3 weeks to live?

Wait, no, she's going to study abroad. So basically it's becoming Kiniro Mosaic in reverse then? Then Honkers snaps and if this were another anime, it would be the part where she starts trying to kill someone. They both end up hating each other after what happened, which, if this was another anime, would be the the part where they would need to be on suicide watch.

They try to get Honkers to do another concert before Kotori leaves, but then she goes all depressingly existential on them.

She says that there is no point in continuing. Nico's response basically the "I Coulda Been a Contender" bit

Honkers says she quits, which prompts Umi to slap her. This bit I might be able to take a bit more seriously if the cherry ending song wasn't starting to play over it. If they had made a different ending song (a sad one) or at the very least, had similar ending animation but without Honaka It might work a little.

Episode: Upside Down "u" music start

You know how I said the last episode should have ended with a sadder song? well they put it at the beginning of this one. Clearly making a sad version of the ending song wasn't something they couldn't do, so why didn't they put it at the end of the last episode?

Anyways, they go on hiatus and Honkers quitting basically made most of the rest of them quit as well. Basically, only the questionable lesbians and Nico are still "in it".

Honaka joins some other classmates at an arcade where she gets triggered by one of the dance machines. Despite this, she still does well at it.

She talks with some of the other idols and former idols. She apologizes to Umi about being a problem recently with all the idol crap. Umi's response is literally:

Next is basically a much much shorter and less epic version of this:

(seriously, how close if the airport to the school? It's like it took her less than 10 minutes to get there and run back and it gave no indication of her taking a vehicle either).
Now they both are back perform a concert with the rest for the school and OH GOD THE 3-D RETURNS and then it ends… Like, that's it basically. The end credits roll, though it does have a nice recap of the series playing behind the credits with some of the funnier bits.

Alright, well, season 2 will have to wait till next year, sorry guys.
Until then

Last edited Dec 31, 2016 at 11:24PM EST

In the wake of Jacob starting Season 2 today, I have updated the thread with a new title and shiny featured star!

Gear up, because this ride is making Jacob a weeb.

RandomMan wrote:

Jacob starting Season 2 today


RandomMan wrote:

this ride is making Jacob a weeb.

I'll be fine, I am 100% WEEB PROOF

Season 2 Episode 1: Another Love Live!

The director tells the whole school formally that it will not be closing, and they will be getting new juniors.

They hand it over to the student council president. Elsa gets up on the stage… wait no, she's clapping. Did Miss Molester become president now? Oh, it's someone else and HONKERS!?! WTF. WHY SHE NEW PRESIDENT!?!?

And then she throws the microphone in the air to be all "showy" [Student #159 please introduce yourself normally]
Then she goes musical number for a bit walking through the hallways. TBH, while it's really annoying song, it's kinda neat because it's not just her performing on stage but actually a more traditional musical style bit (complete with random girls in the background singing along perfectly) and NOT FUCKING 3-D. Wait… apparently none of that really happened and it was all in her head, and her speech was just here spacing out. She also realizes that becoming student president requires her to actually do things you know, her one weakness. At least Umi is vice president and will keep her in line.

And now we switch to…

While Rin Cat, Nico Cancer, Quiet not glasses and Maki are on the roof getting ready for practice, Quiet not glasses gets a text about something amazing. They all find out and go on a stampede to find Honkers to tell her… whatever it is. They finally find Honkers and Nico tells her

A New Love Live will be happening no shit I'm already watching it where they can tray again to perform. However, there are regional preliminaries and A-RISE, CHICKEN who won the last Love Live are in their region. Upon learning this, Nico and Quiet not glasses lose all hope and fucking die but they all decide they should enter anyways. Honkers, however, returns to the dark side and says maybe they shouldn't try for Love Live. (or wait, was the light side… I still hate idols right??…) This causes a panic attack among the idols. Then Nico loses it and decides to take mattes into her own hands.

