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[Just For Fun] No-fap September 2016

Last posted Oct 02, 2016 at 03:07AM EDT. Added Aug 21, 2016 at 07:26PM EDT
1405 posts from 113 users

Homura's Homutown wrote:

If I'm not mistaken, I believe you went over the three day time limit to check in after you made your Day 15 post. Am I correct?

Yea I guess I did, I was busy and forgot to post

Well, on the list or not I will continue with NFS

Mission Log: Day 25, 1753 hrs

Nothing much to report. Just tired and trying to catch up on sleep. These last five days are probably going to be boring but I'll be able to keep occupied.

Decreasing alert level to Yellow.

Mission Status: Active
Alert Level: Yellow

Aww what? Hard mode participants got auditory hentai? Fuuuuuck…

Extreme envy!

Day 24 END. Currently @ Day 25, 07:58PM
Status: On-Going
Sanity: Lethargic Calmness

She's pretty, kind, graceful, makes cute dolls, and has a great stage theme. What's not to love about Alice Margatroid?

Day 22. Starved myself browsing KYM, again. Went to class. Went home then ate dinner. Finished Himouto Umaru-Chan(Sylphynford a QT). Watched some Youtube vids. Listened to ASMR. Slept.

Day 23. I can't remember how but I somehow ended up looking at Rebornica's FN@F comics here in KYM. I then decided to re-watch Markiplier's Final Vanish gameplay. It was around 5-6PM at this time so I went out of my room for "brunch." Around 5 minutes into the video, I didn't feel like watching someone getting angry, depressed, and, scared. So I decided to get caught up on Jojo instead. I didn't really like Shigechi, but I felt really bad for him. Almost tore up. Also, I found myself rooting for Kira a few times. Is that bad? Loved hearing Stardust Crusaders theme once again. Though some oomph is lost since SHA still kept going. Once I finished the latest episode. I browsed KYM, specifically, the Shantae gallery since I was feeling a bit perky at the time. Went in Might No.9 gallery for a bit too. And then out of nowhere, video game ideas started popping into my head. Normally, I'll just think about it, but this time, I actually wrote it down. Took a shower after. Got more ideas while in there. After writing those down, I looked around KYM some more. At around 10-11PM, I made myself dinner consisting of Sweet&Spicy instant chow-mein, garlic toast, and strawberry milk. Was feeling really chipper at the time so I watched a new SoL series: Working! Aka Wagnaria. It was nice, though the show felt a little bit… too quirky? Other people in the house were watching a movie with the lights turned off so I had to do all that with only the light from my laptop on max brightness(except when I watched stuff on it). Only slept at around 7-8am

Day 24. I planned to get up earlier since I had volunteering work today. The actual time I got up was way later. Left home 20 minutes later than I planned. Got to work together with someone. Quiet, younger than me, and daughter of someone big at the place. Normally, I would be on edge, but I had more chill than I usually do. Our station was supposed to be really busy, but we only had to serve 2 customers. Our leader mentioned to me a sort-of-camping event. I'm not really the outdoorsy type so not much interested me, until she mentioned about shooting a REAL gun. Though it's only skeet shooting, but whatever. It has an admission fee of around $160 though. I don't really like asking for money, let alone asking for more than $10. I could pay for it myself but I have no job and don't really want to spend so much. Especially on something that in the end may not have a really good time with. Tried to doodle while waiting for my ride home but the phone died so I couldn't listen to music. So I played MH4U instead. Only went gathering though. I planned to doodle when I got home but I wasn't really feeling up to it. Tried to build an Armor set for farming a certain item that let's my hunter have infinite stamina instead. Made an online lobby and looked into the program "Discord," which was like Skype/Mumble, while waiting for people to join. Managed to create an account before anyone joined. Tried posting asking for help in a MH server. It was my first time using it so I just mimicked others' posts. I messed it up completely. Deleted my post incorrectly too. Asked in another channel but lobby was full with randoms once I got an answer so I had to read and hunt at the same time. Had to go to dinner after. Learned a little bit about with the app while eating. After dinner, I actually managed hunt with other people from the Discord server. Went hunting until it was 4:30am. Tried to write Day 24's report but I kept getting sidetracked and distracted so I just put it off. Browsed KYM and Youtube until it was almost 8. Fell asleep to Jap ASMR.

Day 25A. Woke up at 3:30. I was planning to snooze but I was forged to get up since I had to watch over my little sister and her friend that's coming over. Ate lunch while watching RWBY Chibi then played MH4U. I was planning to doodle instead but didn't felt up to it again. Normally I would play with people from the discord server but I practiced a farming routine alone for that I item I made a set for. I did this until it was dinner time, 8PM. Wrote this report before going though.

