(Twitter / @psychotika_)

There's "break stuff" gamer tilt, then there's "book a flight from New Jersey to Florida to attack an online opponent with a hammer and get arrested on charges of attempted murder" gamer tilt.

Twenty-year-old Edward Kang recently experienced the latter, and on Tuesday, the Nassau County Sheriff's Office briefed the press on the wild case.

Sheriff Bill Leeper told reporters, “Some things make you say hmm. Some things you just can’t make up. There are some things that make you say, ‘What in the world was he thinking?’ And there are some things that make you say, ‘You’re not gonna believe this.’ Well, this case makes you say all four of those.”

Kang is accused of going well past full tilt over the MMO game ArcheAge. Sherriff Leeper explained that Kang booked a flight and arrived in Florida at 2 a.m. Friday morning. He went to a hardware store and purchased a hammer. He then broke into his victim's house and commenced the attack. The victim's stepfather stepped in and the two were able to restrain Kang until police arrived.

Kang told police that his victim was a "bad person online" before asking them how much jail time he faced for breaking and entering and assault.

Social media was split between condemning Kang, ironically praising him, and joking or memeing about their own tilt moments. While many were firm in their belief that one should not travel great distances to beat a video game opponent with a hammer, some joked that they wished they had that commitment.

Twitter / 4_ben_media

Twitter / knewter

Twitter / Psychotika_

Leeper said Kang can expect to not play video games again for a "long time," and when he does, he will not be able to play ArcheAge, which coincidentally shut down its European and North American servers today.

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Comments 7 total


Guess he must have now realized the Bail cheat codes dont work in Florida



bro's latent Florida Man genes activated



HONESTLY I commend the guy. Florida is known for being crazy, having Stand Your Ground, and a bunch of guns/gators/drugs, so to decide to venture in with a single thought in mind, that's respectable on some level. Like he really could've just gotten shot and fed to a gator leaving the hardware store.



Now you don't even need to be from Florida to become a Florida man



i'm split on this one… i realy can relate and i do feel some people online realy deserve to have their shit kicked in but with a hammer? Personaly i think i would have gone with good old can of pepper spray. The pain caused by pepper spray is absolutely madening, it stick to everything and when used in and enclosed area the place become unbreathable for MONTHS. Everything in the room would have to be trashed even the tapestry and the carpet. As a bonus you can't realy be charged with assault with a deadly weapon and atempted murder unlike with a hammer.