They force her to look at a mirror to show her that this is what a jerk looks like or some shit like that. Of course she can't see it and with mirrors like that, I can't blame her:

Honoka's stomach growling breaks the silence, and she decides having a break right now is more important than giving a strait answer. They all agree for some reason I guess. Rin cat Honkers and Elsa get photos taken

They improve Elsa's look in them quite a bit TBH

Later, the idols, sans Honoka, talk to each other via group call about what they should do about Honkers, why she doesn't want to enter and which assassin would do the job the cheapest. The next morning, Nico confronts here and says "Fite me"

Nico Cancer and Honker decide on a race up the stairs they practice on. If Nico Wins, they go to Love Live, and if she doesn't they won't. Unfortunately, while Honkers stops time via a flashback, Nico trips

Instead of having Honaka pass he easily, they call it off and all discuss. This is the last chance for the the older girls to be able to go to Love live as a group. So, Honaka changes her mind now I guess? They really didn't go into why she didn't wanna go TBH. And then she basically says FUCK YOU RAIN and it stops raining because she's fucking Storm now too I guess.

The end credits of the episode go over another musical number, While the 3-D dose still look really distracting at times, it's done a little better here, They switch it up with traditional flat rotations and most of the actual 3-D is done quickly so it's not as noticeable. If not for two stretches of about 5-7 seconds where it's just 3-D I'd actually say it's pretty good.

I'll just do one for today. Also, since I seem to be burning through Love live images pretty quick, if anyone wants to upload some episode gifs or relevant meme images, they might make it into these if I think I can use them.

Last edited Jan 02, 2017 at 08:44PM EST

I'll slowly be polishing some of my older posts too since I have so many new images now, and spoiling them after that so they don't impact thread load time too much.

Season 2, Episode 2: Aiming for Victory

So, only songs that haven't been done before can be done at this Love Live. Nico suggest Nico cancer based song, but thankfully they all ignore her. They all decide to mooch of Maki's family and do another overnight trip, this time to a cottage in the mountains. They get ready to leave, but then realize Honkers didn't get off at the last stop because she's a failure at anything that isn't done for her. They finally get to the cottage and it's fucking huge, as expected. Apparently most of the idols have also never seen a fireplace or a ceiling fan. Something something fireplace clean something something Santa-san… wait… she thinks that.. Santa is…

Apparently all rush to silence Nico's revelation to Maki about Santa because it will crush her world view

They split up. Umi is to write songs, Kotori is to make costumes, and Maki is to compose music, With the rest go outside and… fall asleep I guess… Nico notices a squirrel with her wrist band. because she doesn't want it to get cancer and wants it back she goes after it. She gets Rin's help to help her reach over a steep slope, but then Rin can't hold on and they both fall.

They run uncontrollably until they fall into a river.

Thankfully Rin survives, but unfortunately, so does Nico. Tea is shared, but while trying to give some to Maki Umi and Kotori, it is found they all ran away. Their disdain for the idol life has made them so weak, though, that they can only escape to the backyard before being unable to continue.

They are rounded up and say that they are in a slump. First Elsa decides that there are never too many cooks so they'll all pitch in with their own ideas, except Nico who wants it all to be Nico cancer. But then Ms. Molester points out that this is bad, so they break into three groups.

Music group is Maki, Elsa, and Nico, who decide to pitch a tent… for some reason. I get that they want to work separately but like, it's a nice day out. You could just walk to a part of the woods a little ways away from the others. Clothing group is Kotori, Honkers, and quiet not glasses. They also decide to pitch a tent, but at least they are by a rocky stream bank, so it makes more sense there. Honkers does the only thing she's good at: sleeping, while quiet not glasses goes to pick flowers… because, that'll help them finish. Then they all go to sleep.

Umi, Rin cat and Ms. Molester go mountain climbing, and Umi is super serious about it, which makes Rin cat sad.

I know Umi is best girl, but Rin cat shouldn't cry :(. Ms. Molester convinces Umi that they should head back to a lower elevation though.