Nothing very special SAN-wise. Usual boners were there, though they popped up when I was tired so lost a considerable amount of SAN. My cheerfulness died down recently too. Though I think I had more times when I was ecstatic during late NFS compared to before NFS.
I noticed that I get most of my lewd thoughts when I hugging my pillow like a person and I'm on top. I also noticed that in my lewd thoughts that I'm a lot more assertive. Way rougher than I probably want to be. Also the thoughts themselves… feel different… than before NFS. Like, the thoughts are more vivid, my body's response feels better, and how I feel about it mentally… just different overall. I have to say, NFS has been a surreal and agonizing experience, and I just can't seem to stop. All these contained thirst really feels like it's melting me. I really can't wait until October…

PS: So many cute screenshots in the MLP gallery lately. It's tempting to go watch the new season, but for some reason I don't know, I kept staying away from it. I normally have no problems with watching the show.

Last edited Sep 25, 2016 at 09:07PM EDT

Day 25

Still in, 5 days left, we got this in the bag, …right guys?
Any how another thing I've been thinking about doing is writing/drawing my own porn just to rile myself up for the last few days. Then once October 1st hits, I'll have my all my possible fap fantasies ready to go. Normally my problem with writing or drawing porn normally is that I start fapping mid way through the work and it takes me multiple days to get anything down that way…

Day 25: Still in.

Cough has gone down immensely from yesterday, so that's a plus.

Also, started playing Touhou Mother. Even though I don't know all that much about Touhou. So why would I play it? BECAUSE IT'S A MOTHER GAME OF COURSE! Game has proven to be HI-LARIOUS so far. Also, trees. Trees are now going to be in my nightmares. Especially ones colored purple. Like, holy crap.

Finally, I have been doing some studying. I believe this is the first time in my life I've ever come to find anything to do with the act of studying even remotely enjoyable. I could get used to this.

So remind me, how strict am I suppose to be with the three day time limit? You know, just curious.

Homura's Homutown




He Who Has Not Been Named

Henry from Another Dimension






Shulk Heir to the Monado


Sergeant Arch Dornan

Skimpy Crusader

Mudkip Master




S1MP50N (local AFOL)


Cecaelia Girlie



More Metals



Homura's Homutown wrote:

So remind me, how strict am I suppose to be with the three day time limit? You know, just curious.

Homura's Homutown




He Who Has Not Been Named

Henry from Another Dimension






Shulk Heir to the Monado


Sergeant Arch Dornan

Skimpy Crusader

Mudkip Master




S1MP50N (local AFOL)


Cecaelia Girlie



More Metals



Personally i kick people out of the list who haven't posted over a week.
You Are Reading This barely made it in the list this time.
As for people like Boshy, i'm really sorry but there is no excuse for not posting here for 20 DAYS. But that's how i do it, you can do it on your own way.

Really appreciate it man, if it wouldn't be for you this event would be even more chaotic.

you can do it on your own way

Oh good, because this entire time I've been using a slightly modified version of what Saber already put in place to compensate for timezone shenanigans. Benefits everybody except me which isn't much of a problem since I'm making the list everyday.

Day 26

Still in
Victory is so close I can feel it, a little too much, sexual frustration is getting off the charts. However, only 4 more days to go, almost there, so no backing down! WE GOT THIS BOYS! TIME TO FACE THE ELITE FOUR!

Oh magic 8-ball, will FOBS ever be updated to version 1.09 this month?

Homura's Homutown




He Who Has Not Been Named

Henry from Another Dimension






Shulk Heir to the Monado


Sergeant Arch Dornan

Skimpy Crusader

Mudkip Master




S1MP50N (local AFOL)


Cecaelia Girlie



More Metals



Day 26: Still Alive.
Also, a little story. Was playing Crusader Kings II as a Suomenusko Prussian Emperor, and he caught syphilis out of nowhere. He might have gotten it from his adulteress wife, but she didn't have it listed on her stats. My Court Physician (read: crazy shaman with some books and a lot of scary knives) gave me some treatment options, and I decided to risk it. He gouged the Emperor's eye out, and somehow, his Syphilis was cured.

Mission Log: Day 26, 2246 hrs

Woke up feeling groggy today. Urges starting to lightly act up again but other than that I've just been killing time until October comes. Good time to finally get around to clearing my anime backlog. (Just started watching JJBA dub.)

Mission Status: Active
Alert Level: Yellow


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