
Fresh off the success of their Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 remakes, Capcom has set its sights on the next title in the franchise: Resident Evil 4.

The news was broken yesterday by VideoGameChronicle, who cited multiple sources about the remake's development. It is looking at a release window of 2022.

The project will be helmed by studio M-Two, led by former Platinum Games head Tatsuya Minami. The studio offered some assistance on the recent Resident Evil 3 remake, but has been focusing on a Resident Evil 4 remake since 2018. Shinji Mikami, the original Resident Evil 4 director, gave his blessing for the remake but declined to direct it.

Resident Evil 4 is widely considered one of the best video games of all-time, and unlike the Playstation 1 releases of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil 4 still holds up well by modern standards. It introduced the more action-heavy, over-the-shoulder 3rd person mechanics which came to define future Resident Evil games and was adopted by many shooters that followed.

While the Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes were widely well-received, news of a Resident Evil 4 remake was met with some trepidation by fans who feared Capcom was potentially tampering with a classic.

While news of a remake is both exciting and worrying, one thing fans can agree on is the remake must retain one character from the original.

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Comments 15 total


Hopefully that's the last REmake. I'm fairly certain they won't touch RE5 because then they'd fall into another "you cant kill blac peepo!!" controversy and in today's climate too, they'd find bleeding hearts all over them like flies on shit.



Capcom could just slap "remake" on the title screen and literally change nothing else, and people will still buy it.



I don't mind. If they remake it and it ends up being bad, we will still have the original.



I feel like Code Veronica should’ve been given a number initially back when it first released,
Cause that’ll hopefully give it more attention for Capcom to remake it


The greater aerie



First, i want a remake of Resident Evil: Survivor



You can't improve perfection…
funnily enough Capcom did try, and what came out of it is RE5…
so yeah, I'm betting 100 bucks this game will more or less just be an RE5 with modern gen RE4 graphics and story…



I have a bad feeling about this, we havent had even a dlc for RE3R and they are already announcing RE4R. They most likely had planned a remake for RE4 long before the release of RE3R, but announcing it this early means one of two things:

1 – They started development some ago.

2 – They are trying to get as much money as possible from the Remakes.

I hope is the first one, cause if its the second one then we can expect Day One Dlcs locked inside the main game.


Square Memester

A Clock Tower Remake would be perfect. At least Capcom should hand the rights to Remothered's Chris Darril so he can make that dream come true.



Why the hell do we need this?

RE4 is already a perfectly fine game. Code Veronica would benefit much more from a remake.



Im starting to beleave that Capcom hasnt learned anything from the last decade and they are going back to their scummy deals. They are treating the RE Remakes as their new Cash Cow, the fact that Resident Evil 3 was finished so early and is shorter than RE2 just prove it. I Feel like RE4 will be the same, the game will be shorter, at least in comparison of the original, they'll add the twin stick third person shooter style of the remakes and most likely focus more on action than horror, just like they did with the original RE4, which was such a hit that it unnintentionally lead to the downfall of Resident Evil and Capcom.



Wasn't it also given a makeover fairly recently with its releases on the current console generations? What is there to remake, exactly?



Because it's known, and the kind of people that get a game sales into the multi million will blind buy a RE4 remake, you make a Code Veronica that is actually good built from the ground up it would sell worse noticeably worse then literally anything they might shit out called Resident Evil 4 Remake.