We switch back to Music group where Elsa reveals she's afraid of the dark. Nico cooks a potato on the campfire they made and shares it with Maki

However, Maki proves she's a beast immune to pain by splitting a potato that was just in the fire 15 seconds ago with her bare hands.

, Kotori, Umi and Maki all end up back in the cottage to work and they all go to sleep. The next morning we find Honkers sleeping dangerously close to the edge of a cliff on a very steep slope. This, of course, is never acknowledged, so I guess this is a normal thing for her?? When they all get back, the main group who was going to do all the work did all the work in the end anyways. They end up going back to school, and post signs for next concert at school and look on happily.

Finally Nico finds out she was ultimately not successful in keeping the squirrel for getting Nico Cancer.

Last edited Jan 06, 2017 at 05:13PM EST

Season 2, Episode 3: Door of Dreams

Preliminaries to go to the Love Live Event are coming up. Honaka admits to being incompetent about this despite being the leader of the group.

It then awkwardly cuts to mystery girl who goes thread simulator on us:

When then switch back, out idols see the intro video to A-RISE CHICKEN and I hope I don't have to remember their names because I already have enough idol shit stuck in my head. Honkers suggest they perform at the school so they won't be nervous but Nico Cancer and Quiet not glasses tell her that there is no room for mistakes and at their own school would be a bad idea (because thei school's computers' can't render the CGI time I guess??). Miss Molester also finally gets accuse of sexual harassment, but it's just because she wants to see Elsa in a sexy outfit, not for, you know GROUPING MULTIPLE HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS IN PUBLIC. Umi tries to flee after imagining herself having to wear a supposedly "sexy dress"(ironically, the one she envisions shows less skin than her school uniform)

They decide that there is more important shit that needs to be done than thinking about stupid sexy Flanders dresses, and instead go to the school broadcast room to appeal to their school to help with their concert by attending. Honkers starts to talk and fucks up, but keeps going. She then hands it over to the two idols who are clearly best choices for talking to a large crowd unprepared

Neither one of them says anything of substance in trying to attract people to see their concert

They then have to decide where they want to perform, and they want novelty in doing someplace they haven't done a concert before. While looking for places, they run into one of the A-RISE CHICKEN members. Honkers politely introduces herself

She is then kidnapped to presumably be "dealt with" in a back ally. However, then the other members of muse show up. I guess they realize the didn't have enough pre-dug shallow graves , so they treat them to a meal in their schools happening club cafeteria. They also seem to know a creepily large amount about the main idol cast… However, the whole meeting basically amounts to you guys work well together, good luck, and "we don't want to lose" with the worst thing said is calling Nico an "Imp" which she actually takes a a complement. Because of this overwhelming civility a positivity, the music decides to go for HUGE TENSION. can't you just FEEL THE TENSION BUILDING UP? Oddly, A-RISE offers to the main idol group to use their new stage on their roof, which they agree to. They then decide to perform back to back. I while the music is more up my ally than most of Muse's songs, I won't say much for A-RISE's dancing tbh,

Though if they did use 3-D CGI, I didn't really notice it.
To contrast with the outfits seen above, muse dresses like a bunch of flower girls at a wedding. It's easy to forget while they are performing what they are really like:

And ugh… the 3-D is really noticeable.
And then they finish and A-RISE acts a little worried because Muse's pre-scripted MMD performance contained no errors, and then it cuts to a new ending… without saying if muse FRIGGEN DID WELL ENOUGH FOR LOVE LIVE OR NOT!?!?! DON'T PUSH THIS OFF UNTIL THE NEXT EPISODE!!
I mean, uh… not like I care about that, uh… right guys?

