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Greenpill is the name of a character from a series of MS Paint webcomics from 4chan's /x/ (Paranormal)[1] and /pol/ (Politically Incorrect)[2] board. The comics are satires of conspiracy theory culture, with different 'pill' characters for different conspiracy theorist archtypes.



The term 'Greenpill' comes from 'Redpill' a term used in the conspiracy theory community and on /pol/ to denote knowledge of conspiracy theories. It originates from the 1999 science-fiction action film The Matrix[3], in which the character Morpheus (played by Laurence Fishburne[4]) offers Neo (played by Keanu Reaves[5]) two pills; a blue one and a red one. Due to the popularity of the film in conspiracy theory circles, the terms 'blue pill' and 'red pill' became widespread. 'Greenpill' was created as an alternative.

The first instance of the Greenpill character designs comes from a 4chan comic portraying stereotypes of different college students[6]. A 4chan user later re-tweaked the characters into becoming the modern pill characters.


The original Greenpill comic was posted on /x/ sometime in the mid-2000s, and featured Greenpill, a caricature of /x/ users, Redpill, a caricature of /pol/ users, and a Reptilian.

New Greenpill comics were created by various users, who also created new characters to fit other archtypes, such as Iron Pill, a stereotype of a user of 4chan's /fit/ (Fitness & Health) board[7], White Pill, a caricature of ignorance and /b/[8], and Brown Pill, a spiritualist, among others.

Notable Examples


Main characters


Greenpill is the main character of most of the comics. He is a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist, and a believer in Gnosticism[9] and the Demiurge[10], the Illuminati, Hollow Earth[11], and Reptilians. As such, he is used as a representation of /x/ users. He wears a tinfoil hat over blonde hair, carries the 1983 spirituality book Prometheus Rising[12], and wears a scarf and anti-Illuminati button.


Redpill is a caricature of /pol/ users, and as such is a racist, sexist and homophobe. His name comes from the frequent use of the term 'red pill' on /pol/. He wears a black cape, Nazi T-shirt, and is balding with a signature toothbrush mustache.


Bluepill is an average 'brainwashed' person. He is obese, wears a Bread & Circus T-shirt, and carries a can of Diet Coke. He is often manipulated by the Illuminati, Reptilians or other antagonists.

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External References

[1] 4chan – /x/

[2] 4chan – /pol/

[3] IMDb – The Matrix

[4] IMDb – Laurence Fishburne

[5] IMDb – Keanu Reeves

[6] 4archive – Greenpill Thread

[7] 4chan – /fit

[8] 4chan – /b/

[9] Wikipedia – Gnosticism

[10] Wikipedia – Demiurge

[11] Wikipedia – Hollow Earth

[12] Amazon – Prometheus Rising

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