(Billie Eilish)

People are very inquisitive about the sexuality of Billie Eilish during the promotion of her recent single. The young singer recently put out her music video for "Lost Cause," an anti-ex anthem that features Eilish having a slumber party with some girlfriends.

She also posted some behind-the-scenes photos from the video's shoot captioned "I love girls."

The video and the post combined have made people very frustrated that Eilish has not commented on her sexuality, with some accusing Eilish of queerbaiting. Queerbaiting, as its defined in Claiming The B In LGBT, is "a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at, but then do not actually depict, same-sex romance or other LGBTQ+ representation."

While some were on the alert for a celebrity being potentially problematic, others argued that "queerbaiting" can't be done by actual people. The term is academically applied to fictional characters and works of fiction that may make reference to homosexuality but is not explicit in the text; a textbook example of queerbaiting would be J.K. Rowling announcing that Albus Dumbledore was gay years after the books were published. The Korrasami ship in Avatar: The Last Airbender has been cited as an example of queerbaiting, as characters Kora and Asami Sato did not engage in homosexual romance until the last episode of the series.

Eilish has publicly dated men in the past and has not clarified her sexuality.

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Comments 19 total


Why am I not surprised that Twitter users don't understand the concept of friends? Then again they may just be forgetting that bisexuality is a thing again.


Kekus Trismegistus

I don't even like her but why do people care so much about her sexuality and if she hanging out with girls? Jesus fucking Christ, that's personal, leave her alone.



Things seem so complicated nowadays! If Billy likes women, that's not gay – he's clearly a man, so it's expected! And no way is he "bait" (a thing intended to tempt or entice) – just look at him! All women in the video are paid actresses: fact. He is unattractive (and so not "bait"): fact. So-called "meme" is simply corporate-created "controversy" intended to promote boring and generic "music" product: fact.



"leading people to demand answers about her sexuality"
Why do you need to know so badly? Why do you people even CARE?!



I don't like her, but this is stupid.



Twitter being twitter.



I seem to remember in high school that girls would hang out together all the time and even go to the bathroom in groups. I'm pretty sure that behavior was independent of orientation.


A Concerned Rifleman

I hate the fact that being a GSM is only valid if you fit a very specific preconceived notion of what that is. The Alphabet Acceptance Movement has traveled so far only to end up within eyeshot of where it started.



What is a GSM? A kind of old-fashioned mobile phone?


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"Gender and sexual minorities". It's an alternative to "LGBTQ+" that aims to include the entire spectrum without fighting over which "letter" goes where.

I don't think it will really catch on in the mainstream though.



if you present yourself as GSM, you are :
- voting democrats
- vegan
- for free speech unless speech is far right or conservative
- for religious tolerance allowing islamic women to wear an hijab in western countries but blaming wear of hijab in eastern countries, AND blaming Christianism, mostly catholics, to have outdated rules
- for sexual acceptance of white males to transgender as women, but with limited free speech due to their previous privileged position
- for sex equality in Sport and in favor of acceptance of transgender in women events, but not in favor of mix sex events, notably if wining prizes of mix events don't distinguish if you are male or women to make it fair.
- considering LGBT as a culture and not only as a sex identification.

If you don't match any of these, you are not GSM and you are indeed a fascist.


Concerned Troll

…what is wrong with people?


Essence of BIRB

>It's another "Twitter screeches and loses their shit over some mental-gymnastics shit" episode
these re-runs are getting tiring