Last edited Jan 08, 2017 at 12:36AM EST

Season 2 Episode 4: Best Idol in the Universe

It is clearly Carl Sagan. Someone prove me wrong

All the idols are nervous waiting for the results to be posted. Results say A-RISE CHICKEN has made it into the preliminaries along with…
East Heart

Midnight Cats

Mutant Girls

Alright, well now that their hopes for Love Live are all gone, I wonder what the other nine episodes are going to be about?
Wait no… It turns out it was just a dream that Honker had.
But now they are doing the exact same thing in the dream, and waiting to find out who passed the preliminaries. And events are unfolding exactly the same. Honkers tries to make some butterfly effect shit happen to make sure her dream doesn't ome true differently.
A-RISE CHICKEN has made it into the preliminaries along with…
East Heart

Midnight Cats

It takes them a minute for that to sink it, but they promptly go out and tell the most important non-idol characters in the anime.

Now they have another preliminary before they move onto Love Live in the future. They get ready for practice but Nico Cancer bails on them and tells the others she's busy. Like any group that needs practice but one member can't make it they practice extra hard stalk her so they find out what kind of shit she's up to. She notices them, however and bolts. Miss Molester catchers her in the back, but she squirms away. She then uses Kawaii-ouflage

Nico escapes again through two vans parked insanely close together and Nozomi is unable to follow due to… reasons

Nozomi then forces the other washboard after her in pursuit…

…but Nico escapes anyways. They talk about what they should do next when Mini-Nico shows up, who is really Nico's younger sister. She immediately enlists the other idol's help for a stealth mission I guess? At first she was cute, but we then learn that she has stage 4 Nico Cancer and thinks all the idols are just Nico's back up dancers, and that her sister has hundreds of paparazzi following her everywhere. Mini-Nico brings them to Nico's house where we find that they also have a much younger male sibling and wait WHAT!?!?

Nico also has been been editing all the posters and photos of the group so she is the center of attention in all of them. Nico comes home and the rest of the group politely request a quick discussion with her.

Nico bolts but is stopped by another sibling. We find out that Nico is caring for her siblings due to business trips of her parents. The rest of the group deduce that Nico is really egotistical prideful and wanted her family to think she was great when in reality she's just waifu trash and that she wanted to be an idol before but no one else wanted to. So the following day they kidnap her siblings bring her siblings to school to watch her perform.

She also tells her siblings that she is performing with her "backup dancers" as equals now, and then end with her singing a song over the end credits, and she doesn't say "Nico Nico Nii" once in it.

Last edited Jan 14, 2017 at 01:52AM EST

Season 2: Episode 5: A New Me
Another beach episode… except only some are at the beach.
Nico, Rincat, Quiet not glasses and Maki are stuck at school doing nothing. Miss Molester and Elsa are handling the student council while the group at the beach is gone. They also have a concert at a fashion show coming up.

We then cut to the beach crew having fun at the beach… in their heads while they try to wait out a typhoon. Honkers tries to act like Storm again, but she fails miserably.

Elsa calls Honkers and they decide Rincat should be made a temporary acting leader until they all get back.


Rin tries pawing the duty onto literally anyone else, though, because she doesn't think she'll make a good fit. Reminds me of some of the KYM moderators when they first got moded (Rincat for mod when?)

She apprently lost all confidence in herself when she became leader, which is kinda cute TBH, because she not just a FRIGGEN AIR HEAD LIKE THAT FRIGGEN HONOKA. She starts having self doubts about herself and being a good idol which might make sense IF THEY HADN'T ALREADY HAD HALF A DOZEN PUBLIC PERFORMANCES PRIOR TO THIS.

And now, the meme you have all been waiting on:

We find out that due to the weather, the beach crew is all stuck in Okinawa, and won't make it back until after the fashion performance. They tell Rin that because she is the temporary leader, she has to be the center wearing the super showy dress and her brain fdso gah frrzlmpr blaaa huygggni asdf;lj

She tries to run but Nico had a plan

They then talk about why she would not want to do it, and she says she thinks it wouldn't look good on her. because clearly this was an issue with all the other outfits that she wore for all the other performances. She's able to con Quiet not glasses into taking the role, with little input from quiet not glasses herself. However, the other idols switch her role back without her knowledge, and Quiet not glasses comes just short of saying that her and Rincat are lesbians.

Bizarrely, despite leading up to the start of the performance on stage, this musical bit doesn't really show them singing much. It also ends shoing Rin being confident in dressing "girly." on the one hand, it's nice she's confident. On the other hand, seeing here wear a non-uniform skirt is like

Season 2: Episode 5:

Idols plan to do an event for the holiday with A-RISE. Honkers says they need to have impact but then the rest of the group notices that she had student council duties that need being done, and the two responsible ones finally track her down…

They want to make a bigger impact than A-RISE (and yes they keep saying IMPACT-O quite a bit.) unfortunately, causing the movie Deep Impact to actually happen is beyond their abilities, so they try to do something else. Umi suggests dressing up

(note: this is the actual phrase used in the anime)

They later realize the whole thing is dumb, so they are back to square one (no I'm not joking, they did it to show off the costumes and then they were back in regular uniforms). Miss Molester uses the heart of the cards to see what their next action should be. It's change.

So they all decide to try and swap who they are… for some reason?It's both funny and extremely cringy seeing them all try to act like a different idol. It undertones that they all really want to kill each other for how they make the others look though is great.

Unfortunately, they decide to stop before any killing can actually occur.
They are again back to square one.
Then they go with a different route to change things up…

While it has impacto, it's not the one they wanted

And now we are back to square one AGAIN. But they ultimatly decide to just be normal.
They finnaly get some sort of hallloween-ish themed costumes and do a musical number at the event

Instead of hearing me rant about the creepy CGI like always, I'll just pretend it's what they performed.

Wow, they did a great job!

I thought that was where the episode was going to end, but Honker's sister goes through Honker's mail and finds… Something. She states back in amazement and yells "I Knew It!" So what is it? Do they find out the males have finally been wiped off the face of the Earth? Honaka has been in a coma since episode one when she was supposed to have been hit by a car? Are the Weebs creating a 3-D to 2-D portal to kidnap their Idol waifus?

Looks like I'll have to wait until the next episode to find out.

Season 2 Episode 7: We Have to Do Something!

So Honker's Sister show Mom Honk the letter, and they both react in horror to it, saying that it's too late for them to do anything about. Honk Prime enters and we find out it's basicalyl a health paper about her. She reads it off and gets to her weight…

We then switch to a training sequence on a treadmill

She tries to break from it, but Umi forces her to try on the outfit they had from the first concert to show her how much weight she's gained.

Honoka literally breaks down to tears and Umi keeps pushing it, forcing her on a diet.

Which of course means Quiet not Glasses needs to eat a rice ball as big as her head

This thing has to be at least 30% of her weight
She act's like a bit of a dick eating the 400lb rice ball in front of Honkers, but then they all decide she is also a fat slob and Umi tells it like it is

Honkers is glad someone else has to suffer with her though.

The rest of the group runs them like sled dogs on the Iditarod Trail

However, they pass a restaurant which has a special offer on rice. Honkers Temps quit not glasses, and she tries to resist but ultimately fails

and they both run in like drunk idiots and they do this for a couple of days. However, Umi finds out.

However, results are in and Quiet not glasses it back to normal weight. Honkers well…

Umi tells her off again

Then some shit happens with the budget and the art club so they have to stay late doing that. And hold a meeting, talk about the budget and problems and… I'm getting Phantom Menace Flashbacks MAKE IT STOP!!

And then the budget passes, and the episodes ends with Miss Molester and Elsa "Getting Parfaits"

Last edited Mar 05, 2017 at 08:07PM EST

Now, Jacob didn't specify that he would watch all of the Love Live anime. He just said All of Love Live. This includes, but is not limited to, every side story available in the Love Live School Idol Festival mobile app. I'll spare you the blu-ray set bonus discs because those might be hard to find.

PS: If you don't do this I'm burning your barn down.

Season 2 Episode 8: My Wish

They show the final four groups who are moving to the Love Live preliminaries. Honkers honks that her group will win in front of all the other groups. They now need to decide what song hey want to perform. Ms. Molester suggests a love song, but almost everyone is surprised at this suggestion. Quiet not Glasses goes full idol about needing one. Apparently, the reason they haven't done one is because Umi normally writes the songs has no real first hand romantic experience

They all surround her with their prying questions about if she has. However, when she admits she hasn't had any romantic experience, they opt for comforting as opposed to a Yuri orgy

Ms. Molester makes then try to do awkward romantic stuff on camera, officially so they can get inspiration, but mostly so she can keep the videos for herself to watch later.

Nico then does her bit

In the alpaca pen… for some reason… and the others to watch

This is also my Favorite Mega Man Game BTW

While they don't get anywhere, Elsa pushes for still going with the Love song. Maki thinks something is fishy though, and knows they would be better doing a song that they already know. A though goes through their heads Elsa is really an A-RISE spy attempting sabotage, which, while fun, is unfortunately not true. They then decide that to get inspiration, a romantic movie is in order. Honkers and Rincat fall asleep, Kotori, Elsa and quiet glasses tear up in how emotional it is, Nico does to, but tries to deny it. Maki and Ms. Molester are unaffected. and Umi can't stand it because of how a couple kissing in a movie is way too lewd for her to deal with.

Umi is best girl for a reason

Elsa suggests trying again to write lyrics, but Maki says they should abandon the idea because they won't have enough time to master it. All the others that feel compelled to say something, including Ms. Molester agree. However, after the group disbands, Maki asks Elsa and Ms. Molester about the love song idea, so they all go to Ms. Molesters house. This raises a lot of red flags, but they don't get too violated. Maki finally learns it was Mai's wish to go to love live with a song that has the feelings of all Muse members in one song, or at the very least, have all members contribute to something together again, the Yuri orgy idea was bad because? We also get sad backstory for Ms. Molester, how she transferred schools too many times to count which is why the police were never able to track her for her crimes. Maki feels bad, so invites the other idols to the house so they can all get violated write a love song. QUIET GLASSES HAS GLASSES AGAIN FOR A LITTLE BIT. I WILL CHERISH THIS MOMENT FOREVER They also tease Ms. Molester about her having pictures of them as a group on display.

And then they see it's snowing and go outside to enjoy it

Last edited Mar 05, 2017 at 08:12PM EST

Season 2, Episode 9: Melody of the Heart
Let's go with from the past:

It's snowing. While it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside, it's more of a "I want to go outside an play in the snow that hasn't been on the ground for two months and not watch anime."

Elsa, unfortunately can't seem to do anything about the snow, and they seem to plan to do a concert while it is going on. I'd make more jokes, but really, it's kinda nice having everyone be kinda quiet and acting rationally. Even Nico Cancer is pretty normal, by her standards anyway. While getting ready, part of the idol group walks past the stage for the final preliminaries for Love Live are going to be held, and note that it's big. Also, student council crew are going to be pressed for time because school thing. Bizarrely, honkers offers to do work. She tries to shovel snow prior to the concert, though it's obvious that she's not dressed for outdoor snow work in any way. A-Rise Talks to the Muse crew already there and say that the concert will decide their fate, but A-Rise will not lose.

When the student council thing is over, it's still snowing. And now the trains, cars and other vehicles can't really move.

Honkers Umi and Kotori decide to make a run through the blizzard in their normal school uniforms. And their bodies were recovered 5 weeks later in the spring thaw actually, some of the other students knew about shit shutting down, so they had people shoveling snow form their school to the concert. Because that makes sense. Anyways, they get to the concert fine and everything is fine. I'd make a more riffy posts bout this episode, but it was actually semi-serous and wasn't really that bad, though was odd. Now the credits roll and… wait… is this?

This is Motherf***ing ❄Snow Halation❄
(for those of you who don't know, if you only know the name of one song from Love Live, it's this. Only this one). Alright time to get another dumb weeb song out of the way and… and I…

Wow. I mean, I knew of the reputation this song had, but I wasn't expecting to actually like it. or to make me feel happy…


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